A Rising Flame

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247) Two verses were said: The first verse, “For the Lord your God is a consuming fire.” This means that it is impossible to cling to Him, as it is impossible to cling to fire. The second verse is “And you who cling to the Lord your God are alive every one of you this day.” Thus, it is possible to cling to Him.

It is written, “For the Lord your God is a consuming fire.” There is fire that consumes fire, consuming it and destroying it, since it is a fire that is stronger than ordinary fire.

248) All who want to know the wisdom of the holy unification will look into the flame that rises from the ember or that rises from the burning candle, for the flame does not rise unless it grips to something thick.

249) There are two lights in the rising flame. One is the illuminating white light, and one is the light to which the white light grips. It is either a black, or azure light. The white light that illuminates is above, the light that rises in an upright manner. Below it is the azure or black light, which is a throne to the white light.

250) That illuminating white light is installed over the azure light. They grip each other and unite with each to become completely one. And that black light, or the sight of azure that is below it, is the throne for the white light. This is why it appears as azure, as it is the throne, and the throne resembles azure.

251) That throne of the azure or black light grips to be lit in another thing, which is below it and evokes it to grip to the white light.

252) And the azure and black light sometimes returns to being red. The white light atop it never changes and is always white. But the azure changes into these colors: at times it is azure or black, and at times it is red.

253) The azure light grips to two sides: above in the white light and below in the crude thing below it, in the wick, which is established for it, to illuminate and to cling to it. The wick gives it a grip, by which it clings to the illuminating white light.

Explanation: The white light is Ohr Hassadim, the light of ZAYodHeyVav de HaVaYaH. The azure or black light, the light of Nukva, is the bottom Hey of HaVaYaH. The illuminating white light, the light of the point of Holam, light of Hassadim, right line, is the light of upper AVI. The azure or black light, the light of the point of Shuruk, is the light of Hochma and left line, the light of YESHSUT.

It is known that the two lines, right and left, extend from the two points, Holam and Shuruk; they are in dispute. They cannot illuminate before the level of Hassadim emerges on the Masach of the point of HirikMasach de ZA, of Behina Aleph. At that time it becomes the middle line, deciding between the two lines—right and left—which mingle with one another. The left receives illumination of Hassadim from the right, and the right receives illumination of Hochma from the left.

The force of that Masach at the point of Hirik is regarded as a crude thing that lights the azure light, the left line, too, and connects it with the illuminating white light, the right line. Were it not for that crude thing, the two lines—right and left—would remain disputed and would not illuminate. These three points first emerge in Bina, three coming out of one, then they come out in ZON, as well, and one is rewarded with the three of them.

When ZON receive these Mochin in completeness, they clothe AVI and YESHSUT. At that time ZA becomes the light of the point of Holam, like AVI, and Nukva becomes the light of the point of Shuruk, like YESHSUT. They cannot mate with one another until the level of Hassadim comes out on the Masach of Behina Aleph, which determines the two points, as in Bina.

However, here the Masach de Hirik is in the souls of Israel, for as the letters ELEH de Bina raise to them the ZON, and their Masach serves as the deciding line in Bina, the letters ELEH de ZON raise to them the souls of Israel, and their Masach serves as the deciding line in ZON.

Thus, the crude thing that causes the Nukva—the point of Shuruk and left—to connect with ZA, the Holam, is the force of the Masach in the souls of Israel. There is no awakening for that azure light to light up and connect to the white light except through Israel, as they are the carrier of the Masach de Hirik, without which there is no unification of ZA and Nukva.

254) The azure light in the candle always eats and consumes that crude thing that has been established for it, the wick, since anything that the azure light clings to from below, and stays on, it consumes and burns. Its conduct is to consume and eat because the destruction and death of all depend on it, for the azure light is the Nukva, the tree of knowledge, from which death and destruction extend.

255) That white light that is on the azure light never eats or destroys. Its light does not change into any color because the white light of Hassadim never changes and never thickens. There is also no grip for the Dinim in it, hence it never burns or consumes.

This is why Moses said, “The Lord your God is a consuming fire.” He is certainly a consuming fire that burns and consumes everything below it. This is why Moses said, “The Lord your God is a consuming fire,” and did not say, “The Lord our God,” since Moses was a Merkava [chariot/assembly] for the white light above, which neither burns nor consumes because there is no grip for the Dinim in it.

256) There is no awakening for the azure light to light up and connect to the white light, unless by Israel, who cling to it from below, like the wick, which clings to the azure light from below.

