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27) The order of the days from Rosh Hashanah [Hebrew New Year’s Eve] to the last day of the festival is the meaning of the wisdom among those sages who have already completed all the scrutinies of Malchut.
28) The meaning of unification is that all is in one. It is written, “The Lord has bared His holy arm.” This is one arm, the left line, on which salvation depends, on which vengeance depends, and on which redemption depends. “The Lord has bared His holy arm” to raise the Assembly of Israel from the dust, Malchut, from the dust, and to welcome her to connect as one. When that arm has awakened opposite her, there is great fear in the world until He puts that arm under her head, to connect, as it is written, “His left is under my head.” And then the Din subsides and atones the sins.
29) Subsequently, the right line comes to embrace her. At that time there is joy in the world and all the faces illuminate. Afterward Malchut connects in a body, in the middle line, then everything is called “one,” without separation, since the middle line includes right and left together. At that time it is the wholeness of everything and the joy of everything, and ZA and Malchut unite. It is not so in the rest of the time.
30) Like the order of those days from Rosh Hashanah to the last day of the festival. On Rosh Hashanah, the left arm awakens, the left line of ZA, to receive the queen. At that time the whole world is in fear and Din, and one must be in complete repentance before the Creator.
Afterward, the queen comes on the ninth of the month, and the dwellers of the palace, the children of Israel, must rejoice and dip in the river to purify themselves, be worthy of the Zivug of the queen with ZA on the other day, on the tenth of the month, on Yom Kippur [Day of Atonement]. This is her Zivug, for ZA to place his left under her head, as it is written, “His left is under my head.”
31) At that time Israel are fasting over their iniquities and they are atoned for them, since upper Ima, Bina, illuminates her face to Malchut in a Zivug, for on Yom Kippur, Malchut ascends and clothes Bina. Then it is atoned for all the dwellers of the palace, Israel, since the left of ZA welcomes her on this day because the head of Malchut is on the left. At that time appears the illumination of Hochma from the left of ZA, which extends from the left of Bina, for illumination of Hochma atones for the iniquities.
32) On the first day of Sukkot, the right line of ZA will awaken opposite Malchut, to embrace, as it is written, “And his right will embrace me.” At that time there is joy to all, and all the faces illuminate, and there is joy of pouring clear water on the altar. Then people must rejoice in every kind of joy because the right is causing it, for wherever there is the right, Hassadim, there must be joy in everything, and then she is delighted to play.
33) Afterward, on the eighth day of the assembly—the joy of Torah—is the Zivug of the Guf [body], the middle line. This is the Zivug of everything: the Zivug of the left of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, and the Zivug of the right of the festival of Sukkot, since the middle line includes right and left, making all one, and this is the wholeness of everything.
This is certainly the day of Israel and the fate that is only theirs. There is no part in it to another. That is, unlike the festival, on which seventy bulls are sacrificed to the seventy nations, they have no share of the eighth of the assembly. Happy are Israel in this world and in the next world. It is written about them, “For you are a holy nation to the Lord your God.”
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