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273) “Create me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.” “A pure heart,” as it is written, “Give Your servant a heart that hears.” It is also written, “a merry heart has a continual feast,” and this is why it is certainly a pure heart.
274) “…and renew a steadfast spirit within me,” as it is written, “and the spirit of God hovered over the face of the waters,” which is the spirit of the Messiah. It is written about that spirit, “and I will put a new spirit within you.” And David prayed for that steadfast spirit, the spirit of the Messiah, to “renew a steadfast spirit within me.”
275) There is another side, an impure heart and a spirit of distortion, which incites people to sin. This is the spirit of impurity, called “the spirit of distortion,” as it is written, “The Lord has mixed within her a spirit of distortion.” This is why David asked, “Renew a steadfast spirit within me.” “Renew” refers to the renewal of the moon, the renewal of Nukva’s Zivug with ZA. When the moon is renewed, David, king of Israel (the Nukva), lives and prospers, meaning obtains Mochin de Haya. And it is said about that, “renew,” meaning renew the Zivug with ZA.
276) “…and I will be a lying spirit” is the spirit of Naboth the Jezreelite. But can souls return to this world after they have risen? This is perplexing, for he said, “I will go forth, and I will be a lying spirit in the mouth.”
277) What is the reason that Ahab was punished? After all, it is the law of Torah that Samuel be put before Israel, as it is written, “He will take the best of your fields and your vineyards and your olive groves.” And if Ahab took the vineyard from Naboth, it was by law. Moreover, Ahab would have given him another vineyard or gold, but he would not take. So why was he punished?
278) As they said, that spirit was the spirit of Naboth. But could the spirit of Naboth rise and stand before the Creator to ask Him for a lie, as it is written, “Then a spirit came forward… and I will be a lying spirit”? And if he were righteous, how could he ask for a lie in the world of truth? And if he were not righteous, how could he stand before the Creator?
279) Certainly, Naboth was not righteous enough to stand before the Creator. But another spirit was ruling the world, the spirit that always rises and stands before the Creator, Satan. He is the one who fools the people of the world with lies and who lies in the Holy Name. And one who is accustomed to lying, always engages in lies. This is why he said, “I will go out, and I will be a lying spirit.” The Creator told him, “go forth, and do so,” as it is written, “He who practices deceit shall not be established before My eyes”; hence, it is certainly a lying spirit.
280) We should also explain that he was punished because he killed Naboth. But if he took his vineyard, why did he kill him (since he killed him without a sentence and took his vineyard)? This is why it is written, “Have you murdered and also taken possession?” Many are the people in the world who were deceived by this lying spirit, and it rules the world in several ways and through several deeds.
281) This, also, is why King David wished to be kept from the lying spirit and to be far from impurity, as it is written, “Create me a pure heart, O God; and renew a steadfast spirit within me.” This is the steadfast spirit; and the other is a lying spirit. Hence, they are two degrees, one that is holy, the steadfast spirit, and one that is impure, the lying spirit.
282) “And the Lord uttered His voice.” “He,” always indicates ZA, and His court, the Nukva. “…uttered His voice” is the voice of which it is written, “…the voice of words.” And it is written there, “I am not a man of words.” “…a man of words” is, as you say, a man of God. “…before His army,” those are Israel.
HaVaYaH indicates ZA and Nukva, which are in Zivug in illumination of the left, the place of the court of ZA. “He uttered His voice” is the illumination of ZA, which is the middle line and considered covered Hassadim, called “voice.” Nukva is called “words,” which are revealed Hassadim in illumination of Hochma, while ZA, called “voice,” conjoins with her. At that time, both of them are called, “the voice of words.”
It is written, “…man of words.” Man is ZA. The “voice” that is said in “voice of words” is ZA, too. And he asks, “What is a man of words? That is, how do we know that man means ZA?” He replies that the text, “the man of God,” said about Moses, is ZA, the husband of the mistress, called “God.” Similarly, “man of words” refers to the husband of “words,” which is ZA.
283) “Is there a number to His armies?” How many appointees and messengers does the Creator have? And all are ready to slander Israel. Hence, the Creator came before Israel, as it is written, “And the Lord uttered His voice before His army,” to keep them so they will not be able to slander them.
284) “For mighty is he who carries out His word.” “Mighty” is that righteous who engages in Torah day and night. Another interpretation: “mighty” is the slanderer, who stands before the Creator, and he is as strong as iron and as strong as a rock. “Who carries out His word” is one who receives permission from above, from the Creator, and elicits a soul below.
285) “…for great is the day of the Lord.” He rules over all and He is imperious over all, and all are under His government. Happy are the righteous for the Creator always desires them, to reward them with the next world and to delight them with the joy of the righteous who are destined to rejoice in the Creator, as it is written, “…let all who take refuge in You rejoice.” Blessed be the Lord forever, Amen and Amen.
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