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286) “Have the gates of death been revealed unto you? Or have you seen the gates of the shadow of death?” This is what the Creator said to Job when he was afflicting himself over the Creator’s Dinim [judgments]. Job said, “Though He slay me, I will hope for Him.” He also said, “If he slew him, he will not hope for him.”
287) The Creator told him, “But do I kill people?” as it is written, “Have the gates of death been revealed unto you? Or have you seen the gates of the shadow of death?” Several gates are open on that side, by which they can be saved from death, but still death governs them. However, they are all hidden from people and they do not know of those gates. In the future, when the words, “And the whole earth shall be full of the knowledge,” he will say in truth, “Death shall be swallowed up forever.” It turns out that they are dying because they do not know how to beware, and it is not the Creator who kills them.
288) “Have you seen the gates of the shadow of death?” Death and the shadow of death are as one, male and female in a single Zivug. Death is the angel of death, the serpent, a female. The shadow of death is the letters of shadow and death, the one who rides the death, SAM, who rides the serpent. It is his shadow and his strength, to mate together in one knot, and they are one.
289) All the degrees that come out of them and connect to those ZON de Klipa are their gates, as above in Kedusha [holiness], as it is written, “Lift up your heads, O gates.” Those are the ones who are called “rivers” and “streams,” the Yesodot [foundations] de VAK of the world, which are ZON of Kedusha. Here, too, the gates of death and the gates of the shadow of death from the Sitra Achra are degrees of them, which govern the world. The gates of death and the gates of the shadow of death are female and male that cling to each other as one.
290) Hence, in response to what Job said, “As the cloud is consumed and vanishes away, he that goes down to the grave shall come up no more,” the Creator told him, “Have you seen the gates of the shadow of death,” to know that they are all in My domain and all will be swallowed up from the world, as it is written, “And death shall be swallowed up forever?”
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