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The More One Speaks of the Exodus from Egypt
“The more one speaks of the exodus from Egypt, the better.” We should understand why we should speak so much about the exodus from Egypt, to the point that they said, that the more one speaks of it the better. Also, we should understand what is said, “Each generation, one must see oneself as though he came out from Egypt.”
It is known that there is nothing to add in the light, but rather in the Kelim [vessels]. Hence, “more” pertains to the Kelim, which pertains to the lack of sensation of exile. When one comes to feel the exile, he feels that he himself is in Egypt. In such a state, how can he praise the exodus from Egypt while he is in Egypt?
This is the meaning of “must see himself as though he came out from Egypt.” It is as Baal HaSulam said, “In the future [end of correction], the righteous will sing, ‘Then [Moses] will sing,’” etc.
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