(înapoi la pagina ZOHAR CUPRINS / Noah – click)

148) It is written, “These are the waters of Merivah [quarrelling], where the children of Israel quarreled with the Lord, and sanctified in them.” Did the children of Israel not quarrel with the Creator elsewhere? What is different here that it says, “These are the waters of quarrelling,” and none other? Indeed, these were waters of quarreling that gave power and might to the accuser to grow stronger because 1) there is sweet [fresh] water, and there is bitter water, the Kedusha and the opposite of the right line. 2) There is clear water and there is murky water, the Kedusha and the opposite of the left line. 3) There is water of peace and water of quarreling, the Kedusha and the opposite of the middle line.
He said about the water of quarreling, “where the children of Israel quarreled with the Lord,” indicating that it is the opposite of the middle line, for they extended on themselves what they should not have extended—the opposite, called “water of quarreling”—and they were defiled in it, as it is written, “And He sanctified in them.”
149) Therefore, what is, “And He sanctified”? It should have said, “And they will sanctify,” in plural form, applying to the children of Israel. However, the word is hiding because its meaning is that the one who seemingly did not have to was blemished. The moon, Nukva, was blemished. And the words, “And He sanctified,” are not written here as a praise. The text hides and does not wish to express it.
“And I, behold, I bring the flood,” meaning bringing the saboteur on them, as they were defiled in him. As was said about the water of quarreling, which is the name of the saboteur with which they were defiled, so it is here, the flood is the name of the saboteur with which they were defiled.
150) Woe to the wicked who do not wish to repent before the Creator their iniquities while in this world. When a person returns and repents his iniquities, the Creator forgives him. And all those who keep to their iniquities and do not wish to repent their iniquities before the Creator later fall to Hell, and will never be raised from there.
151) Because all of Noah’s contemporaries toughened their hearts and sought to see their iniquity openly, the Creator brought upon them the Din in that manner. And even when a person sins, if it is in hiding, the Creator is merciful. Should a person return to Him, He will atone for him, forgive, and pardon him. But if he does not return to Him, He shows his sins openly.
How do we know that? From Sotah. She sinned in hiding and the Creator disclosed her iniquity openly through the water that causes curse.
152) Likewise, those wicked were blotted out from the earth openly. That is, the generation of the flood, for the water would come out and rise up boiling from the abyss, and stripped their skins off of them. And once their skins have been stripped, their flesh was stripped from them, as well, and they remained with only their bones, as it is written, “And they were blotted out from the earth.” All their bones were separated from each other, too, and did not remain together. By all that, they were removed from the world and were blotted out, as it is written, “They will be blotted out of the book of the living,” for there is no revival for them, ever, and they will not rise in the Din.
(înapoi la pagina ZOHAR CUPRINS / Noah – click)