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568) At that time an added spirit will awaken over Israel, as it is written, “I will pour out My spirit upon all flesh,” and there will be rest to Israel from the nations of the world, as it is written, “and had rest from their enemies.” It will be as on Sabbath, when an additional Nefesh [soul] is added to a person on Sabbath, and in it he has rest. If we have rest, an additional Nefesh, which is a female, we will have even more rest in Ruach [spirit], which is a male.
569) An added Nefesh on Sabbath to all of Israel together is one—Keter. But to each according to one’s deeds, according to one’s degree. Whenever all of Israel repent together, all are accepted, as it is written, “As the Lord our God is whenever we call upon Him.” It is so because the name HaVaYaH is crowned with his Keter, the upper Keter, on the whole of Israel together. This is the added Neshama [also translated as “soul”] of all of Israel together on Sabbath and on good days.
This is why it was established that we end the blessing each day with the name HaVaYaH, which seals all the blessings of the prayer. But we do not say the addition without illumination of Keter, since Keter of the name HaVaYaH does not illuminate each day. This is why we seal with HaVaYaH, ZA, and we do not say an addition, which is Keter de ZA. It was established to say on the addition: “They will give You a crown, the Lord our God,” for on Sabbath Keter de ZA illuminates. This is why we say the additional part, and that Keter de ZA is the added Neshama, which illuminates to the whole of Israel tomorrow.
570) To anyone from Israel, the added Nefesh descends in this manner, according to one’s degree. If he is a Hassid [at the degree of Hesed], he is given an added Nefesh from the quality of Hesed, according to his degree. If he is a sin fearing Gibor [mighty/strong], he is given an added Nefesh from the quality of Gevura. If he is a whole man, he is given an added Nefesh from the quality of truth.
The added Nefesh is Malchut, consisting of ten Sefirot. Hence, a person receives from a Sefira in Malchut according to one’s quality. If he is a president in Israel, a sage, or understands about wisdom or about the Torah, of which it is written, “to understand allegories and figures of speech,” or about Prophets, or Writings [Hagiographa], he is given an added Nefesh accordingly. It is called Keter Malchut [a crown of kingship], if he is a president in Israel.
571) If he is wise, as we learn, “Who is wise? He who makes every person wise,” and as it is written, “You have made them all in wisdom,” he is given an added Nefesh from there. And if he understands how to conclude one thing from another in the Torah, he is given an added Nefesh from Bina. If he is wise in Prophets and Writings, he is given an added Nefesh from NH, and if he is a complete righteous, keeping the token of the covenant, the token of the Sabbath, the token of good days, the token of the Tefillin, he is given an added Nefesh from a righteous, Yesod. And in any place where one receives an added Nefesh, it is from Malchut. If it is said that he is Yesod, he is Yesod in Malchut, and likewise in the rest of the Sefirot.
572) If he is a person who has all those qualities, he is tantamount to all of Israel together. He is given a crown with the name HaVaYaH, as it is written, “As the Lord our God is whenever we call upon Him,” there is none who is as holy as the Lord [HaVaYaH]. The Chaf that precedes the HaVaYaH [in Hebrew] is Keter de ZA, an added Neshama from the male world, Tifferet, and not as the added Nefesh of the individual, who is only from the Sefirot de Malchut. He is a king crowned in the high Keter from Bina, in which he will be king in his Shechina, which is an added Nefesh.
Keter is an added Neshama, received from HaVaYaH, Ruach, of which it is written, “I will pour out My spirit upon all flesh.” And the spirit of HaVaYaH includes ten Sefirot from above downward: Hod is Hochma, Hey is Bina, Vav is six Sefirot from Hesed to Yesod, Hey is Malchut, and Chaf from “As [Chaf] the Lord [HaVaYaH] our God” is Keter on the Rosh of HaVaYaH. This is a Neshama that is added on the Sabbath day to all of Israel together, or to an individual in whom there are all ten qualities in Malchut.
573) Because the Cause of Causes is inscrutable and covered with this Keter, and on Sabbaths and good days the Keter expands in the name HaVaYaH, at that time there is no governance to SAM and the serpent, or to all his appointees. There is also no governance to Hell, who is the evil female of SAM, nor to his camps, for they all hide from the king’s camps. It is as the idol worshipping nations of the world will hide when the Messiah is revealed, as it is written, “And they will go into caves in the rocks,” “and in the ravines in the rocks.”
574) Moses is tantamount to the whole of Israel, filled with all the good qualities. In him there is that of which it is written, “There is none as holy as the Lord our God,” with the Chaf that precedes the HaVaYaH [Lord], implying Keter of HaVaYaH. Moses is the Keter of everyone from Israel because there is no one to be Keter over him—no president, or sage, or one who understands, no Hassid, no mighty one, no whole one, or a prophet, no righteous, nor a king, which are the ten Sefirot of Malchut from which each one of Israel takes. He is of the form of the Creator, ZA, the male world, the son in the form of his father.
Moses is the son of ZA, as are Israel in general. It is written about them, “You are the children of the Lord your God.” Moses, complement the commandment of your Master, for there is no Mitzva from among your Mitzvot that the Creator and His Shechina will not be crowned in above and below in the upper Keter, in each and every quality.
575) Moses said to all the friends and to Rabbi Shimon, “I praise you according to your generosity, for you are generous, children of the generous, who are Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. No one can praise you but the Master of the world, for even the whole Torah, up to Ein Sof, is dependent on you, as it is written, ‘Its measure is longer than the earth And broader than the sea.’ Such is your praise. But may it be in you as it was in me, that I was happy with the glory of my brother Aaron, the heart that rejoiced at the greatness of his brother will wear Urim and Tumim [ornaments of the High Priest].”
576) Any Musaf [additional section in the prayer] in which Keter is said is known from Keter de ZA, in which it is written, “There is none so holy as the Lord.” In all the prayers of Israel, their scent is as the scent of myrrh and frankincense, and any hawker’s powder. This is on the other days. But on Sabbaths and good days, when Keter de ZA illuminates, the prayer is more important to the Creator than any perfume.
All the perfumes and scents are illumination of Hochma of the left. The Keter that illuminates on Sabbaths and on good days is light of Hassadim. But it is far more important than the perfumes that illuminate on the rest of the days, which are illumination of Hochma.
577) Because on good days the prayers are higher and more important than any hawker’s powder, as it is written about hawker’s powders, “And a man strove with him,” for SAM struggles with a flawed prayer, to fight and slander with it in that same flaw of the transgression in the prayer. In the dust of the prayer he rises and slanders, and it ascends up to heaven.
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