Who Has Ascended into Heaven and Descended?

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43) “Who has ascended into heaven and descended? Who has gathered the wind in His fists? Who has wrapped the waters in a garment? Who has established all the ends of the earth? What is His name and what is His son’s name? Surely you know!” Everything is said about the Creator, who is everything. “What is His name and what is His son’s name? Surely you know” is the Creator. “What is His name” is HaVaYaH, and “What is His son’s name” is Israel, as it is written, “Israel, My son, My firstborn.” “Who has ascended into heaven” is Moses, as it is written, “And to Moses He said, ‘Come up to the Lord.’”

44) “Who has ascended into heaven” is Elijah, of whom it is written, “And Elijah went up by a storm to heaven.” But how could Elijah come up to the heaven? After all, the heaven cannot tolerate a body from this world, even the size of a grain of sand, so how does it say, “And Elijah went up by a storm to heaven”?

45) However, it is as it is written, “The Lord came down on Mount Sinai.” It is also written, “And Moses entered the midst of the cloud as he went up to the mountain.” But the Creator, who was on Mount Sinai, is as it is written, “The appearance of the glory of the Lord was like a consuming fire on the mountain top,” so how could Moses climb to Him?

Yet, as it is written about Moses, “And Moses entered the midst of the cloud as he went up to the mountain,” he entered the cloud as one who wears a garment. And it is written, “And to Moses He said, ‘Come up to the Lord,’” meaning that He, too, clothed in a cloud and entered it. He came near to the fire in a cloud and could approach. It is likewise with Elijah, as it is written, “And Elijah went up by a storm to heaven,” meaning he entered a storm and clothed in a storm and went up.

46) It is said in the book of Adam HaRishon, “In these offspring that will come to the world will be a spirit that will come down to the world in the earth and clothe in a body. And his name is Elijah. He will depart from the world in that body, strip from his body, remain in a storm, and another body of light will be provided for him, to be in it among the angels. And when he comes down to this world, he will clothe in that body, which remained in that world, in a storm. He will be seen below in that body, and will be seen above in that other body—of light.” It is as it is written that there was not a person whose spirit went up to heaven after the departure of the body and then came down like Elijah, who went up and came down.

47) “Who has ascended into heaven and descended?” “Who has ascended into heaven” is Elijah. “And descended” is Jonah, whom the fish brought down into the deeps, to the depths of the sea. Jonah came from the power of Elijah; he had the soul of Elijah. Therefore, Elijah went up, and Jonah went down. One wished to die, and the other wished to die, and this is why he is called “Son of Amitai [also “true”],” as it is written, “And the word of the Lord in your mouth is truth.”

48) “Who has wrapped the waters in a garment?” “Who has wrapped” is Elijah, who tied the tie of water in the world and no dew or rain came down from heaven. “In a garment” is Elijah, who would bring his mantle to perform miracles, and with which he and Elisha split the Jordan. “Who has gathered the wind in His fists” is Elijah, who brought Adam’s spirit back into his body after he died.

49) “Who has established all the ends of the earth” is Elijah, who after gathering the water and swearing on the rain, returned in a prayer and established the whole world so that rain would come down and food would be given to all. “What is His name?” Elijah. “And what is His son’s name?” Elijah. “And what is His name,” when he went up, Elijah. “And what is His son’s name,” when he went down and became a messenger to perform miracles. His name is Elijah.

50) “Who [MI] has ascended into heaven” is the Creator. Who [MI] is the name of Bina. Heaven is ZA, who raises the Bina. The four directions of the world, the four Sefirot HGTM from Chazeh de ZA and above, are the upper Merkava [assembly/chariot] for BinaMI. They are the initial foundations for everything, and all of them are dependent on the place, which is called MI, for whom they are a Merkava.

51) When the Creator has a time of good will, to unite the upper Merkava with the lower Merkava so they are all one, a voice comes out from the place of the high holiness, heaven, ZA, and gathers all those holy ones below—the righteous in this world—and all the holy ministers—Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, and Raphael—and all the upper camps, the angels, to all be ready together. It is written about it, “And Moses assembled,” meaning the heaven, ZA. It is also written, “The whole of the congregation of the children of Israel.” These are the 12 upper holy camps—the lower Merkava that Malchut rides—and they raise the Malchut for a Zivug with ZA.

The upper MerkavaHGTM from Chazeh de ZA and above, is the four legs of Bina’s chair. They are 12 because each of the HGTM consists of HGT. Similarly, the lower Merkava is the four Sefirot NHYM of the Nukva, which are called “four animals” or “four angels,” Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, and Raphael, or the four camps of angels. They, too, are 12 because each of the four Sefirot NHYM consists of NHY, as has been explained regarding HGTM. Likewise, the four angels and four camps are the 12 upper holy camps because in the four camps of angels, each camp consists of three camps, who carry the chair, Malchut, for a Zivug with ZA.

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