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265) “And Lord God commanded the man, saying, ‘From any tree of the garden you may eat freely, but from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat.’” “Commanded” implies prohibition of idolatry, included in the tree of knowledge, as we learn that there is no commandment except on idol-worship, as from the tree of knowledge extend other gods. This is because three transgressions are included in the tree of knowledge: idolatry, incest, and bloodshed.
The Klipa of idol-worship resides in the liver, by which the work becomes heavy [Kaved means both “liver” and “heavy”], which is idol-worship. The liver is angry for idol-worship because through anger, the liver is made a dwelling place for the Klipa of idol-worship. It was said, “Anyone who is angry, it is as though he is idol-worshipping.” It is written, “Commanded,” telling us about the transgression of idolatry included in the tree of knowledge.
266) The words, “The man” imply bloodshed, included in the tree of knowledge, as it is written, “Whoever sheds man’s blood, by man his blood shall be shed.” Here it writes “man,” and in bloodshed it is written “man.” As it is bloodshed there, it is bloodshed here. The Klipot of bloodshed reside in the gall-bladder. It is the sword of the angel of death, with which he puts people to death. The drop of bitterness hangs from the sword of the angel of death, from which he dies. And it is also written, “And her end is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a two-edged sword.”
That is, this is incest, implying the prohibition on incest, included in the tree of knowledge. The Klipa of incest is in the spleen. It is written about it, “She eats and wipes her mouth, and says, ‘I have done no wickedness,’” since there are no mouth or arteries in the spleen to drink with, and it drinks from the black blood in the liver, although there is no mouth in it.
All who shed blood come from the Klipa that resides in the gall bladder. Hence, when the arteries in the heart see a drop of bitterness [from the gall bladder], they all promptly flee from it, as we learn that the liver is angry and the gall bladder throws a drop in it. It is so because then the blood in the liver flees and his anger chills, and this escape is because the Klipa of those who spill blood is in the gall bladder, hence the bloods fear it and flee from it.
267) The way of those who commit incest is to always hide in the dark, as it is written, “And the eye of the adulterer waits for the twilight, saying, ‘No eye shall see me.’” By that he implies the black blood in the spleen, that the Klipa of incest resides in that black blood, which resembles darkness.
One who has transgressed with bloodshed, with idol-worship, and with incest, his soul incarnates in the three forces of Klipot: liver, gall-bladder, spleen. They are sentenced in Hell and placed under three appointees there, called “harm-doer,” “ire,” and “wrath.”
268) 15 incest are as the sum of Yod–Hey in the name HaVaYaH. Six other incest are six seconds, as the count of Vav de HaVaYaH. Even before Israel were exiled in the exile and Divinity was still with them, the Creator commanded Israel, “Do not uncover the nakedness of your mother,” to not blemish Divinity, the mother of Israel, and this exile is considered the uncovering of the nakedness of Divinity. Israel were exiled for the transgressions of incest, and Divinity in exile is in nakedness of Divinity because the coming of Divinity into exile is considered her nakedness, as it is written, “All who honored her despise her because they saw her nakedness.”
That nakedness of Divinity is Lilit, the mother of the mixed multitude. It is regarded as nakedness because the governance of Divinity and her abundance, the mother of Israel, went to Lilit, the mother of the mixed multitude. The mixed multitude, who receive dominance at the time of the exile, are considered incest of Divinity and incest of the upper Israel, ZA, Divinity’s husband. It is written about the upper Israel, “Do not uncover the nakedness of your father,” since when Divinity is in exile, Lilit and the mixed multitude receive his abundance which he should have given to Divinity. This is why the exile is considered the nakedness of the upper Israel.
