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274) “Thou art my hiding-place; Thou will preserve me from the adversary.” “Thou art my hiding-place” is the Creator, who hides and protects a person who is walking on the path of Torah, in the middle line. He hides under His wings so that no one can harm him. Question: why “Thou will preserve me from the adversary”? After all, it is the same as “Thou art my hiding-place”. Answer: from above and from below. From above—a person has enemies. It is said about that, “Thou art my hiding-place.” And from below, as well, this is the evil inclination. It is said about that, “Thou will preserve me from the adversary,” which is an enemy above and an enemy below, as it is written, “descends and incites, ascends and complains.” And had it not been for the evil inclination, man would have had no enemies in the world. This is why it is written, “Thou will preserve me from the adversary,” about the evil inclination.
275) When the left line illuminated from above downward, before it was included in the right, the evil inclination was gripping unto man from above and from below. It was complaining about him from above, and brought hatred upon him. And from below, it incited him to sin and to extend the left from above downward, which was the sin of the tree of knowledge. And when the middle line came, the left and the right were included in one another and illuminated together so the light of the right shone from above down, and the left, from below up. At that time, the hatred, cast over man from above, was cancelled and the evil inclination separated from him from below.
There are two things here: 1) Hiding-place, for which the GAR of the left line were diminished and he could shine only from below upwards, which is VAK de Hochma; and 2) Preserving, since by that, the left and the right were included in one another and that removed the slander and hatred from man.
The waning that brought the left line through the Masach de Hirik is considered a shadow, and the Masach is considered wings. The slander and hatred are drawn upon man from above during the illumination of the left from above downwards. The evil inclination incites him to sin and to extend illumination of the left from above downwards, as it is written, “descends and incites, ascends and complains.” And had the evil inclination not incited him to sin below, during the illumination of the left from above downwards, no hatred would have been extended over man from above.
Hochma is clothed in Hassadim after it has waned into VAK de GAR through the middle line. It is drawn and becomes revealed by songs, which is why it is called, “songs.” And since the Hochma was first diminished by the middle line, it was to the contrary, bringing Dinim [judgments] over him. This is why he said to the Creator, which is the middle line, “discharged songs,” which remained after their waning through the middle line. “You surround me with songs of deliverance, Selah,” by which to save me from all the damagers along the way. “…surround me” are the songs that contain degrees that suffice for deliverance after they have been diminished into VAK de GAR through the middle line, and became suitable for deliverance. This is so because this operation is performed by the middle line, the Creator, and this is why he told him, “surround me,” in second person, and not “will surround me.”
Reading in order indicates the right line, illumination of Hassadim, which shines from above downwards. And retroactive reading indicates the left line, illumination of Hochma, which shines from below upwards. And since this verse speaks of these two kinds of illuminations, it is possible to read it in order, as well as to read it retroactively, since it contains both the left side and the right side.
276) The songs and praises that David recited contain secrets and sublime matters in the secrets of the wisdom. This is so because they were all said in the spirit of holiness, since the spirit of holiness dwelt over David and he recited songs. Hence, they were all said in the spirit of holiness.
277) “Thou have rejected me.” It should have read, “I have been rejected.” What is “Thou have rejected me,” since the Creator did not reject him, but the enemies? And he replies that this is the Sitra Achra, who always rejects man and wishes to incite him and to lure him away from the Creator. This is the evil inclination, which is always with man. And it is to him that David returned and said, “Thou have rejected me that I might fall,” since he was inciting him by all the troubles that came upon him, to lure him away from the Creator. And David said about him, “Thou have rejected me that I might fall” in hell “but the Lord helped me” to not be given into your hand.
278) Hence, one should be wary of him, so he may not rule over him. And then the Creator will keep him in all his ways, as it is written, “Then shall thou walk in thy way securely, and thou shall not dash thy foot. … When thou walk, thy step shall not be straitened.” It is also written, “But the path of the righteous is as the light of dawn.” Happy are Israel, for the Creator keeps them in this world and in the next world, as it is written, “Thy people also shall be all righteous, they shall inherit the land for ever.” Blessed is the Lord forever, Amen and Amen.
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