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50) Did Divinity go down to Egypt with Jacob, as it is written, “I will go down with you”? Divinity went down with Jacob, and 600,000 holy Merkavot [plural of Merkava] with her, as it is written, “About six hundred thousand men on foot.” 600,000 holy Merkavot went down to Egypt with Jacob, and all rose from there when Israel came out of Egypt. It is written, “And the children of Israel journeyed from Ramses to Succoth, about six hundred thousand men on foot.” It did not say, “six hundred thousand,” but “About six hundred thousand.” This implies that as 600,000 below came out, 600,000 holy Merkavot that were with them came out above.
51) When those holy Merkavot and holy camps came out, Israel saw and knew that they were detained from coming out because of them, because they were not coming out, and all of Israel’s rush was for them, as it is written, “And could not delay.” It should have said, “Did not want to delay,” but it says that they could not because of the camps of angels for whom they were delayed.
It is known that the sons of Israel in the text are all the sons of Israel of the firmament, the angels. It is written, “Who come into Egypt with Jacob.” It did not say, “These are the names of the sons of Israel who come into Egypt with him,” but “These are the names of the sons of Israel who come into Egypt with Jacob,” meaning those who come to Egypt first, meaning the angels, and they came with Jacob.
52) When Jacob was saved from Laban and Jacob walked away, the angels of God met him. And when he went down to Egypt the Creator said, “I will go down with you into Egypt.” And if the Master went down, it is obvious that His servants will go down with Him, as it is written, “Who come into Egypt with Jacob,” and it does not say, “With him.” Here the sons of Israel are those who are actually called “the sons of Israel,” the tribes.
53) “Come, behold the works of the Lord, who has made desolations in the earth.” Do not pronounce it Shamot [desolations], with a Shin with Patach, but rather Shemot [names] with a Shin with Tzereh. As the Creator did in heaven, He did on earth. There are the holy names in the firmament, and there are the holy names on earth, meaning the names of the tribes. It is said about them, “These are the names of the sons of Israel.”
54) On the day when Jacob went down to Egypt, 600,000 high angels went down with him, as it is written, “Behold, it is the traveling couch of Solomon; sixty mighty men are around it.” These are locks that are carved to receive a key. The keys turn in the place of the lock. The locks are on the seventh Sefira, Malchut, and they are carved in the sixth Sefira, Yesod, as it is written, “Mighty men are around it.”
Malchut has only HGT NHY, she ends in Yesod, called Miftacha [key], and she lacks the Malchut de Malchut. The locks, Malchut, which are carved according to the key, turn in the place of the key—Yesod. The essence of the lock is Malchut, which consists of seven Sefirot HGT NHYM. Thus, it should have said that Solomon’s couch, which is Malchut, has seventy mighty men around it, which are seven Sefirot, each of which consists of ten. However, they end in Yesod, called Miftacha, and there is only HGT NHY in her, which are six Sefirot, each of which consists of ten, which are sixty, as it is written, “Sixty might men around it,” and not seventy.
55) “The traveling couch.” Divinity is called “a couch.” “Of Solomon” means of the king that Shalom [peace/wholeness] is his, meaning ZA, middle line, which makes peace between right and left. Sixty mighty men around it are 600,000 high angels that are from the army of Divinity that descended to Egypt with Jacob. And the reason why they are sixty is that Divinity is written with a Miftacha. “Of the mighty men of Israel” means the upper Israel, ZA, to whom Gevura extends from him, as it is written, “Now these are the names of the sons of Israel. “Each man came with his household” means they and their ways. This is so because “His house” means his costumes and his ways, since each angel has a specific act after which it is named.
56) If the people of the world knew Jacob’s great honor when the Creator told him, “I will go down with you into Egypt,” they would lick the ground around his grave and for three parsas [approximately 8 miles] away. It is written, “And Moses went out to meet his father-in-law.” They interpret that Aaron saw that Moses went out, and he went out with him, and Elazar and the elderly presidents went out with him, and the heads of the fathers and the leaders of the people, and all of Israel went out with them. It turns out that all of Israel went out to meet Jethro, since who would see Moses going out and would not go out with him? And who would see Aaron and the presidents go out and would not go out? It turns out that everyone went out because of Moses.
And if this was so because of Moses, it was even more so for the Creator, when He said, “I will go down with you into Egypt,” that the whole of the upper household would go down with Him. In other words, He alone, and then, “These are the names of the sons of Israel,” meaning the whole of the upper household, because it is written about Moses, “And Moses went out,” and all of Israel went out with him.
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