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2.01 Baal HaSulam,

“The Arvut” [Mutual Guarantee], Item 24

The Israeli nation had been constructed as a sort of gateway by which sparks of purity would flow onto the entire human race throughout the world.

And these sparks multiply daily, like one who gives to the treasurer until they are filled suffi- ciently, meaning until they develop to such an extent that they can understand the pleasantness and tranquility that are found in the kernel of love of others, for then they will know how to shift the balance to the side of merit, and will place themselves under His burden, and the side of sin will be eradicated from the earth.

2.02 Baal HaSulam,

“The Arvut” [Mutual Guarantee], Item 21

The role of the Israeli nation to qualify the world for a certain measure of purity, until they are worthy of taking upon themselves His work, no less than Israel were worthy at the time they received the Torah.

2.03 Baal HaSulam,

“The Love of God and the Love of Man”

Why the Torah was given to the Israeli nation without the participation of all the nations of the world. The truth is that the purpose of creation applies to the entire human race, none excluded. However, because of the lowliness of the nature of creation and its power over people, it was impos- sible for people to be able to understand, determine, and agree to rise above it. They did not demon- strate the desire to relinquish self-love and come to equivalence of form, which is Dvekut with His attributes, as our sages said, “As he is merciful, so you are merciful.”

Thus, because of their ancestral merit, Israel succeeded, and over 400 years they developed and became qualified, and sentenced themselves to the side of merit. Each and every member of the nation agreed to love his fellow man.

Being a small and single nation among seventy great nations, when there are a hundred gentiles or more for every one of Israel, when they had taken upon themselves to love their fellow person, the Torah was then given specifically to qualify the Israeli nation, to qualify itself.

 2.04 Baal HaSulam,

“The Writings of the Last Generation”

We must set a good example to the world because we are better qualified than all other nations. It is not because we are more idealistic than they are, but because we suffered from tyranny more than all other nations. For this reason, we are more prepared to seek counsel that will end tyranny from the land.

2.05 Baal HaSulam,

Shamati Article No. 144, “There Is a Certain People”

“There is a certain people scattered abroad and dispersed among the peoples.” Haman said that in his view, we will succeed in destroying the Jews because they are separated from one another; hence, our power against them will certainly prevail, as it causes separation between man and the Creator. And the Creator will not help them anyway, since they are separated from Him. This is why Mordecai went to correct that flaw, as it is explained in the verse, “the Jews gathered,” etc., “to gather and to stand up for their lives.” This means that they saved themselves by uniting.

2.06 Baal HaSulam,

“The Arvut” [Mutual Guarantee], Item 19

Rabbi Elazar, son of Rashbi, clarifies the matter of Arvut even further. It is not enough for him that all of Israel be responsible for one another, but the whole world is included in the Arvut. Indeed, there is no dispute here, for everyone admits that initially, it is enough to begin with one nation for the observance of the Torah, meaning for the beginning of the correction of the world, as it was impossible to begin with all the nations at once. It is as they said, that the Creator went with the Torah to every nation and tongue and they would not receive it. In other words, they were immersed in the filth of self-love up to their necks, some in adultery, some in robbery and murder and so on, until it was impossible to even conceive, in those days, to even ask if they agreed to retire from self-love.

Therefore, the Creator did not find a nation or a tongue qualified to receive the Torah, except for the children of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, whose ancestral merit reflected upon them, as our sages said, “The fathers observed the whole Torah even before it was given.” This means that because of the exaltedness of their souls, they could attain all the ways of the Creator with respect to the spiritu- ality of the Torah, which stems from their Dvekut with Him without first needing the ladder of the practical part of the Torah, which they had no possibility of observing at all, as written in “Matan Torah,” Item 16.

Undoubtedly, both the physical purity and the mental exaltedness of our holy fathers greatly influenced their sons and their sons’ sons, and their righteousness reflected upon that generation, whose members all assumed that sublime work, and each and every one stated clearly, “We will do and we will hear.” Because of this, we were chosen, out of necessity, to be a chosen people from among all nations. Hence, only the members of the Israeli nation were admitted into the required Arvut, and not the nations of the world at all, since they did not participate in it. This is the plain reality.

 2.07 Baal HaSulam,

“The Arvut” [Mutual Guarantee], Item 20

The end of the correction of the world will only be by bringing all the people in the world under His work, as it is written, “And the Lord will be King over all the earth; in that day, the Lord will be one and His name one.” The text specifies, “on that day,” and not before. And there are several more verses, “For the earth will be full of the knowledge of the Lord…” “…and all the nations will flow unto him.”

