Benjamin Is a Wolf; He Will Prey

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787) “Benjamin is a wolf; he will prey.” Why is he called “a wolf”? It is because he was inscribed in the throne, the Nukva, in the form of a wolf. This is so because all the animals, big and small, are inscribed in the throne, as it is written, “Small animals with big ones.” And the throne that Solomon made was inscribed so, too, like the throne above.

788) “[He] is a wolf; he will prey,” since the altar was in the part of Benjamin, and the altar is a wolf. Benjamin is not a wolf, but the altar, which was in his part, is a wolf, since it would eat meat each day, meaning the offerings that were sacrificed on it. Benjamin would feed it with offerings, and because it was in his part, he was regarded as providing for and nourishing this wolf. “He will prey” means “feed.” It is written, “Benjamin is a wolf; he will prey,” meaning that Benjamin will feed the wolf, the altar.

“…a wolf; he will prey” means “a wolf; he will feed.” The wolf are the hateful angels that stand above to slander Israel. They all enjoy and are established by the offerings and awaken an awakening of above. It follows that Benjamin, in whose domain is the altar, nurtures those slanderers, which are called “wolf,” so they will not slander Israel.

789) “In the morning he eats prey, and in the evening he dispenses spoils.” “In the morning,” since Abraham, Hesed, awakens in the world and it is a time of good will. The offering makes an awakening and contentment, and rises until the prey, meaning that place [Ad means “prey” (Aramaic) and “until” (Hebrew)], as it is written, “And you shall return until the Lord your God,” meaning ZA, from his Chazeh and above.

790) Morning is Abraham, Hesed, as it is written, “And Abraham rose early in the morning,” when the will was present. At that time, the place that is called Ad [until/prey], the upper throne, HGT from Chazeh de ZA and above, the throne of Bina, would eat the offering, and eating means Zivug.

791) The time of eating is in the morning of Ad, the time of the reign of Hesed de ZA. This Ad is above Chazeh de ZA, where it is all Hassadim, as it is written, Trust the Lord Adei Ad [forever].” This means that Ad is a place high above. “In the morning,” which is the time of the reign of Hesed de ZA, it is an offering for the Creator. The Nukva, who is called “an offering,” unites at that time with the Creator, hence “He will eat Ad [prey],” ZA, right, Hesed, and not another degree.

792) The order of the Zivug is done by the offering. The smoke of the offering rises, and this is the awakening from below. The awakening of the love ties and awakens above, between ZA and Nukva, and they stand one opposite the other, face-to-face. The candle, Nukva, burns and illuminates through this awakening below, which receives the abundance from ZA. The priest awakens, the Levites praise and show gladness, and then the wine is poured—from the left side, Gevura—to connect to the water—right and Hesed—and the wine shines and shows gladness. This is so because when the Gevurot clothe in Hassadim, the Gevurot are called “Wine that delights.” This is the reason why good wine should be brought below, to show joy to another wine, above, and all awaken to connect the left in the right.

793) The bread, which is semolina, is the Malchut, the Nukva. The awakening below awakened her because the Nukva is called “bread.” She is taken left in right and is tied to the body, ZA. At that time, the upper oil is poured down from ZA and she receives it through the righteous, Yesod de ZA. For this reason, an awakening below must be done with semolina in oil, and all is tied together.

Then there is gentleness and contentment of the single unification, and all the Ketarim [plural of Keter], the Sefirot of Nukva, receive the gentleness and contentment of the unification and ZA and Nukva become tied to each other. Then, the moon, Nukva, shines and connects to the sun, and all dwell in gentleness.

794) And then it is an offering to the Creator, meaning that the Nukva draws nearer to the Creator and not to another. This is why it is written, “In the morning he eats prey,” ZA, who is called “prey.” And not to another. It is written, “He will eat prey” and will be refined in his bonding in the beginning, in the morning, for then the Hassadim reign. The holy Name must be blessed first, and then others will be blessed, as it is written, “And in the evening he dispenses spoils.”

795) This is the reason why it is forbidden to bless one’s friend in the morning before one blesses the Creator, since one must be blessed first. It is written, “In the morning he eats prey,” ZA, and afterwards others will be blessed, as it is written, “And in the evening he dispenses spoils.” This is so because the offerings in the beginning were all offered to the Creator, and the awakening from below rose to there. And because he was blessed, he would tie ties to all the other upper armies and dispense them with blessings for each according to his merit. Thus, the worlds are sweetened and the upper ones and lower ones are blessed.

796) In the beginning, it is written, “I have eaten my honeycomb with my honey.” Afterwards, he dispenses for everyone and says, “Eat, friends, drink and be drunken, beloved ones.” In other words, he imparted blessings upon everyone and dispenses each of them according to their merit. This is why it is written, “In the evening, he dispenses spoils,” since the holy Name was blessed first, and now He dispenses blessings upon all the worlds.

It cannot be said that the offering was sacrificed to them or to another force. Rather, everything was sacrificed to the Creator, and He imparts blessings and dispenses blessings to all the worlds. For this reason, it is an offering to the Lord, and not to any other degree.

797) There is another awakening of the offering—entirely to draw blessings and to evoke blessings, so all the worlds will be blessed. However, in the beginning it writes, “An offering for the Lord,” to bring the Nukva closer to the degree of ZA, and not to another. And now that the unification in ZA was done, it is written, “You will offer your offering,” meaning all the worlds will tie together, and upper and lower will bond and be blessed.

The Nukva is left. Her Hochma is without Hassadim, and then Dinim extend from her, since the Hochma cannot shine without Hassadim. The lower ones in the three worlds, BYA, receive from the Nukva, as it is written, “In the morning he eats prey.” First, there must be a Zivug of Nukva with ZA, and then the Nukva is included in the right, Hassadim. She is an offering for the Creator, for the right, and not for another, for the left. However, after the Nukva is included in the right, she can illuminate to the lower ones from her illumination. This is why it is written, “In the evening, he dispenses spoils,” meaning that she imparts to all the worlds.

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