All Those Who Are Angered At You Will Be Shamed and Dishonored

(înapoi la pagina ZOHAR CUPRINS / KI TISA – click)

16) “All those who are angered at you will be shamed and dishonored.” The Creator is destined to do unto Israel all that good, which He had said through the prophets of truth, and for which Israel greatly suffered in the exile. Had it not been for all that good that they await and see, which is written in the Torah, they would have been unable to tolerate and stand the exile.

17) But they go to seminaries and open books, and they see all this good that they hope for. And they see that it is written in the Torah that the Creator promised them, and they are comforted in exile. And the rest of the peoples curse and revile them. And they said, “Where is your God? Where is the good that you say you are destined to have, and that all the peoples in the world will be shamed by you?”

18) This is the meaning of the words, “Hear the word of the Lord, you that tremble at His word: your brothers that hate you.” “You that tremble at His word” are those who have suffered much evil, several evil rumors; they heard and they feared for them, as it is written, “We have heard a voice of trembling, of fear, and not of peace.” Those are always afraid of His word when there is judgment.

19) “Your brothers that hate you” are your brothers, the sons of Esau. “That cast you out,” as it is written, “Depart you! unclean! men cried unto them,” for there is no other nation that scorns in the face of Israel and spits in their faces like the sons of Edom. They say about Israel that they are all as impure as menstruation. This is, “That cast you out.” “For My name’s sake, have said: ‘Let the Lord be glorified,’” for they say, “We are the sons of the living God, and in us is His name glorified. We rule the world because of He who is called ‘Great,’ as it is written, ‘Esau, his elder son.’ And this name, ‘Great,’ is what the Creator is called, as it is written, ‘Great is the Lord, and highly to be praised.’ We are the children of the great, and he is great. Certainly, it is said about us, ‘For My name’s sake, have said: ‘Let the Lord be glorified’’”

20) And they say unto Israel, “But you are the smallest, as it is written, ‘Jacob her younger [also ‘small’ in Hebrew] son.’ Where is your God? Where is the good, that all the peoples in the world will be shamed by your joy? May it be that we will see your joy, as you say, and they will be shamed.” It should have said, “You will be shamed.” But it is as one whose curse depends on others, for they said that then Israel will be shamed and disgraced. Except they said, “But they shall be ashamed,” as one whose curse depends on others. And this is why the spirit of holiness would say this word in this way, that they will truly be shamed. It is said about that, “All those who are angered at you will be shamed and dishonored.” “All those who are angered at you,” who huffed with anger at you in this exile, for in the future, they will be shamed and dishonored by all the good that they will see in Israel.

(înapoi la pagina ZOHAR CUPRINS / KI TISA – click)

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