But the role of Israel toward the rest of the world resembles the role of our holy fathers toward the Israeli nation: As the righteousness of our fathers helped us develop and cleanse until we became worthy of receiving the Torah, for were it not for our fathers, who observed the whole of the Torah before it was given, we would certainly not be any better than the rest of the nations, as mentioned in Item 12, so it is upon the Israeli nation—through Torah and Mitzvot—to qualify itself and all the people of the world to develop until they take upon themselves that sublime work of the love of others. This is the ladder to the purpose of creation, which is Dvekut with Him.

Thus, each and every Mitzva that each person from Israel performs in order to bring contentment to one’s Maker, and not for any reward and self-love, helps, to some extent, with the development of all the people of the world. This is because it is not done at once, but by a slow, gradual development, until it increases to such a degree that it can bring all the people in the world to the desired purity.

 2.08 Baal HaSulam,

“The Shofar of the Messiah”

There is a precondition for redemption—for all the nations of the world to acknowledge Israel’s law, as it is written, “And the land will be full of knowledge,” as in the example of the exodus from Egypt, where there was a precondition that Pharaoh, too, would acknowledge the true God and His laws, and would allow them to leave.

This is why it is written that each one from the nations will hold a Jewish man and lead him to the holy Land. It was not enough that they could leave by themselves. You must understand from where the nations of the world came by such a will and idea. Know that this is through the dissemination of the true wisdom, so they will evidently see the true God and the true law.

The dissemination of the wisdom in the masses is called a “Shofar.” Like the Shofar, whose voice travels a great distance, the echo of the wisdom will spread the world over, so even the nations will hear and acknowledge that there is Godly wisdom in Israel.

2.09 Baal HaSulam,

“Introduction to The Book of Zohar,” Item 71

In such a generation, all the destructors among the nations of the world raise their heads and wish primarily to destroy and to kill the children of Israel, as it is written (Yevamot 63), “No calamity comes to the world but for Israel.” This means, as it is written in the above Tikkunim, that they cause poverty, ruin, robbery, killing, and destructions in the whole world.

After, through our many faults, we have witnessed all that is said in the above-mentioned Tikkunim, and moreover, the judgment struck the very best of us, as our sages said (Baba Kama 60), “And it begins with the righteous first,” and of all the glory Israel had had in the countries of Poland and Lithuania, etc., there remains but the relics in our holy land, now it is upon us, relics, to correct that dreadful wrong. Each of us remainders should take upon himself, heart and soul, to henceforth intensify the internality of the Torah and give it its rightful place according to its merit over the externality of the Torah.

Then, each and every one of us will be rewarded with intensifying his own internality, meaning the Israel within him, which is the needs of the soul over his own externality, which is the nations of the world within him, being the needs of the body. And that force will come to the whole of Israel until the nations of the world within us recognize and acknowledge the merit of the great sages of Israel over them and will listen to them and obey them.

And the internality of the nations of the world, the righteous of the nations of the world, will over- power and submit their externality, who are the destructors. The internality of the world, too, who are Israel, will rise in all their merit and virtue over the externality of the world, who are the nations. Then, all the nations of the world will recognize and acknowledge Israel’s merit over them, and they will follow the words (Isaiah 14), “And the peoples will take them and bring them to their place, and the house of Israel will possess them in the land of the Lord.” And also (Isaiah 49), “And they will bring your sons in their arms, and your daughters will be carried on their shoulders.” This is the meaning of what is written in The Zohar (Nasso, p 124b), “Through your composition, which is The Book of Zohar, they will be redeemed from exile with mercy.”

2.10 Baal HaSulam,

“A Handmaid Who Is Heir to Her Mistress”

Know that a branch that extends from the internality are the people of Israel, who have been chosen as the operators of the correction and the general purpose. They contain the preparation required for growing and developing until they come to move the nations to achieve the general goal.

The branch that extends from the externality is the rest of the nations. They have not been imparted the qualities that make them worthy of receiving the conducts of development of the pur- pose one at a time. Rather, they are fit to receive the correction at once and to the fullest, according to their upper root.

2.11 Baal HaSulam,

“The Arvut” [Mutual Guarantee], Item 20

Each and every Mitzva that each person from Israel performs in order to bring contentment to one’s Maker, and not for any reward and self-love, helps, to some extent, with the development of all the people of the world. This is because it is not done at once, but by a slow, gradual development, until it increases to such a degree that it can bring all the people in the world to the desired purity.