269) Those who transgress with incest separate between the first Hey de HaVaYaH and the bottom Hey de HaVaYaH, so the Vav de HaVaYaH will not come between them. It is written, “You shall not uncover the nakedness of a woman and her daughter,” since the first Hey is Ima and the bottom Hey is her daughter. And since the Vav de HaVaYaH, ZA, will not come between them to receive from Ima and to give to her daughter, the woman and her daughter are blemished because preventing the bestowal of the first Hey is also regarded as nakedness to her. A woman and her daughter are the upper Divinity—Ima—and the lower Divinity—her daughter.
The reason why in the exile they cause the Vav to not come between Hey and Hey is that during the exile, when the mixed multitude, which are the five kinds NEGA RA [acronym that forms the words “bad affliction”], can come to receive the abundance from the Vav between the Hey and the Hey, at that time the Creator, who is Vav, has no permission to come between them. This is the meaning of “A river shall be ruined and dry.” That is, the abundance of the first Hey, the river, shall be ruined, and the bottom Hey shall be dried for lack of her abundance so the mixed multitude are not nourished by the Vav, the tree of life. For this reason, there is no approach to the Vav between the first Hey and the bottom Hey while the mixed multitude are among them, meaning during the exile, when they can come and nurse from them.
270) The letter Yod of the name HaVaYaH has no permission to approach the bottom Hey because of the mixed multitude, so they do not suckle the abundance from the bottom Hey. It is written, “You shall not uncover the nakedness of your daughter-in-law.” The bottom Hey is considered the daughter-in-law of the Yod, the father, upper AVI, and the Hey is the mother, YESHSUT. The Vav is the son of the Yod, who is AVI, and the bottom Hey is the daughter of the first Hey, YESHSUT. In this way, the bottom Hey is the daughter of the first Hey, and the daughter-in-law of the Yod, as she is the wife of the Vav, who is the son of the Yod. If the Yod gives his abundance to the daughter-in-law, the bottom Hey, during the exile, the mixed multitude will receive the abundance, by which the nakedness of the daughter-in-law will be uncovered. This is the meaning of “You shall not uncover the nakedness of your daughter-in-law.”
They separate between the Vav and the first Hey, as it is written, “You shall not uncover the nakedness of your father’s wife.” Yod is the father, Hey is the mother, Vav is the son, and the bottom Hey is the daughter. This is why He commanded him in regard to the first Hey, “You shall not uncover the nakedness of your father’s wife,” since the first Hey is his father’s wife. It is so because if the Vav should approach to receive abundance from her during the exile, the mixed multitude will suckle from the abundance, by which the nakedness of his father’s wife will be uncovered, as it is her abundance.
The nakedness of your sister, your father’s daughter, is the bottom Hey. “You shall not take her son’s daughter or her daughter’s daughter to uncover her nakedness.” Her son’s daughter and her daughter’s daughter are two letters Hey, the offspring of the bottom Hey. A sister is the name of Hochma, as it is written, “Say unto wisdom [Hochma], ‘You are my sister.’” When the bottom Hey receives Hochma, she is called “your sister,” your father’s daughter, because then she is attributed to Aba, who is called “upper Hochma,” and the Nukva is called “lower Hochma.” Then she gives birth to the souls of Israel in which there are also complete HaVaYaH, NRNHY. The light of the souls are called “light of Tolada [giving birth/consequence].” These are not the actual light of Atzilut because they pass through the Masach of Malchut.
Hence, her son’s daughter and her daughter’s daughter are two letters Hey, the offspring of the bottom Hey, the first Hey and the bottom Hey of the light of the souls, which are offspring of the bottom Hey, the Nukva de Atzilut. The first Hey of the souls is called “her son’s daughter,” as she extends from the male in the bottom Hey, since Bina is considered male, and the bottom Hey of the souls is considered her daughter’s daughter, as she extends from the Nukva in the bottom Hey. If ZA gives to the first Hey and the bottom Hey of the souls during the exile, the abundance will come to the mixed multitude by which his nakedness will be uncovered.
