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124) “And he shall put them upon the head of the goat, and shall send him away by the hand of an appointed man into the desert.” In all that is done, the doer must be ready for it. There is a person by whom the blessing is kept more than by another because he has been prepared for it. It is written about the priest, “He who has a good eye shall be blessed.” Do not read it as “shall be blessed,” but as “shall bless,” for because he has a good eye, by that he is ready for the blessing to be kept by him.
125) And there is one who is ready for the curses to be kept by him, and wherever he looks, curses, swears, and fright shall come. Thus, Balaam was called “evil eyed” because he was ready for any evil and was not ready for the good. And even when he blessed, his blessing was not a blessing and did not come true. And when he cursed, everything he cursed came true, and would even come true in a minute. This is why it is written, “The saying of Balaam the son of Beor, and the saying of the man whose eye is opened,” since any place where his eyes governed was cursed.
126) Previously, it was written, “And he turned his face toward the desert,” so that the side that rules there, the Sitra Achra, would be awakened and come with slandering and delation (informing) against Israel. It is written about priests, “He who has a good eye shall be blessed,” because he is ready for it and the blessing is found in the giving of his eyes. This is why we learned that one should stray from even a hundred ways and not encounter a person who has an evil eye.
127) “And shall send him away by the hand of an appointed man into the desert,” meaning he is ready for it and is inscribed for it. The priest recognized that one of his eyes was a little bigger than the other. The skin over the eye, the eyelids, was covered with big hairs, the eye was of blue color, and he did not look straight. This is a person who is willing to send the goat to Azazel, and is worthy of it. This is why it is written, “By the hand of an appointed man.”
128) There was a man in Gush Halav who wherever his hand struck, it would die. People would not come near him. In Syria there was a man who wherever he looked, even when he meant well, it would all be turned to bad. One day a man was walking in the market and his face were shining. That man came and looked at him, and his eye split. For this reason, whether a good thing or a bad thing, there is a person ready for it, for this and for that. This is why it is written, “He who has a good eye shall be blessed,” do not read, “Shall be blessed,” but rather, “Shall bless.”
129) Once the man who would walk with the goat to the desert reached there with the goat, he would climb up to the mountain and push it away with both hands. He would not come down half the mountain before it was torn limb from limb, and he would say, “Thus will the iniquities of Your people be blotted out.” And because by that the prosecutor rose and became Israel’s advocate, the Creator would take all of Israel’s iniquities, and all that is written in those verdicts of above, to mention people’s iniquities, and cast them in the manner that the goat to Azazel was cast from the mountain, to the place called the deeps of the sea, the place of darkness and Dinim of the left, under Malchut, who is called “sea,” as it is written, “You will cast all their sins into the depths of the sea.”
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