2.12 Baal HaSulam,

“Exile and Redemption”

I hereby propose to the House of Israel to say to our troubles, “Enough!” and at the very least make a human calculation regarding those adventures that they have inflicted on us time and time again, and here in our country, as well. We wish to start our own policy, as we have no hope of clutching at the ground as a nation as long as we do not accept our holy Torah without any allowances, to the last condition of the work Lishma, and not for one’s own sake, with any residue of selfishness, as I have proven in the article “Matan Torah.”

If we do not establish ourselves accordingly, then there are classes among us, and we will undoubt- edly be pushed, once to the right and once to the left, like all the nations. And much more so, since the nature of the developed is that they cannot be restrained, for any important notion that comes from an opinionated person will not bow its head before anything and knows no compromise. This is why our sages said, “Israel is the fiercest among the nations,” as one whose mind is broader is most obstinate. This is a psychological law, and if you do not understand me, go and study this lesson among the contemporary members of the nation: While we have only begun to build, time has already disclosed our fierceness and assertiveness of the mind, and that which one builds, the other ruins.

…This is known to all, but there is only one innovation in my words: They believe that in the end, the other side will understand the danger and will bow his head and accept their view. But I know that even if we tie them up together, one will not surrender to the other even a little, and no danger will interrupt anyone from carrying out his ambition.

In a word: As long as we do not raise our goal above the corporeal life, we will have no corporeal resurrection, for the spiritual and the corporeal in us cannot dwell together. We are the children of the idea, and even if we are immersed in forty-nine gates of materialism, we will still not give up the idea. Hence, it is the holy purpose of for His sake that we need.

2.13 Baal HaSulam,

“The Arvut” [Mutual Guarantee], Item 28

“Now, if you surely listen to My voice and keep My covenant,” meaning make a covenant on what I am telling you here: to be My Segula from among all peoples. This means that you will be My Segula, and sparks of purification and cleansing of the body will pass through you onto all the peoples and the nations of the world, for the nations of the world are not yet ready for this, and at any rate, I need one nation to start with now, so it will be as a remedy for all the nations. For this reason, He ends, “for all the earth is Mine,” meaning all the peoples of the earth belong to Me, as do you, and are destined to adhere to Me, as written in Item 20.

But now, while they are still incapable of performing that task, I need a virtuous people. If you agree to be the remedy for all the nations, I command you to “be unto Me a kingdom of priests,” which is the love of others in its final form of “Love your friend as yourself,” the axis of all the Torah and Mitzvot. And “a holy nation” is the reward in its final form of Dvekut with Him, which includes all the rewards that can even be conceived.

2.14 Baal HaSulam,

Shamati Article No. 69, “First Will Be the Correction of the World”

He said that first will be the correction of the world, then there will be the complete redemption, the coming of the Messiah. This is the meaning of “And your eyes shall see your Teacher,” etc., “And the whole earth shall be full of knowledge.” This is the meaning of what he wrote, that first the interior of the worlds will be corrected, and subsequently the exterior of the worlds. But we must know that the correction of the externality of the worlds is a higher degree than the correction of the internality.

And the root of Israel is from the internality of the worlds. This is the meaning of “for you are the least of all the peoples.” However, by correcting the internality, the externality will be corrected, too, though in small pieces. And the externality will be corrected each time (until many pennies accumulate into a great sum), until all the externality is corrected.

The main difference between the internality and the externality is, for example, when one performs a certain Mitzva [commandment], not all the organs agree to it. It is like a person who fasts. We say that only his internality agreed with the fast, but his externality is feeling discomfort by the fast, since the body is always in opposition to the soul. Thus, the difference between Israel and the nations of the world should only be made concerning the soul; but concerning the body, they are the same, for the body Israel, too, cares only for its own benefit.

Hence, when individuals in the whole of Israel are corrected, the whole world will naturally be corrected. It follows that the nations of the world will be corrected to the extent that we correct ourselves. This is the meaning of what our sages said, “Rewarded—he sentences himself and the whole world to the side of merit.” They did not say, “he sentences the whole of Israel,” but “the entire world to the side of merit,” meaning that the internality will correct the externality.

2.15 Baal HaSulam,

“Introduction to the Book Panim Meirot uMasbirot,” Item 4

This matter of redemption and the coming of the Messiah that we hope will be soon in our days, Amen, is the uppermost wholeness of attainment and knowledge, as it is written, “and they shall teach no more every man his neighbor, saying: ‘Know the Lord,’ for they shall all know Me, from the greatest of them unto the least of them.” And with the completeness of the mind, the bodies are completed, too, as it is written (Isaiah 65), “The youth, a hundred years old, shall die.”

