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252) Rabbi Elazar said, “One day the friends asked, ‘What does it mean what Rabbi Akiva said to his students, ‘When you reach pure marble stones do not say ‘Water, water,’ lest you risk yourselves because it was said, ‘He who speaks lies shall not be established before My eyes.’’’”
In the meantime, the elder of elders came down there. HB are called “elders,” and Keter, who is above HB, is called “elder of elders.” He is the disclosure of the soul of Yechida, destined to be revealed in the world at the end of correction.
He said to them, “What are you engaged in?” They replied to him that they were engaged in what Rabbi Akiva said to his students, “When you reach marble stones.” He said to them, “Clearly, there is a high meaning here, but it was interpreted in the seminary of above. To prevent your erring in that meaning, I have come down to you to explain it. And because that secret has already been revealed among you, a secret that is hidden from the people of the generation, it means that that secret—which is hidden from all your contemporaries—has already been reveled to you, so it is possible to explain it to you in full.
253) Indeed there are pure marble stones there, from which pure water comes out. They are implied by two letters Yod in the letter Aleph, at its top and at its bottom. The Vav in the Aleph, which is slanted between the two letters Yod, is the tree of life, that all who eat of it lives forever, and those two letters Yod in the Aleph are implied in the verse, “And formed,” in which there are two letters Yod [in Hebrew]. These are two Yetzirot [pl. of Yetzira], Yetzira of the upper ones and Yetzira of the lower ones. They are also the two letters Yod—at the beginning and at the end of the name YAHDONHY—which mean Hochma at the beginning of the name, and Hochma at the end of the name. They are also called “the concealments of Hochma” because they are concealed from the upper Hochma below the upper Keter.
Keter de AA is called “upper Keter.” Below him is Hochma de AA, one inside the other. She is called HS because she was concealed and does not give to the Partzufim of Atzilut. Hochma that is imparted in Atzilut is only from Bina, who becomes Hochma through her ascent to Rosh AA. That Bina is called upper Hochma. When ZA receives from her and gives to the Nukva, Nukva is called “lower Hochma,” and those two Hochmot are called “concealments of Hochma,” as they are concealed from Hochma in relation to the upper Hochma of AA below his Keter, HS, for they could not receive anything from her.
Those two Hochmot are two letters Yod, Rosh and Sof [beginning and end respectively] in the name YAHDONHY. They are also the two letters Yod in the verse, “And formed”: 1) Yetzira of the upper ones, the next world, who extend from the upper Hochma, Bina; 2) Yetzira of the lower ones, in this world, who extend from the bottom Hochma, Malchut, Nukva de ZA.
They are two letters Yod in the letter Aleph. The upper Yod is the upper Hochma, and the bottom Yod is the lower Hochma, and the slanted line between them is ZA, called Vav, and called “the tree of life,” receiving from the upper Hochma, from the upper Yod above it, and giving to the bottom Hochma, the bottom Yod, below it. They are pure marble stones, Bina, who is called “upper Hochma,” and Malchut, who is called “lower Hochma.
254) They correspond to the two eyes from which two tears come down to the great sea, since Hochma is called “eyes”—the right eye corresponding to the upper Hochma, and the left eye corresponding to the lower Hochma. The tears come down because out of these two tablets—Bina and Malchut—Moses brought down the Torah for Israel. The right tablet is Bina and the left one is Malchut, which correspond to two eyes. Israel were not rewarded with them because they broke and fell in the sin of the calf, as it is written, “And broke them under the mountain.” This is what caused the ruin of the first and second Temples, as they, too, extend from the two tablets—the first Temple from the right tablet, upper Hochma, Bina, and the second Temple from the left table, lower Hochma, Malchut. Hence, the flaw of the breaking of the tablets caused their ruin.
This is why two tears went down to the great sea, implying two ruins that were done because of the breaking of the first tablets. The tablets fell and broke because the Vav had departed them, the Vav of “And formed.” The two letters Yod of “And formed” [in Hebrew] are two letters Yod in the letter Aleph [], which are the two tablets. The Vav of “And formed” is the slanted line between them, the tree of life. After Israel corrected the sin of the tree of knowledge and the filth of the serpent stopped in them, they were rewarded with the tablets, which are the two letters Yod—the upper Hochma and the lower Hochma—and they were rewarded with the tree of life, which is the slanted line between them, freedom from the angel of death.
