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252) “And the fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every animal of the earth.” Henceforth you will have the form of people, from whom the animals of the field fear, as prior to the sin of the tree of knowledge, when they did not have the forms of people.
It is written, “In the image of God has He made the man.” It is also written, “In the likeness of God has He made him.” This is why the animals of the field feared them. But once they sinned, their forms have changed from that upper form and they began to fear the animals of the field.
253) Initially, all the creatures of the world raised their eyes and saw a high and holy form in people. They moved and feared it. When they sinned, their form in the eyes of the animals has turned into another form. This is why it was inverted so that people move and fear the rest of the creatures.
254) All those people who did not sin before their Master or transgress against the Mitzvot of the Torah, the brightness of their form does not change from the appearance of the upper form, the image of God. And all the creatures of the world move and fear them. When people breach the words of Torah, their form changes, and they all move and fear other creatures because the upper form has changed and has gone from them. At that time the animals of the field rule over them because they do not see in them that high form as it should be.
255) For this reason, when they came out of the ark, because the world was renewed as in the beginning, He blessed them with this blessing and enthroned them over all the creatures, even over the fish of the sea. “And all the fish of the sea are given to your hands.” They were given to their hands before, since when the Creator created the world, He placed everything in their hands, as it is written, “And rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.” Thus, they were given into their hands since the day when Adam HaRishon was created.
Adam is the last in creation. It is known that the purer the creature, the sooner it is sorted. It follows that man is the thickest of all the creatures of the world. It is also known that the thicker the Masach, the higher the level of Zivug that it receives. For this reason, the man received a higher level of light than all the creatures in the world—the image of God. This is why the fear of him was over all the creatures in the world, as it is the nature of the small to surrender and fear the one who is greater.
However, after he sinned with the tree of knowledge and lost the level of the light, and was left with thicker Aviut than all creations, empty, without light, it was revealed that he is lower than all the creatures in the world. This is why the method has been inverted so that man fears the creatures of the world. And as we learn, if a man sins he is told, “The mosquito was before you.”
If he does not sin and keeps a Masach over his Aviut, the Aviut improves him because by that he obtains a higher level of light. But when he sins, loses the level of his light, and remains with only his Aviut, it is to his fault, and then the mosquito is of a higher level than him because it was sorted first and is very clean.
256) It is written, “For David, an enlightened. Happy is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered.” David praised the Creator with ten kinds of praise. One of them is “enlightened.” It indicates wisdom, and it is one of those ten degrees: conducting, tune, enlightened, stain, psalm, song, happy, prayer, confession, Halleluiah [Praise the Lord]. With them, David corrected the book of Psalms. But David corrected himself before that degree was on him.
257) “Happy is he whose transgression is forgiven” means that when the Creator weighs faults and merits of people on a scale, where the pan of the faults goes up and the pan of the merits subdues and goes down, he is one whose transgression has been forgiven, since the pan with the transgressions has been lifted up, as he is more worthy and less unworthy.
The right line is the pan of merits, and the left line is the pan of faults, since the Dinim come only from it. The middle line decides between these pans of the scale, extending the light of the right from above downward, and the light of the left from below upward. That decision is called “forgiving transgressions,” for by raising the illumination of the left so it does not shine from above downward, he revokes all the iniquities and transgressions, since the Dinim have no grip on the illumination from below upward.
258) “Whose sin is covered” means that when the Din is in the world, he will be covered so the saboteur will not rule over him. It was likewise with Noah, whom the Creator covered during the flood from that sin of the tree of knowledge that Adam HaRishon extended on the world. This is why the saboteur did not see him, meaning he had no hold of him so as to be able to punish him.
And because Adam extended that sin on the world, the rest of the creatures rule, man fears them, and the world is not corrected in its correction. This is why when Noah came out of the ark the Creator blessed him, as it is written, “And God blessed Noah and his sons, ‘And the fear of you and the dread of you shall be on every animal of the field.’” He returned him to the same Behina in which Adam HaRishon was prior to the sin of the tree of knowledge, when all the creatures feared him.
259) It is written, “And God blessed Noah and his sons.” It is also written, “And you, be fruitful and multiply.” Why were the females not mentioned in these blessings, but it is written, “Noah and his sons”? And “you” is written with an extra Vav, which includes males and females together, since the letter Vav of the words, “And you,” multiplies the females, too. Et Noah [“of Noah,” appears only in Hebrew and means “Noah”], the word Et, which is redundant here, is the name of the Nukva. It comes to multiply Noah’s wife. “And his sons” [there is Et here too], the word Et comes to multiply their wives.
260) This is why it is written, “And you, be fruitful and multiply,” to make offspring [generations]. Thus, the females were also blessed. Henceforth they teemed the earth, and here the Creator gave them the seven Mitzvot of the Torah, to them and to all their descendants until Israel stood by Mount Sinai and were given all the Mitzvot of the Torah together.
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