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“Anyone who is sorry for the public is rewarded with seeing the comfort of the public, and anyone who is not sorry,” etc. (Taanit 21). Interpretation: We have already said that the revelation of Godliness to His creatures as revelation is in answering those who call Him. This is why the Shechina [Divinity] is called “woman of valor,” and this is the meaning of receiving the abundance as Nukva and ZA, for the complete redemption is in Isaac, for you are our father. “There is no flavor in an old man, and no counsel in the young” (Shabbat 89). “For Abraham does not know us and Israel does not recognize us” (Isaiah 63:16). This is the meaning of “To the extent that one appreciates, so one is allotted” (Megillah 12, Sotah 8). That is, according to the size of the hole in the Kli [vessel], meaning the receptacle and its insides, that lack will always be filled, not less and not more. Therefore, a servant of the Creator who is not sorry for the public but feels only his own personal lack, his receptacle for abundance is also not greater. As a result, he will not be able to receive the collective revelation of Godliness in the form of the comfort of the public, since he did not prepare a Kli to receive this collective discernment, but only his individual discernment.
Conversely, one who is sorry for the public and feels the troubles of the public as his own trouble is rewarded with seeing the complete revelation of the Shechina, meaning the comfort of the whole of Israel. Because his lack is a collective lack, the abundance of Kedusha [holiness] is also collective.
By this you will understand the matter of “The righteous have no rest” (end of Berachot, end of Moed Katan). Interpretation: Since the abundance is blessed according to the level of the lack and longing of the righteous, to that extent, not less and not more, they always exert to deepen and expand their receptacle, for the Giver has no measure, only the receiver. “More than the calf wants to nurse,” etc., (Pesachim 112) so their entire intention in life is to strengthen their yearning and make for themselves a receptacle in order to bring contentment by expanding the boundaries of Kedusha in the blessing of the Creator.
This is the meaning of “Search for her as a hidden treasure” (Proverbs 2:4), and this is the meaning of “As a deer yearns” (Psalms 42:2). “And give Him no rest” (Isaiah 62:7), “My soul longs for Your salvation” (Psalms 119:81). However, one must always consist of both, meaning the male, too, Jacob, as in “They who fear Him shall have no lack” (Psalms 34:10), as I received the meaning of the words “And two rams” (Exodus 29:1, Leviticus 23:18), meaning male and female.
We must understand, for they said “virtue more than calamity” (Sotah 11, Sanhedrin 100), and here they said “To the extent that one appreciates” (Megillah 12, Sotah 8). Perhaps it is that here it is according to the amount, and here it is according to the level, since he is in her amount and she is in her level.
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