257) Although the conduct of this azure black light is to consume anything that clings to it from below, Israel cling to it from below and remain alive, as it is written, “And you who cling to the Lord your God are alive everyone of you this day.”

It is written, “to the Lord your God,” meaning to Nukva. It is not written, “to the Lord our God,” ZA, to whom Moses is a Merkava. This is why he told them, “And you who cling to that azure and black light,” which burns and consumes everything that clings to it from below. And still, you cling to it and you are alive, as it is written, “are alive every one of you this day,” since the azure light did not burn or consume them.

258) There is a hidden light surrounding the white light above, and there is a sublime secret here, implying the upper light that surrounds ZA, which is the white light, in which there are not attainment or perception whatsoever. You will find everything, the azure and white lights, and the hidden, surrounding light, in the flame that rises from the candle, and the wisdom of the upper ones is implied in it.

259) The Hochma is in the holy unification because the bottom Hey of the holy name, the Nukva is the azure and black light that connects in YodHeyVavZA, which is the illuminating white light.

260) Sometimes the azure light is the letter Dalet, sometimes it is the letter Hey. When Israel do not cling to her below, to light her and connect her with the white light, she is regarded as the letter Dalet. When Israel awaken her, raising MAN to bond with the white light, she is called Hey.

261) It is written, “If there be a virgin damsel.” But it writes “damsel” without the letter Hey because she did not connect to the male, and wherever there are no male and female, the letter Hey is not there. This is why it is written “damsel” without a Hey, and the Hey went up from there, leaving the Nukva in the letter Dalet, indicating meagerness and poverty.

262) When she unites with the illuminating white light, she is called Hey, since then everything is connected as one—the Nukva clings to the white light, and Israel cling to her, standing below her to light her through the MAN that the letters ELEH raise. At that time everything is one because ZA and Nukva have conjoined, and Israel raise MAN to the Nukva to light her up and connect her with ZA, for without their MAN she would not connect. Then they bond with them as well because the lower one is rewarded with the full measure that it causes in the upper one, and then the Creator, His Shechina, and Israel become one.

263) This is the meaning of the offering. The smoke that rises from the fire makes the azure light light up. When it lights up, it connects to the white light, and the candle, the Shechina, is lit in one unification, clinging to the white light and to the smoke, and the three of them become one.

264) And because it is the conduct of this azure light to consume and to burn all that clings below it, when there is a time of good will and the candle burns in one unification, it is written, “Then the fire of the Lord fell and consumed the burnt-offering.” And then, when everything burned beneath it, the candle, the Shechina, burns in one bonding and one unification, since the azure light has clung to the white light, and it is one.

How are they one? The azure light, the Nukva, connects with the white light, ZA, and both became one. Also, the azure light burns and consumes beneath it fats and offerings. This means that it does not consume and burn under it, but precisely when it rises to the white light. It follows that everything—the smoke and the azure light—connects and bonds with the white light, and then peace extends through all the worlds, and everything connects in one unification.

265) And once the azure light concluded burning and consuming everything beneath it, priests and Levites and Israelites come and cling to it with joy of songs—the poet Levites—with the aim of the heart—the priests—and with prayer—Israel. And the candle, the Shechina, burns over them and illuminates, the lights cling as one, the worlds shine, and upper and lower are blessed.

266) Then it is written about Israel, “And you who cling to the Lord your God are alive every one of you this day.” It is written, “And you” with a Vav, to add to the merit of the fats and the offerings. It is so because the fats and the offerings that cling to the azure light are consumed and burned, while you cling to the azure black light that burns and consumes, and you are alive, as it is written, “are alive every one of you this day.” This addition is implied in the letter Vav of the word, “And you.”

267) All the colors that appear in a dream are a good sign, except for the color azure, which always eats and consumes. This is the tree in which there is death, Nukva, the tree of knowledge of good and evil that is on the lower world, this world. And because everything is under it, it eats and consumes them.

268) The Nukva de ZA is present also in the heaven above, in the world of Atzilut. Several armies in BYA spread from the Nukva, and they live and exist. So how was it said that the azure light, Nukva de ZA, eats and consumes everything that is below it?

All those armies of above, in the three worlds BYA above this world, are included in the azure light itself, and are not below it. But the ones below this world are not included in the azure light itself because they are the crude thing on which the world stands and stays. It grips it and exists by it like the light in the wick, and without it the world would not exist. This is why it eats and consumes them. There is nothing below, in the lower world, that will not consume it because the azure light consumes everything that is below it.

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