A Bed, a Table, a Chair, and a Lamp

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119) It is written, “Behold now, I know that he is a holy man of God who always passes by us.” It is also written, “Let us make a little attic and let us place for him there a bed, and a table, and a chair, and a lamp.” With this verse, we have an easy support for the order of the prayer. “Behold now, I know” is the will in which a person should place during the prayer. “That he is a holy man of God” is the upper world, ZA, who sits on His throne and all the sanctities emit from Him, and He sanctifies to all the worlds. “Who always passes by us” means that from that sanctity that he sanctifies all the worlds above, he sanctifies us in this world, since there is no Kedusha [holiness/sanctity] above unless there is Kedusha below, as it is written, “And I will be sanctified among the children of Israel.”

120) And because this is so, “Let us make a little attic” is an order of correction of Divinity, which is called “an attic,” as it is written, “And Hezekiah turned his face to the wall.” “Small,” since it is small, as it is written, “A small town.” “And let us place for him there.” By this correction that we correct, and with our order in the singing and praising and praying, we correct for Him, for ZA, for His contentment. “A bed, and a table, and a chair, and a lamp.” All of these four are in Divinity, who is corrected in all of these corrections toward the upper world, ZA, in the order that we establish.

121) In the order of the evening prayer and its correction, it is a bed. And in the order of the offerings and the sacrifices that we establish in the morning, these songs and praises are a table. In that order of prayer sitting down, and in the correction of the Shema reading, in the unification that we establish, they are a chair, and in the order of Prayer in Standing, as well as in those sanctities in the prayer, Yotzer [maker], in the repeat of the prayer, in the added Kedusha of “And came to Zion,” the blessings that we establish are a lamp.

122) Happy is the man who places his will in that—to complement his Master each day and to set up this small attic, Divinity, for his Master, with those corrections of bed, table, chair, and lamp. Then it is certain that the Creator will be his guest every day. Happy is he in this world and happy is he in the next world because those four are corrections of Divinity to be corrected for her husband, ZA. With these four corrections she is corrected each day in beauty, in gladness, and in a vision through the holy people.

123) The bed was given to Jacob to be corrected. For this reason, Jacob established the evening prayer. King David set up the table through the songs and praises that he established, as it is written, “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.” Abraham set up a chair with his connecting, when he performed Hesed [grace/mercy] and the completeness of the souls for all the people of the world. Also, there is no correction of the throne unless by Abraham’s Hesed, as it is written, “A throne will be established in Hesed [mercy].”

124) Isaac established the lamp, sanctifying the name of the Creator before the eyes of the whole world, and illuminating the light of the upper candle with that sanctity. For this reason, the holy people must always say and place their wish to set up a bed, a table, a chair, and a lamp toward the upper world, ZA, the master of the house, the man of God, to have wholeness above and below each day.

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