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393) “For You are not a God who desires wickedness; no evil dwells with You.” But all who cling to the evil inclination and follow it will defile and will be defiled.
394) “The wickedness of man was great in the earth,” meaning all the transgressions they were performing and the iniquity was not completed until they shed blood in vain on the earth. They are the ones who corrupt their ways on the earth, who ejaculate semen in vain, as it is written, “And every inclination of the thoughts of his heart is only evil the whole day.” It is written, “Only evil,” as it is written, “And Er, the firstborn of Judah, was evil in the eyes of the Lord.” Evil means that he emitted semen in vain.
395) Is evil not wicked? The name “evil” is dedicated to one who ejaculates semen in vain. A wicked one, even if he strikes his friend, and even if he did not do a thing to him, is called “wicked,” as it is written, “And he said to the wicked one, ‘Why would you strike your friend?’” It did not write, “struck,” which would mean that he had already struck him, but it is written, “would strike,” meaning that he still did not strike him. Still, he called him “wicked.”
396) But “bad” is only one who corrupts his way, defiles himself, defiles the earth, and gives strength and power to the spirit of Tuma’a, which is called “bad,” as it is written, “Only evil the whole day.” He does not enter the palace of the Creator or sees the face of the Shechina because by that sin, the Shechina departs from the world.
397) How do we know that the Shechina departs because of it? From Jacob, because when the Shechina departed from him, he thought there was a flaw in his sons, referring to the abovementioned iniquity for which the spirit of Tuma’a strengthened in the world and diminished the light of the moon, the Nukva de ZA, and blemished her. Because of it, the Shechina departed from him.
He thought so because this transgression defiles the Temple, for which the Shechina departed from Jacob, although he himself did not sin. It is all the more so with one who defiles his ways and defiles himself: he strengthens the spirit of Tuma’a, and because of it, when he is defiled, he is called “bad.”
398) When a person is defiled in the abovementioned iniquity, he will not be remembered well by the Creator. And he is always remembered for worse, from that spirit of Tuma’a, called “bad.” This is why he causes the departure of the Shechina, since when the spirit of Tuma’a visits him, the Shechina promptly departs, as it is written, “and the satisfied shall dwell, he shall not be visited by evil.” It means that when one walks on the straight path and does not fail with the abovementioned iniquity, then “he shall not be visited by evil.”
This is why it is written, “only evil the whole day.” It is also written, “No evil dwells with You,” since this is called “bad,” and not a wicked one. It is written, “Even if I walk in the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me.” The opposite is also true, that if the Shechina is with him he does not fear the spirit of Tuma’a, called “bad,” as it is written, “I will fear no evil, for You are with me.” As the Shechina runs from the Tuma’a, called “bad,” so the Tuma’a runs from the Shechina.
(înapoi la pagina ZOHAR CUPRINS / Beresheet Bet – click)