When the children of Israel are complemented with the complete knowledge, the fountains of intelligence and knowledge shall flow beyond the boundaries of Israel and water all the nations of the world, as it is written (Isaiah 11), “For the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord,” and as it is written, “and shall come unto the Lord and to His goodness.”

The proliferation of this knowledge is the matter of the expansion of the Messiah King to all the nations.

2.16 Baal HaSulam,

“The Writings of the Last Generation”

Judaism must present something new to the nations. This is what they expect from the return of Israel to the land! It is not in other teachings, for in that we never innovated. In them, we have always been their disciples. Rather, it is the wisdom of religion, justice, and peace. In this, most nations are our disciples, and this wisdom is attributed to us alone.

2.17 Baal HaSulam,

“The Writings of the Last Generation”

It is a fact that Israel is hated by all the nations, whether for religious, racial, capitalist, communist, or for cosmopolitan reasons, etc. It is so because hatred precedes all reasons, but each one resolves the loathing according to one’s own psychology. No counsel will help here, except to initiate inter- national, moral, and altruistic communism among all nations.

2.18 Baal HaSulam,

“The Writings of the Last Generation”

The egoistic communism, based on waves of envy and hate, will never be rid of them. Rather, when there are no bourgeois, they will cast their hate on Israel. We must not be mistaken that egoistic communism will cure the hatred of Israel from the nations. Only altruistic communism can be expected to heal it.

2.19 Baal HaSulam,

“The Writings of the Last Generation”

Israel must be the first among the nations to assume the international, altruistic communism. It must be a model demonstrating the good and beauty of this government because they suffer and will suffer from the tyranny of the nations more than all other nations. They are like the heart that burns before all the other organs. Hence, they are better suited to adopt the proper government first.

 2.20 Baal HaSulam,

“The Love of God and the Love of Man”

The Israeli nation was to be a “passage.” This means that to the extent that Israel cleanse themselves by observing the Torah, so they pass their power on to the rest of the nations. And when the rest of the nations also sentence themselves to the side of merit, the Messiah will be revealed, whose role is not only to qualify Israel to the ultimate goal of Dvekut with Him, but to teach the ways of the Creator to all the nations, as it is written, “And all nations will flow unto Him.”

2.21 RABASH,

Letter No. 18

Through the people of Israel, who are more capable than all the nations to approach the Creator, He will then bestow the abundance upon the rest of the nations.

2.22 Zohar for All, Beresheet-1 [Genesis],

“A Prayer for the Poor,” Item 198

Sons, life, and nourishments are drawn to the lower ones only from the middle pillar, called “My son, My firstborn, Israel.” He is also called “the tree of life,” and in Daniel, he is called “A tree in which there is food for all.” For Divinity, who is only in the lower ones, Israel below are considered her life, Divinity’s, and the Torah is considered her nourishments. The prayer, regarded as the offering that brings Divinity to a Zivug with ZA, it is said about her in exile that she says to ZA her husband, “Give me sons.”

2.23 Zohar for All, Beresheet-1 [Genesis-1],

“And the Lord God Built the Rib” Item 280

It is known that the Emanator started creation and established creation in a way that the children of Israel could finish it, as we learn, “You are in partnership with Me, I started creation and you finish it.”

2.24 Zohar for All, Shlach Lecha,

“Man in the World as Above,” Item 83

Israel’s lot is better than that of all the nations in the world, for the Creator wanted them and called His name in them and took pride in them, for the world was created only for Israel to engage in Torah, since One connects to one, ZA and Malchut. Israel below, in this world, are His existence, as through their good deeds, they raise MAN for their Zivug. They are also the existence of all other nations that exist thanks to Israel, but this is when they do their Master’s will.

2.25 Zohar for All, Shlach Lecha,

“Man in the World as Above,” Item 83

Israel’s lot is better than that of all the nations in the world, for the Creator wanted them and called His name in them and took pride in them, for the world was created only for Israel to engage in Torah, since One connects to one, ZA and Malchut. Israel below, in this world, are His existence, as through their good deeds, they raise MAN for their Zivug. They are also the existence of all other nations that exist thanks to Israel, but this is when they do their Master’s will.

2.26 Zohar for All, Pinhas,

“Why Israel Are More in Sorrow than the Rest of the Nations,” Items 152-153

Israel were made by the Creator, the heart of the whole world. And so are Israel among the nations, like a heart among the organs. And as the organs of the body cannot exist in the world even a minute without the heart, all the other nations cannot exist in the world without Israel. And so is Jerusalem among the rest of the countries, like a heart among the organs. Hence, it is in the middle of the whole world, like a heart, which is in the middle of the organs.

