Noah and the Ark

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1) Happy are Israel who engage in Torah and know the ways of Torah, for which they will be rewarded with the next world.

2) All of Israel have a portion in the next world because they keep the covenant on which the world stands, as it is written, “If My covenant is not day and night, I have not appointed the ordinances of heaven and earth.” They keep the circumcision in Kedusha, to not defile it with a layer of vain semen and incest. Therefore, Israel—who are keeping the covenant because they have taken it upon themselves—have a portion in the next world.

3) Moreover, this is why Israel are called “righteous,” and anyone who keeps the covenant on which the world stands is called “righteous.” From where do we know that? From Joseph. Because he kept the everlasting covenant and did not fail with his master’s wife, he was rewarded with being called “righteous,” as it is written, “And Your people are all righteous.” It is also written, “Noah was a righteous man,” that he was keeping the covenant. This is why his generations persisted. And this is why it is written, “These are the generations of Noah; Noah was a righteous man,” for they are dependent on one another.

4) “And a river comes out of Eden to water the garden.” The river is Yesod, which comes out of Eden, Hochma, and enters the garden, Malchut, watering it with the potion of above and giving it contentment, making fruits and growing seeds. Then there is contentment to all, which is contentment to the garden, which has fruits. It brings contentment to the river, as it is the one that makes the fruits, as it is written, “because in it He rested,” in the river, Yesod.

It is also written, “And He rested on the seventh day” in the garden, Malchut. “And He rested comes from the word rest and contentment. This is the Yesod that makes generations; it is the river that comes out of Eden because no other Sefira makes fruits.

5) Noah below was a holy covenant, like the Yesod of above, the river that comes out of Eden. This is why he was called “A man of the ground,” since the ground is Malchut, and Yesod is Malchut’s man. Noah needed the ark, Malchut, in order to connect in it and sustain the seed of the entire world, as it is written, “To keep seed alive.”

6) The ark is the ark of the covenant, Malchut, after she received into her the Yesod, called “covenant.” Noah and the ark below were as Yesod and Malchut of above, since concerning Noah it is written, “covenant,” as it is written, “And I will establish My covenant with you.” And as long as the covenant did not exist in him he did not come to the ark, since it is written, “And I will establish My covenant with you, and you shall come into the ark,” for then the ark becomes the ark of the covenant. That is, after it received Noah the righteous into it, meaning a covenant, it becomes the ark of the covenant.

7) Ark and Noah are as Malchut and the covenant of above. And since the covenant of above makes generations, Noah, too, makes generations, as it is written, “These are the generations of Noah.” He makes generations like the covenant of above, Yesod de Atzilut. Because he was rewarded with the holy covenant, Yesod de Atzilut, called “covenant,” is on him.

8) Noah was a righteous man,” like the Yesod of above. This is why it is written, “A righteous is the foundation [Yesod] of the world.” The earth, Malchut, exists on it, and he is the pillar on which the world, Malchut, stands. This is why he is called “the foundation of the world.” That foundation is a righteous, and Noah was righteous below, in the souls. This is why it is written, “Noah was a righteous man,” teaching us that the world exists on him.

9) “Noah walked with God.” He never retired from Him, from Malchut, and he was rewarded with being a righteous man in the earth, such as above, the foundation of the world, a covenant of peace and the peace of the world. He is certainly a man of the ground, the husband of the ground. This is why it is written, “And Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord [was favored by Him].”

10) “He was complete in his generations” His generations are the generations that came out from him. He complements all of them with his righteousness, and he himself is more complete than all of them. “He was complete in his generations,” meaning that his completeness complemented all the generations that came out from him and became complete thanks to all the generations that came out from him. He was complete, meaning he was born circumcised. “In his generations,” which came out from him, and not in the generations of the world. But although he was complete in all the generations of the world, it is still written “In his generations,” since all the generations of the world are his generations, as they come from him.

11) Noah was worthy of being in one connection with the ark and entering it since the day the world was created. But as long as they did not connect as one, the world was not established properly. Afterward it is written, “And from these the earth was populated.” Populated is like the upper ark, which is the garden, since from there onward is the separation, and the generations have spread in all directions. Once they came out and were corrected in the ark, they could be in the world of separation without being blotted out like the generation of the flood.

12) The branches below are similar to their roots above. This is why it is written, “These are the generations of Noah.” “These are the generations,” and not the first, who did not exist in the world, since the foundation of the world, Noah, is the one who makes fruits exist in the world.

All that is said about Noah and the ark below implies to their roots above, in Atzilut. The measure of the ark implies the measure of the construction of the Mochin in the ark of above, Malchut, which is built by Yesod de ZA. Three measures are mentioned regarding it: length, width, and height, which are HBD.

The length is Hochma, but it extends from Bina who becomes Hochma, whose digits are hundreds. This is the GAR that the ark receives, as it is written, “three hundred cubits is the length of the ark,” KHB, each of which is one hundred.

The width is Bina, with regard to the Hassadim in it, which illuminate in all of her five Sefirot KHB TM. And because they are Hassadim, each Sefira is regarded as only ten, and they are as is written, “the breadth of it, fifty cubits.”

The height is the DaatHitkalelut [merging/mingling] of Hochma and Hassadim together, like the imaginary height, which is Hitkalelut and growing of the length and width together. It extends to the ark from ZA, whose digits are tens, and illuminates KHB in her GAR, like the length. This is why it is written, “and the height of it, thirty cubits.”

Thus, the measures of the structure of the ark by Noah are as the measures of the structure of Malchut by Yesod de ZA.

13) “These are the generations of Noah. Noah was a righteous man.” Why does it write Noah twice? Each righteous in the world has two spirits, one in this world and one in the next world. So it is with all the righteous to which the Creator called: Moses, Moses; Jacob, Jacob; Abraham, Abraham; Samuel, Samuel; Shem, Shem; all but Isaac. It is not written Isaac twice because when Isaac was sacrificed on the altar, his soul—which was in him in this world—had departed. And since it was said to Abraham, “Blessed is He who revives the dead,” meaning he was told, “Do not send out your hand to the lad,” after he had already sent out his hand to slaughter him, only his soul that is in the next world returned to him.

This is why he was not called, Isaac, Isaac. This is also why the Creator did not unify his name on a righteous in his life, but only on Isaac, since he was regarded as dead because he did not have a soul from this world but from the next world, as those who pass away from this world have. It is written, “For he puts no trust in His holy ones, and the heavens are not pure in his eyes,” since he does not unify his name on the righteous in his life.

14) Because Noah was righteous, He praised him twice, as it is written, “Noah, Noah.” It is also written, “He was a complete man in his generations.” If he were in other generations, such as in the generation of Abraham, the generation of Moses, the generation of David, he would not be regarded as anything. But see what he has done in a generation where all are wicked, much less if he were in a generation where all are righteous, what would he do?

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