Seven Sections of the Upper Earth

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39/2) There are seven sections above, in Malchut, arranged degree by degree in order. In all the sections there are high angels, one atop the other according to the order of their degrees. There are also angels below, in the seven lands of Assiya. All of them grip to one another so that all will be one.

There are seven sections above, in the world of Atzilut, and the upper land, Malchut, includes all of them, and all are included in it, since those seven sections are the expansion of Malchut to her seven Sefirot Bina, and HGT NHY. Hence, they are all included in her because they are all but parts of Malchut.

The praise of the Creator clothes in all of them together. However, the degrees differ from one another, and the places of the degrees are also different from one to the other.

Explanation: In the beginning he explained two interpretations to the verse, “And the earth was unformed and void [Tohu ve Bohu], and darkness on the face of the deep, and the spirit of God hovered over the face of the waters.” The first interpretation applies to the upper earth, Malchut de Atzilut, in which the four BehinotTohu ve Bohu, darkness, and spirit—came out because she was diminished in the diminution of the moon. The second interpretation applies to the lower earth, in which those four BehinotTohu ve Bohu, darkness, and spirit—made seven sections, “earth,” “ground,” “valley,” “oblivion,” “aridity,” Arka, and “world.”

He continues to explain about that: Those two interpretations do not dispute one another, since all that there is in the lower earth extends from the upper earth, from Malchut de Atzilut. Therefore, the verse, “And the earth was unformed and void,” applies to both earths. There are seven sections, as in the lower earth, and moreover, the seven sections below extend from the seven sections of the upper earth because they are seven sections above, and seven sections below, and all grip to one another because they are all one.

Each of the seven sections below grips to its corresponding Behina in the seven sections of the upper earth. All are one, and all that there is in one, there is also in the other. For this reason, he explains the seven sections in the upper earth, Malchut de Atzilut, from which we conclude all the details of the seven sections that correspond to them in the lower earth. It is said below, “So it is in the seven sections of the earth below,” and they are all as the seven sections of above.

However, when coming to conclude from our lower earth regarding the upper earth of AtzilutMalchut de Atzilut, we should know that the relation of our earth to Malchut de Atzilut is not to the whole of Malchut de Atzilut, but only to the externality of Malchut de Atzilut, since the world of Assiya in general is ascribed to the whole of Malchut de Atzilut. Also, it is known that the ground of the world of Assiya is as the ground of the Garden of Eden, in Bina de Malchut of the world of Assiya.

In other words, Malchut of the world of Assiya is considered a unique Partzuf, and does not end the world of Assiya in Malchut in her, but only in Bina in her, in Tifferet, regarded as Bina de Guf, where the Parsa inside the intestines stands. That Parsa, which ends the world of Assiya, is the ground of the Garden of Eden.

The part from Chazeh of Malchut de Assiya and below, who is under that Parsa, is regarded as her externality. There are ten Sefirot in it, and Malchut of those ten Sefirot is our earth, which divides into seven sections, “oblivion,” “aridity,” Arka, “world,” “earth,” “ground,” “valley.” Likewise is our earth in regard to Malchut de Atzilut, since Malchut de Atzilut in general ends in Bina of her tenth Sefira, where there is the Parsa inside the intestines. From there down the ten Sefirot of the externality of Malchut are extended.

Malchut of those ten Sefirot is the upper earth with seven sections, which he counts here before us. Each of the seven sections of the lower earth, our earth, receives from its corresponding Behina in the upper earth. Thus, only Malchut of the externality of Malchut de Atzilut is ascribed to our earth, and in them are the seven sections that The Zohar describes before us.

That Malchut is also regarded as a Partzuf, whose four upper sections stand from her Chazeh and above through the Parsa that is there, and the three bottom sections stand from Chazeh and below, under her Parsa. Those three sections are considered the externality of Malchut of the externality of Malchut de Atzilut, and in them are roots of the Klipot. That externality of Malchut of the externality illuminates a tiny candle for them, to sustain them, as it is written, “And His kingdom rules over all.” Those are the roots of the Klipa, which The Zohar regards in the three bottom sections, and the praise of the Creator dresses in all of them.

And why does Malchut de Atzilut illuminate to the Klipot and sustain them? It is because the praise of the Creator would not be completed without them because the Klipa [peel] comes before the fruit, as is known.

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