Also, Israel are lead within the rest of the nations as the heart within the organs. The heart is soft and weak, and it is the sustenance of all the organs, and all the organs do not feel any sorrow, trouble, and grief, but only the heart, in which there are sustenance and intelligence. Sorrow and grief do not come near the rest of the organs whatsoever because there is no sustenance in them, and they do not know anything.

All the other organs are not close to the king, who is wisdom and intelligence that are in the brain, except the heart. The rest of the organs are far from it and do not know of it at all. So are Israel—close to the holy king, while the rest of the nations are far from Him.

2.27 Zohar for All, Zohar Hadash, Hukat,

“To the Conductor [also: Winner] of Lilies,” Items 107-108

It is written, “How good and how pleasant it is for brothers to also sit together.” Brothers sitting together means the connection of the brother, ZA, in Tzedek [justice], Malchut. “Also” comes to include Israel, who are the Merkava [structure/chariot] for this unification. This is why she said to him, “Where do you pasture? Where do you make it lie down?” Where do you pasture yourself? Where do you make those herds of Jacob lie down? “The oil of gladness from your friend” are the upper patriarchs, who have first connected in you.

Israel are the brothers and friends of ZA, anoint him with oil of gladness on their heads with their prayer. Oil of gladness are the twelve rivers of pure persimmon that illuminate in her from the twelve Behinot [discernments] in ZA. At that time, there is gladness in the worlds, good will in the worlds, and the anger departs from the world.

2.28 Zohar for All, VaYetze [And Jacob Went Out],

“Prophecy, Vision, and Dream,” Item 53

“And behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it.” Those are the appointees of all the nations, which ascend and descend on this ladder. And when Israel sin, the ladder is lowered down and those appointees rise. When Israel improve their actions, the ladder rises and all the appointees come down, and their governance is cancelled. It all depends on this ladder. Here in his dream, Jacob saw the governance of Esau and the governance of all the other nations.

2.29 Zohar for All, Zohar Hadash, Hukat,

“To the Conductor [also: Winner] of Lilies,” Items 99-100

Rabbi Shimon started and said, “The song of songs that is for Solomon.” Several times the Creator admonished Israel, to bring them back in repentance to Him, so they would walk on the straight path, in order to rise among them. When Israel are worthy and walk on the straight path, it is as though the ascent is for the Creator with them from among all the nations of the world. This is so because when Israel are worthy and walk on the straight path, the Creator raises them above all the people in the world, and everyone thanks and praises Him.

And not only they, but even the upper ones above thank Him because of Israel. Moreover, He truly ascends in His glory because of Israel. And moreover, even Israel truly ascend in the glory of the Creator above and below.

When Israel merit, the throne above, Malchut, rises ever upward in several joys, several love, and the worlds, ZA and Malchut, connect in gladness. Then everyone is blessed from the depth of the streams, Bina, and all the worlds are watered and blessed and sanctified in several bless- ings, several Kedushot [pl. of Kedusha (holiness)], and the Creator rejoices with them in joy in wholeness.

2.30 Zohar for All, Lech Lecha [Go Forth],

“And the Lord Said to Abram, After Lot Had Separated,” Item 191

This is the difference between the souls of Israel and the nations of the world. Israel extend from Kelim de Panim [anterior Kelim], which are fit for reception of complete lights even prior to the end of correction. But the nations of the world extend from the external Kelim, which cannot receive completion prior to the end of correction.

Similarly, the worlds divide into internality and externality. The land of Israel are Kelim de Panim with respect to the world, and abroad are the Kelim of externality. Thus, there is no wholeness abroad before the end of correction, for then it is said, “And the Lord shall be King over all the earth,” and “For the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord.” However, before the end of correction, there is no wholeness except in the Kelim de Panim of the world, which are the land of Israel.

Also, the Creator alone governs over the land of Israel. Since the land of Israel is made of Kelim de Panim, it received a correction at that time, too, as it is written, “A land which the eyes of the Lord your God are always upon it,” and in which Divinity appears. However, abroad, dominion is given to the seventy ministers, which are also the externality of Kedusha [holiness], extending from the external Kelim, and which have no wholeness prior to the end of correction. Hence, “And the Lord shall be King over all the earth” did not come true except in the land of Israel.

This is why it is written that as Divinity appears only in its proper place, in the land of Israel, she appears and is revealed only to a man who is worthy of her, who will keep from evoking the Zivug in the externality of the Nukva, in the place below the Chazeh. This is so because then he separates the Nukva from ZA and the abundance goes abroad to the seventy ministers of the nations of the world, which are the owners of the external Kelim that yearn for that abundance.

