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134) “And I, behold, I bring the flood of water.” What is the reason that He says, “I” after He has already said, “And I”? Wherever it is written, I, it becomes a Guf to the Neshama, meaning I, the Nukva, is a Guf to ZA, who is regarded as her Neshama [soul]. She receives from what is above, from ZA, and this is why the word “I” is implied in the letter of the covenant, Vav, which is Yesod de ZA, as it is written, “I, behold, My covenant is with you,” since she is receiving from the covenant of ZA. “I” is that which is about to be revealed, which is available for attainment. “I” is a throne to what is above. “I” makes revenge for generations to come. And “I” that is written here with a Vav indicates that male and female are mingled together because Vav points to the male, ZA.
Subsequently, the Nukva is written alone, without ZA, when she came to execute the Din, as it is written, “And I, behold, I bring the flood of water on the earth.” It is written “I” without a Vav, since “I” with a Vav indicates that ZA is connected to the Nukva, who is called “I.” This is so before the execution of the Din is through. Afterward, when it is through, it is written “I” without a Vav, indicating that the Din was done by the Nukva alone, without ZA.
135) Since it is written, “Bring the flood,” do we not know that it is water that it must be said “flood of water”? But the flood is in order to multiply the angel of death who was there, for although it was only water, the saboteur was walking in the world to destroy them with this water.
136) “I am the Lord,” meaning that I can be trusted to pay a good reward for the righteous and avenge the wicked. This is why the text promises the righteous with the word “I” to pay their good reward in the next world, and threatens the wicked that they will be avenged in the next world. The name “I” indicates that it is revealed, and there is no disclosure unless on disclosure of reward and punishment. It is therefore necessary that “I” indicates that I can be trusted to pay a reward.
137) It is written, “to destroy all flesh.” This is the saboteur of the world, as it is written, “And the Lord will pass over the door, and will not let the saboteur come into your houses to smite.” In other words, He does not give him permission. This is the meaning of “to destroy all flesh,” which is on the part of the saboteur, implied in the verse, “The end of all flesh has come before Me,” came before me to receive permission. Because the time that the Creator waited for them has come, when Noah’s 600 years were completed, during which it was possible to keep, “To give a good reward for the righteous,” it was time to avenge the wicked. And then He will give permission to the saboteur to destroy all flesh.
(înapoi la pagina ZOHAR CUPRINS / Noah – click)