However, by the sin of the calf, they corrupted their correction, which is why the tree of life departed from them, since the flaw of the tree of knowledge returned to them and they were once again enslaved under the angel of death, and the tablets, which were included with the tree of life, fell and broke. Then He gave them two other tablets, on the part of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, from which they were given the Torah in a manner of prohibition and permission. On the right there is life, and on the left there is death, as we learn, “To those who go right in her—the potion of life; to those who go left in her—the potion of death.”
255) This is what Rabbi Akiva warned his students, “When you reach pure marble stones do not say ‘Water, water,’ lest you risk yourselves.” That is, do not equate stones of pure marble to other stones, which are life and death, from which, as it is written, “A wise heart at his right and a foolish heart at his left.” Moreover, you will be risking yourselves because these stones of the tree of knowledge of good and evil are in separation, and the pure marble stones are in unification, without any separation at all.
If you say, “But the tree of life departed them at the time of the sin of the calf and they fell and broke, hence there is separation among them,” “He who speaks lies shall not be established before My eyes,” since above there is no separation in them. It is so because those who broke were of those stones of pure marble, hence there is no separation in them like stones of pure marble. For this reason, they are regarded as though they had never been broken.
Explanation: The Torah is called “water,” as we learn, “There is no water but the Torah.” The origin of the Torah is the two tablets of testimony, which are Bina and Malchut. This is why they are called “Two stone tablets,” as they spring out water, which is the Torah. Israel received the first tablets in wholeness, as it will be at the end of correction, as it is written, “It is engraved [Harut] on the tablets,” do not pronounce it Harut, but Herut [freedom], for they were freedom from the angel of death, as it will be at the end of correction. However, through the sin of the calf they corrupted the correction and the domination of the angel of death returned upon them and the tablets broke, and they were given second tablets in the form of life and death.
The whole correction is but extension of light of Torah because through the MAN that Israel raise by keeping the Torah and Mitzvot and good deeds, they cause upper Zivugim that gradually reveal the light of Torah to Israel until through it, they are granted with the end of correction. Then the two stone tablets appear, two stones of pure marble, and there is no more “water, water” there, in separation, which are water on the right, which are life, and water on the left, which are death. “Death will be swallowed up forever” and all are pure and all are living. It follows that pure marble stones are a result and an offshoot of the whole of Torah, revealed through the second tablets in regard to “Water, water.”
This is what Rabbi Akiva warned his students, “When you reach pure marble stones do not say ‘Water, water.’” He feared that they would mistakenly think that stones of pure marble are a result of the Torah that was revealed as water, water, separated from the second tablets, for then they would lower the merit of the pure marble stones because although for themselves they are pure water, because they came out from “water, water,” it is enough to come from judgment to be as one who is judged.
This is why he said, “Do not equate pure marble stones to other stones, which are life and death,” for by thinking that pure marble stones are an offshoot, a result of the second tablets, in whom there are life and death, you are equating them to them, for it is enough to come from judgment to be as one who is judged. Thus, you will be slighting the pure marble stones.
Moreover, besides the slighting, you are lying to yourselves because prior to the correction, when the Torah extended from the second tablets in the tree of knowledge of good and evil, the force of separation was ruling. But now that the stones of pure marble have been revealed, the unification without any separation has been revealed, meaning that a matter became revealed that from the beginning there was never any separation. Therefore, how do you think that the first tablets broke and that the tree of life departed from them? This is a complete lie because now it has been revealed that there is no separation above in the first tablets, for these tablets that were broken were actual marble stones of now, and all the dominion that the tree of knowledge of good and evil had in separation for the time being has gone as though it never existed in the world.
It follows that the first tablets did not break at all, and the whole Torah that was revealed and brought about the end of correction actually emerged from the first tablets. Good and evil and life and death were not at all mingled in it, as it seemed to you prior to the correction, in the forms of the second tablets. That is, at the end of correction, when SAM is revoked, it will appear to all that SAM had never lived, but that unity was always ruling, as it is written, “There is none else besides Him.”
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