When Israel sinned and were burning incense to other gods inside the land, they evoked a Zivug in Nukva’s external Kelim, extending the abundance from above downwards, and then the abun- dance goes to other gods. At that time the rest of the nations reign because the abundance reached their seventy nations. Hence, all suck from Divinity, which drew near them because the external Kelim of Divinity were close to the nations of the world, for only they receive from them.

2.31 Zohar for All, Ruth,

“They Both Went,” Item 418

As maggots and worms rise in the body, when Israel are bad, the nations of the world, the children of Esau and Ishmael, who are called “Maggot and Worm,” control them and the body splits so that Israel will be killed. It is written about that, “His flesh pains him and his soul,” the Shechina [Divinity], “mourns him.” What is “His flesh pains him and his soul mourns him”? The flesh of Israel pains them and the soul of Israel mourns. At that time, she yearns for the upper soul, which is called Naomi, Bina.

2.32 Zohar for All, Pekudei [Accounts],

“Calculation and a Number,” Items 93-94

When the sea raises its waves in anger and the waves come up to wash the world over, when they come and see the sand of the sea, they promptly break and turn back quiet, and cannot rule and wash the world over.

Similarly, Israel are like the sand of the sea. When the rest of the nations, the waves of the sea— angry, with harsh Dinim—see that Israel are connected to the Creator, they turn back and break before them, and cannot rule over the world.

2.33 Zohar for All, Zohar Hadash, Hukat,

“To the Conductor [also: Winner] of Lilies,” Item 97

Corresponding to that verse, the words “calculation and number,” is the verse in Song of Songs, “Do not see me that I am black,” for I dressed in judgment to judge the world. At that time, she is regarded as black. She says to her children who approach her into the house, “Do not see me that I am black.” Certainly, if you engaged in the Torah that I gave you, do not fear. But if you did not engage, you will make me make the nations of the world vengeful because of you, where you will be scattered, as it is written, “My mother’s sons were angry with me, made me a caretaker of the vineyards.”

They commented about that, “If Israel are sentenced, if they repent, the Creator brings down that sentence on the other nations. If they do not repent, they go down among the nations, who eat them bone and flesh.”

2.34 Zohar for All, VaYechi [Jacob Lived],

“Do Not Remember the Iniquities of Our Forefathers against Us” 412-413

Had Israel gathered good deeds before the Creator, the idol worshipping nations would never have risen against them. But Israel cause the rest of the nations to raise their heads in the world, for if Israel had not sinned before the Creator, the rest of the idol worshipping nations would have sur- rendered before them.

If Israel had not extended bad deeds to the other side in the land of Israel, the rest of the idol worshipping nations would not have ruled in the land of Israel and they would not be exiled from the land. It is written about that, “For we are very poor” because we have no good deeds as we should.

2.35 Zohar for All, Truma [Donation],

“You Shall Make a Table,” Items 485-488

“And you shall eat and be satisfied, and you shall bless the Lord your God.” How happy are Israel because the Creator favored them and brought them near Him from among all the nations. For Israel, He gives His food and satiation to the whole world. Were it not for Israel, the Creator would not have given nourishment to the world. And now that Israel are in exile, it is all the more so: the world receives sevenfold twice the nourishment and satiation so that an extract of that will suffice for Israel.

When Israel were in the holy land, nourishments would come down to them from a high place, they gave an extract to the idol-worshipping nations, and all the nations were feeding on the extract. Now that Israel are in exile, the matter has been turned around in a different way: the food comes to the nations of the world and Israel receive an extract from them.

There is an allegory about a king who made a meal for his household. As long as they do his will, they eat at the meal with the king and give the part of the bones for the dogs to chew on. When his household do not do the king’s will, he gives the entire meal to the dogs and the bones to his household. As long as Israel do their Master’s will, they eat at the King’s table and the entire meal is prepared for them. They give the bones of their joy, which is the extract, to the idol-worshipping nations. And as long as Israel do not do their Master’s will, they are exiled and the meal is given to the dogs, while they are given the extract, as it is written, “Thus will the sons of Israel eat their bread: unclean among the nations,” for they eat the extract of their abomination, their loathsome food. Woe unto a king’s son who sits and waits for the servant’s table, who eats what is left of his table.

2.36 Zohar for All, VaYishlach [And Jacob Sent], “Fear Not, You Worm of Jacob,” Item 254

Israel is the tree of life, ZA. And because the children of Israel clung to the tree of life, they will have life, and they will rise from the dust and exist in the world, and they will become one nation, serving the Creator.

