The Great Sanhedrin and the Small Sanhedrin

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335) It is a Mitzva [commandment/precept] to bring an offering for a great Sanhedrin that has erred. Tannaim [Tannas, sages/teachers of the Mishnah] and Amoraim [Talmudic interpreters] have heard. There were seventy in the great Sanhedrin, and Moses was over them, and there were seventy in the small Sanhedrin, and Aaron was over them. When Moses was over them, they were regarded as the great Sanhedrin; when Aaron was over them they were regarded as the small Sanhedrin. For this reason, Moses was the King’s—Tifferet—best man, and extended the Tifferet to unite with Malchut. From there he is the great Sanhedrin, which are Tifferet.

Aaron was the queen’s—Malchut’s—best man, meaning the small Hey, as in, “I will serve you seven years for Rachel your younger daughter.” Rachel is Malchut, and she is called “small.” It is after her that they are called “the small Sanhedrin.” Hence, when Aaron was over the Sanhedrin, and him being Malchut’s best man, who raises her to ZA, they were called “the small Sanhedrin.”

336) And from there the Sanhedrin knew seventy languages, which are the seventy faces of the Torah. This is so because there are seventy languages from the side of the evil Malchut, all of which are separated, as it is written, “Of these were the isles of the nations divided in their lands, every one after his tongue.” Thus, each of the seventy languages is separated from the other.

337) But in the Torah, there are seventy faces in a single language, the language of holiness, Yesod, which includes the seven Sefirot of ZA, each of which consists of ten, thus they are seventy. Yod from Yesod is one law, small HochmaMalchut, in which there are seventy languages, as the count of Sod from Yesod, and Yesod is the holy language, the Merkava [chariot/assembly] in seventy thrones. We learned about them that anyone who answers, “Amen, may His great name be blessed,” with all his might, his sentence of seventy years is torn.

One language, which is Yesod, is seventy languages on a small measure of small Hochma, which is a small Yod, to which the Yod of Yesod imply. The Gematria of Yesod is seventy languages, which shine on the Yod. Together, they are the letters of Yesod. Two means Moses and Aaron, who are on the Sanhedrin. They are two lips, Netzah and Hod, and this is from the perspective of the Sefirot and from the perspective of the Mochin. There are Daat and Tevuna in them; Moses is Daat and Aaron is Tevuna. With them, the Sanhedrin are completed into seventy-two.

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