“The nakedness of your father’s brother” relates to the Yod, the offshoot of Yod de HaVaYaH, who is a brother to the Vav. The Yod of the souls, the Hochma in them, is a light of Tolada from Yod de HaVaYaH, Aba, since the souls do not receive Hochma unless when they are included in ZA when ZA clothes Aba, Yod de HaVaYaH.
Yod is an offshoot of Yod de HaVaYaH, a brother to Vav, since Yod of the souls and the Vav of HaVaYaH, who is ZA, both clothe Aba and are considered brothers. It is so because two Behinot on the same degree are regarded as brothers. During the exile, Israel were forbidden to extend abundance to the Yod of the souls, who is the brother of ZA, Israel’s father, since the abundance would come to the mixed multitude, by which his nakedness would be uncovered.
271) Finally, when the mixed multitude are mingled with Israel, there is no closeness or unification in the letters of the name HaVaYaH. And as soon as the mixed multitude are obliterated from the world, “In that day the Lord will be one and His name ‘One.’” For this reason, when the mixed multitude are not mingled with Israel, Adam, who is Israel, they have unification in the Torah, of which it is written, “She is a tree of life to them who hold her.” The Torah is the queen, Malchut. On her part, Israel are called “sons of kings.” She is called “the Torah of Atzilut,” who is entirely the names of the Creator.
272) This is why the Creator said, “It is not good for the man to be alone; I will make him a help made against him.” The deputy of the queen, the wife of the youth, Matat. That is, “It is not good for the man to be” in the Torah of Atzilut; “I will make him a help made against him,” with the Torah of Beria, the wife of Matat, who is not considered a mistress. Rather, she is called “the deputy [second/assisting] of the Torah,” as she is second to the Torah of Atzilut, the queen. She is the maidservant of Divinity. Sometimes she is help for Divinity, and sometimes she is against her.
If Israel are rewarded, she is help in the form of pure and kosher [fit, worthy, good] permission in the Torah. If they are not rewarded, she is against Divinity in the form of impure, disqualified, forbidden in the Torah. The part of the Torah that is pure kosher permission is on the part of the good inclination. The part of the Torah that is impure, disqualified, and forbidden is on the part of the evil inclination. If there were no evil inclination in the world, there would not be that part in the Torah, and a reason why the Creator said about the Torah of Atzilut, “It is not good for the man to be alone,” until He had to give him the Torah of Beria, the wife of Matat, as help made against him.
273) The woman, who has pure blood and impure blood, is given to him on the part of the Mishnah. She is neither his mate nor his unification because as long as Malchut, the wife of ZA, needs mitigation of Bina and contains two points—from one of which extends pure blood and from one, impure blood—the Zivug is inconstant. If they are not rewarded, impure blood is extended and the Zivug of ZON stops. Thus, the impure blood is given to the Nukva de ZA because of the Mishnah, Matat’s wife, who extends from her. Therefore, the Nukva is not the permanent mate of ZA and is not his complete unification, for there is no complete unification before the mixed multitude is obliterated from the world.
And because of the mixed multitude, Moses was buried outside of the holy land. His burial is in the Mishnah, and no one knows his burial place to this day. Burial means concealment. The revival of the dead is the disclosure. The reason why Moses disappeared and was buried outside the land is because of the domination of the Mishnah in the world. This is why no one knows his burial place to that day of the end of correction. Then, upon the revival of the dead, Moses with the two Messiahs will appear.
His burial, the concealment of Moses’ soul, comes from the Mishnah, who governs the queen, who is called Kabbalah [also reception] for Moses, and she is Malchut, and the queen is separated from her husband. This is why it is written, “For three things the earth quakes,” meaning Malchut, Nukva de ZA, the earth. “For a servant who reigns,” Matat. A maidservant is the Mishnah, for the verse, “And a handmaid that is heir to her mistress,” relates to the Mishnah, Matat’s wife. “And a villain when he is filled with bread” is the mixed multitude, “A villain and unwise people,” for the verse, “And a villain when he is filled with bread,” applies to the mixed multitude, who are called “A villain and unwise people.”
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