2.37 Zohar for All, VaEra [And I Appeared],

“And I Appeared—In God Almighty [Shadai], and My Name Is HaVaYaH, I Am Not Known to Them,” Item 15

“A Psalm of David. The land is the Lord’s, and all it contains; the world and those who dwell in it.” “The land” is the holy land of Israel, which is destined to be watered by the Creator and to be blessed with Him first. And from it, the whole world will be watered. “The world and those who dwell in it” is the rest of the lands, which drink from it.

2.38 Raaiah Kook,


This nation was created and came for the whole world, to prepare it for its future.

2.39 Midrash Rabbah,

Song of Songs

Israel bring Light to the world, as was said (Isaiah 60), “And nations will follow your light.”

2.40 Yitzhak Isaac Hever,

Siach Yitzhak, Part 2, Assortments 1

Creation and choice, and the correction and corruption of the world are all dependent upon Israel.

2.41 Raaiah Kook,


Israel, as a unique nation, was blessed in the depth of its sanctity and Godly aspiration. It influences the whole extent of the nations, to refine the national soul in each nation and bring all the nations closer through its power to a more sublime and noble status.

2.42 Rav Kook,

“Whisper to Me the Secret of the Lord”

The purpose of Israel is to unite the entire world into a single

2.43 Midrash Tana’im,

Devarim [Deuteronomy], Chapter 14

Israel is the Creator’s virtue, as it is said, “To be a virtuous nation unto Him.”

2.44 Rabbi Shmuel Bornstein of Sochatchov,

Shem MiShmuel [A Name Out of Samuel],

The name “Israel” means Li-Rosh [I am the head]. One should see oneself as the head and begin- ning of creation, and his vocation as bringing all the people in the world under the wings of the Shechina [Divinity].

2.45 Raaiah Kook,

Orot HaKodesh

In Israel is the secret to the unity of the world.

2.46 Raaiah Kook,

Orot HaKodesh

You should know that although for themselves, Israel are already chosen, sanctified, and crowned with the crowns of the Creator, as long as the whole world, with all its parts, is not corrected, Israel, too, will not reach their final sublimity. However, when His kingship is revealed in the world and the good governs and properly suppresses the bad, Israel will inherit their complete sublimity.

2.47 Raaiah Kook,

Orot HaTshuva [Lights of Repentance]

The revival of the nation is the foundation for the construction of the great repentance, the repen- tance of the upper Israel and the repentance of the whole world which will follow.

2.48 Raaiah Kook,

Ein Ayah

When Israel ascends according to his true, internal quality, to give to the entire world a new and corrected form, not only Israel will ascend, but the entire world. At that time, a new era will begin, in which there will be no admixture of the filth of evil, and wickedness and uprising will not affect it in the least, and anger and sadness will not be able to reign within it. Then, oppression will become obsolete and the sword will lose its status and will become complete abomination.

2.49 Raaiah Kook,


The Assembly of Israel is the essence of the entire reality. In this world, this essence is poured out in the actual Israeli nation, in its corporeality and spirituality, in its genealogy and its faith. The Israeli history is the essence of the ideal of the general history, and there is no movement in the world, in all the nations, whose similitude is not found in Israel. Its faith is the finest essence and the source that imparts the good and the idealism unto all the faiths. Naturally, it is the force that questions all the terms of faith until it leads them to the degree of a clear language, for all to call out the name of the Creator, “And your God is the Holy One of Israel, who is called the ‘God of the whole earth.’”

2.50 Raaiah Kook,

Orot HaKodesh

The revealed unity of the moral, spiritual, and intellectual world, along with the material, technical, and social world is expressed in the world through Israel. The skill of the land of Israel is to establish in the world the revelation of this unity, which gives a new face to the entire human culture.

2.51 Rav Kook,

Letters of the Raaiah, 1966

Great is my belief that all this global uproar of a time of the shifting world in which we live in has come essentially, only for Israel. We are now called upon to carry out a great task willingly and mindfully: to build ourselves and the entire ruined world along with us.

2.52 Raaiah Kook,


The construction of the world, which is currently collapsing under the dreadful storms of a blood- filled sword requires the construction of the Israeli nation. The construction of the nation and the revelation of its spirit are one and the same, and all of it is united with the construction of the world, which is crumbling and awaits a force full of unity and sublimity. All this is present in the soul of the assembly of Israel. The spirit of the Creator is filled with it, and the spirit of one in whose sensation of the soul pulsates cannot be still in this great hour without calling on all the forces in the nation, “Wake up and arise for your duty.”

