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312) When the ministers appointed on the people see their Master sad because of the enslavement of Israel, why do they work His sons in hard labor? They only do what they must; they carry out their Master’s will.
313) When the sons of the Creator were given to the governors of the peoples, twelve courthouses gather, meaning the Malchut—who has twelve combinations of ADNI, which are the letters of DINA [Din]. And since the Zivug of HaVaYaH ADNI has been cancelled, where the twelve combinations of ADNI were receiving from the twelve combinations of HaVaYaH, twelve combinations of ADNI gathered and settled inside the great deep, Bina. The Master—Bina—cried, wept aloud, called “sobbing,” which means that Bina descended because of the ascent of Malchut to Katnut [smallness/infancy], called “weeping.”
And two teardrops run down from the Nikvey Eynaim [holes of the eyes], meaning Bina, into the deep of the great sea, which is Malchut. This means that two kinds of Dinim were made in Malchut: from Bina de Malchut and from Malchut de Bina. And since they were made through Malchut’s ascent to Bina and their mingling in each other, they are called Demaot [tears], from the word Meduma [mixture of holy and secular].
It is also because this Bina is Nikvey Eynaim, and all that descends and comes out of Nikvey Eynaim is called “tears.” It is written, “Your judgments are like a great deep,” where because the Din in Malchut rose to Bina, which is called, “the great deep,” sentences were made in her, which are Din. The upper ones are rolled below and the lower ones are fissured and descend by 240 degrees, as it is written, “The lion has roared, who will not fear?”
Here The Zohar explains how the descent of ZON into VAK without a Rosh occurred while Israel were given into exile among the nations, when Malchut rose to Bina, which is called “the great deep.” And by that, Bina came into Katnut and became two kinds of Dinim in Malchut, called “tears.” And YESHSUT, who were connected with AVI, have now descended because of the Masach de Malchut that rose to half of Bina, because as a result, Bina divided into two Partzufim [plural of Partzuf]: 1) The GAR in her are called AVI, and retained their merit, since they are from the half of Bina that is above the Masach. 2) YESHSUT—which are from the half of Bina below the Masach of Malchut—descended. It turns out that YESHSUT, who were above, have cascaded downwards.
Afterwards, KHB TM of YESHSUT were broken, too, due to Malchut’s ascent to Bina. Thus, Keter and Hochma and half of Bina remained above the Masach de Malchut, and half of Bina, Tifferet, and Malchut went below the Masach of Malchut that stands at half of Bina.
It was written that the lower ones were broken, that YESHSUT had already departed AVI downwards and were broken, too, and descended 240 degrees, which are half of Bina, Tifferet, and Malchut, which are 250, since the Sefira of YESHSUT is considered hundreds. However, because Malchut de Malchut rose and remained above, in upper AVI, only the first ninety Sefirot through Yesod remained in Malchut de YESHSUT, which is considered 100. Thus, there are only ninety Sefirot in her, which is why it is considered that only 240 degrees went down and not 250.
And those two and a half degrees that came down from YESHSUT clothed ZON, and they are VAK without a Rosh. This is because the GAR, meaning Keter, Hochma, and the upper half of Bina are absent there. For this reason, ZON remained without a Zivug and with VAK without a Rosh, until Israel are redeemed from exile. And although there are special times and occasions, and through prayers ZON regain the GAR even during the days of exile, it is not permanent. But at the time of redemption they will return to permanent GAR, as AVI during the exile.
314) When the Creator gave Israel to the minister of Egypt, He sentenced them with seven sentences by which the Egyptians were to enslave them, as it is written, “And they made their lives bitter with hard labor in mortar and bricks and at all kinds of labor in the field, all their labors which they rigorously imposed on them.” Correspondingly, there were seven good ones, “And the sons of Israel were fruitful and increased greatly, and multiplied, and became exceedingly mighty, so that the land was filled with them.”
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