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58) “And Abram took Sarai his wife.” This is extension in good things because man is forbidden to take his wife out to another land against her will. It is also written, “Take Aaron,” meaning take the Levites. This is why “And Abram took” is extension in things, and he alerted her how evil were the ways of the people of the generation. This is why it writes, “And Abram took Sarai his wife.”
59) “And Lot his nephew.” Why did Abraham see fit to attach Lot to himself? It was because he saw in the spirit of holiness that David was destined to come out of him.
“And the souls that they had made in Haran” are the converted men and women who corrected their souls. Abraham would convert the men, and Sarah would convert the women, and this is why the writing speaks about them as though they had made them.
60) But the proselytes were many people. How can it be said that they all walked with him? This is the reason why all the people who went with him were called “The people of the God of Abraham,” and he would pass through the land without fear, as it is written, “And Abram passed through the land.”
61) It does not say, “And the souls that they had made in Haran,” that because of their great number they did not fear going through the land. Rather, it writes, “And the souls.” The word Et [“of,” appears only in the Hebrew] comes to increase the merit of all the souls who were walking with him. Hence, Abraham walked through the land without fear, since anyone who makes another virtuous, that virtue stands up for him and does not move away from him. It is written, “And the souls that they had made in Haran,” meaning the merit of those souls was walking with Abraham.
62) What is the reason that the first time when the Creator was revealed to Abraham began with “Go forth”? After all, thus far the Creator did not speak with Abraham. What is the reason that it started with “Go forth”? This is implied in the calculation that “Go forth” is 100 in Gematria, since he would have a son when he was 100 years old.
63) Everything that the Creator does on earth is with wisdom. Because at that time, Abraham was still not properly attached to the Creator, He told him, “Go forth.” This implies to that place where he had to draw near to the Creator. This is the first degree of the arrival towards the Creator, and this is why it writes, “Go forth.”
64) Abraham could not grip to that degree before he came into the land of Israel, for there they receive this degree. Similarly, it is written, “And David inquired of the Lord.” But since Saul died and David was worthy of receiving the kingship, why did he not receive the kingship over Israel immediately, but first had to rule for seven years in Hebron?
65) This was so because he could not receive the kingship before he bonded with the patriarchs, who are in Hebron, and then he would receive the kingship in them. This is why he was detained there in Hebron for seven years, to receive the kingship properly, so his kingship would be corrected. It is the same with Abraham: he did not come to the Creator in complete persistence before he entered the land.
First Malchut, Nukva de ZA, is built in the two great lights. At that time, her level is completely equal to that of ZA, and both use the same crown, receiving their illumination from a single source, from Bina. ZA receives her right, Hassadim, and Nukva receives her left, illumination of Hochma, in the Shuruk. At that time, they are both considered the four legs of the upper throne, Bina. ZA, HGT, is regarded as the three legs of the throne. The Nukva, Malchut is regarded as the fourth leg of the throne, and for this reason the Nukva can never impart Mochin, for this is not her place. Hence, they are both called Mochin de Achoraim [posterior Mochin], Hebron, since she was connected with the patriarchs, HGT, on the same level.
Afterwards, she comes down from them and is built as the small light from the Chazeh of ZA down. At that time, she receives two kinds of Mochin through ZA: Achoraim [posterior] and Panim [anterior], and she is completed in the completed Mochin de Gadlut and bestows upon the world. At that time, she is regarded as “the land of Israel,” when illumination of Hochma is imparted only from her.
David is a Merkava [chariot/structure] to the Malchut, Nukva de ZA. Hence, he could not receive kingship over the whole of Israel and become a Merkava to the Malchut, who is called “the land of Israel,” before he reigned in Hebron and there became a Merkava to the Malchut, who is called Hebron, from which are the first Mochin of the Malchut that receives from Bina that returned to being Hochma.
And since David received the Mochin of Hebron, he could then receive the complete Mochin in the form of “the land of Israel” and he received the kingship over all of Israel. Had he not received the Mochin of Hebron, he would not be able to receive the Mochin of the land of Israel because he would lack Bina’s Mochin of illumination of the left, which are received only in Hebron.
Abraham was a Merkava for HGT de ZA, whose core is in Hesed de ZA. It is known that ZA is always in covered Hassadim, except while giving to the Nukva. At that time, it receives Mochin of illumination of Hochma for the Nukva and is included with them, too.
And because Abraham was still not properly attached to the Creator, he told him, “Go forth.” This is so because before he imparted the Mochin for the Nukva, he had only Hassadim that were covered from Hochma. And since he lacked the illumination of Hochma, he was not properly attached to the Creator because he did not cause the Zivug of the Creator and His Divinity. This is why He told him, “Go forth,” implying to go and bring Divinity closer to the Creator, which is the first degree to come and become a Merkava for the Creator, since he cannot adhere to the Creator before he causes the Zivug of the Creator and His Divinity.
Abraham could not grip to this degree before he entered the land of Israel. He cannot extend this degree of being rewarded with Mochin of illumination of Hochma by causing a Zivug of the Creator and His Divinity, unless when he is in the land of Israel. This is because there the Nukva is corrected in Mochin of PBP [Panim be Panim (face-to-face)] with the Creator and can impart upon the world. This is why he resembles the coming of Abraham to the land of Israel to David’s kingship in Hebron.
King David, who was the Merkava for the Nukva, could not receive the complete Malchut, which is the land of Israel, before he received illumination of Hochma from Bina—in the matter of the fourth leg of the throne, which is the kingship of Hebron. Similarly, Abraham—the Merkava for ZA—was unfit for complete Dvekut with ZA before he came to the land of Israel and caused the Zivug of the Creator and His Divinity, from which he, too, was included in the illumination of Hochma. David was unfit to cleave to the complete Malchut, which is the land of Israel—for lack of Mochin of illumination of Hochma, which are drawn to him only in Hebron. Similarly, Abraham was unfit to cleave to the Creator due to absence of Mochin of illumination of Hochma, which are drawn to him only in the land of Israel.
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