2.53 Rav Kook, The Purpose of Israel and Its Nationality

[Israel’s Vocation and Nationhood]

The Creator’s service that is given to Israel, its purpose is the ascent of all of humanity, which cannot ascend if not through the ascent of the people of Israel, such that the blessing will manifest in it and enable it to provide the blessing to the world, in turn.

2.54 Raaiah Kook,


We are called upon to unite the world. But before we unite the living, material world, we are called upon to reveal the plan of spiritual unity, which is our own secret.

2.55 Rav Kook,

Letters of the Raaiah

Have strength my friend to shine the light of the wisdom of the hidden in the world. Now the days are nearing when everyone will recognize and know that the salvation of Israel and the salvation of the whole world depend only on the emergence of the wisdom of Kabbalah in a clear language.

2.56 Midrash Rabbah,

Song of Songs

Israel bring Light to the world.

2.57 Likuta Halachot, “The Blessing for the Scent, and a Blessing of Thanksgiving,” Rule No. 4

There is a medium between all the worlds and the Creator, and it is the Israeli soul, which is very high at its root and is truly a Godly part. It is the medium that connects all the worlds with the Creator, and through it, the abundance and vitality and existence are drawn to all the worlds. For this reason, everything depends on Israel.

2.58 Rav Yaakov HaCohen Shakira,

A Well of Living Water

Israel are the first to receive all the abundance, and from them it is dispensed to all the worlds. This is why they are called Li-Rosh [I am the head], meaning that they are regarded as the Rosh [head/ first], the first to receive the blessing, and then to the rest of the people in the world.

2.59 Rabbi Kalonymus Kalman Halevi Epstein,

Maor VaShemesh

When it came up in His simple will to create the world, Israel were the first to come up in the thought, as the Creator anticipated that the Israeli nation would be in the world and that through their great passion to adhere to their Creator and their great yearning and longing they would raise MAN, by which they would bring down abundance to all the worlds. The intention of creation was that abundance would come down only through an awakening from below. Through the raising of MAN that Israel awaken, and through the MAN that they raise, all the worlds ascend and add passion to adhere to their root. This is the Creator’s main delight, when Israel refine themselves from the depth of corporeality and yearn to adhere to their Creator.

2.60 Sefat Emet,

Shemot [Exodus], Portion Yitro [Jethro]

The children of Israel became responsible for the correction of the entire world by the power of the Torah. This is the meaning of what was said to them, “For all the earth is Mine, and you will be unto Me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.” Everything depends on the children of Israel. As they correct themselves, so are all creations drawn after them.

2.61 Rav Kook,

Israel’s Vocation and Nationhood

Israel’s vocation is to be a light to the world, to pull all the people in the world out of the darkness of ignorance and vanity of false views, which have brought about the disorder of the material world and the decline of the human spirit. For this reason, the Master of all the deeds chose His people Israel as the one by whom the truth of the oneness of the Creator will be revealed in the world and the Private Providence will be revealed. This is the most instrumental knowledge for straightening of the ways and views of the entire human race.

2.62 Shem MiShmuel,

Portion Haazinu

The intention of creation was for all to be one bundle, to do the Creator’s will. But the matter was spoiled because of the sin of Adam HaRishon, until even the best in those generations could not unite together in order to serve the Creator. Rather, they were individuals, alone. The correction of this matter began in the generation of Babylon, when separation occurred in the human race, meaning the beginning of the correction of gathering and assembling people to serve the Creator, which started with Abraham and his descendants. Abraham would roam and call out the name of the Creator until a great community gathered unto him, who were called “the people of the house of Abraham.” Thus, the matter grew until it became the assembly of the congregation of Israel. In the future, the end of correction will be when all become one bundle to do the Creator’s will wholeheartedly.

2.63 Rabbi Moshe Chaim Ephraim of Sudilkov,

Degel Mahaneh Ephraim

It is good for the people of the children of Israel to always unite together in one bundle. Then, even those who are of lesser degree help their friends sanctify with more Kedusha [holiness] and attain more. The upper one needs the one below it, and the lower one needs the one above it. Likewise, you should always be bundled in one bundle, and then your roots will unite, as well. This is the meaning of “You will be unto Me a Segula [virtue/remedy],” meaning that you will be a Segula in the upper world, as well, when you are in one unity below.

2.64 Raaiah Kook,


All the cultures in the world will be renewed through the renewal of our spirit. All the views will be set straight, all of life will be illuminated by the joy of a new birth when we rise, and all the faiths will wear new clothes. The blessing of Abraham to all the nations of the Earth will begin its operation firmly and openly, and on its foundation, our building in the land of Israel will begin anew. The current ruin is a preparation for a new revival for the name of the Creator which will become increasingly revealed.

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