(înapoi la pagina ZOHAR CUPRINS / Beresheet Bet – click)

185) “For in it He rested from all His work which God has created to do.” “For in it” in Yesod, is rest for all—for the upper ones and the lower ones. In it is the Sabbath for rest.
There are two discernments in Yesod: 1) resting, which he receives from Yovel. 2) Its carrying of the Masach de Hirik, in which he determines and makes peace and rest both in the upper two lines—right and left in YESHSUT—and in the lower two lines—right and left in ZA. Therefore, the resting it receives from Yovel is at rest in it, and in it is the Sabbath for rest, since the illumination of resting it receives is at rest in it.
“Which God has created” indicates that from the rule, “remember,” emerged “keep,” to correct the work of the world. “Created” indicates Katnut. “Created” is an unclear word; this is why it is “keep.” “God” indicates Gadlut of Bina, which is then called Elokim [God]. This is “keep.” The Katnut emerged from all the Gadlut in order to correct the work of the world, Malchut.
In other words, since the Nukva, the world, received the Katnut de Bina, she becomes fit to receive the Gadlut de Bina, too, which is the holy name Elokim in Bina, since Elokim in the work of creation is Bina. It follows that the reception of Katnut implied in the word “created” comes for the correction of the world.
“To do” is the craftsmanship of the world, the Mochin de Gadlut, called “craftsmanship,” since “to do indicates the complete work, to do work that completes everything.
186) It is written, “Keeper of the covenant and the mercy.” “Keeper” is the Assembly of Israel, Malchut. The “covenant” is the foundation of the world, Yesod de ZA. “Mercy” is Abraham, Hesed de ZA. The Assembly of Israel, Malchut, keeps the covenant and the Hesed [mercy], Yesod and Hesed de ZA, hence Malchut is called “keeper of Israel.”
It is so because ZA is called Israel, so the Malchut who keeps his Sefirot is the keeper of Israel. She keeps the opening of all the Sefirot of ZA, since Yesod is his bottom Sefira, and Hesed is the highest Sefira. And since she guards them, she guards all of his Sefirot from Yesod to Hesed.
All the works in the world depend on Malchut. That is, besides keeping all the Sefirot of ZA so the outer ones do not cling to them, which are the negative Mitzvot [commandments to avoid certain actions], all the corrections and works depend on her, as well, being the positive Mitzvot [commandments to perform certain actions].
It follows that “Which God has created to do” means to complete and correct everything, each day of the six days of creation, which are the six Sefirot HGT NHY de ZA, and beget spirits and holy souls. Even the spirits and demons are included in “which God has created to do.”
“To do” comes from the words “completion and conclusion,” where all that God has created in the six days of creation still requires completion and correction. This is why it is written here, “God has created to do,” to complete and to correct it.
187) The spirits and the demons were created for the correction of the world, as well, to strike with them the wicked of the world, to compel them to go in the right path. One who leans to the left clings to demons and spirits, which are the left side, and is punished by them. For this reason the demons and spirits, too, are for the correction of the world, to reform the wicked.
It is written about Solomon, “I will chasten him with the rod of men, and with the afflictions of the sons of men.” “The afflictions of the sons of men” are the harm-doers, spirits and demons. But they were created to punish the transgressors, and people are afraid and keep away from the sin.
188) When the spirits and demons were created, He sanctified the day. But He did not have time to make bodies for them so spirits remained without bodies. These are creations that were not completed. They are from the left side, and they are the waste of gold, since at the time of the breaking of the vessels of ZAT, HGT, NHYM, the Klipa mingled with Kedusha. In the world of Tikkun [correction], the Kedusha was sorted out of the Klipa once more, and from them come all the Partzufim of ABYA of Kedusha.
However, waste remained, which is still unfit for sorting any Kedusha from there before the end of correction. The Sitra Achra and the Klipot were made of that waste, and there are right and left in it. The waste from the right is called “fusion of silver,” remaining after the fusing of silver.” The waste from the left is called “fusion of gold” or “waste of gold,” which remains after the fusing of gold. The right side is called silver, and the left side is gold. And since they are from the left side, they are waste of gold.
And because they were not completed and are flawed, the holy name is not present in them, they do not cling to the holy name, and they fear the holy name and move and fear Him. Hence, they cannot cling to Him. Also, the holy name is not present in a flawed place, hence He is not in them.
189) A man who has been flawed because he did not leave a son after him in this world when he has passed away from this world will not be able to cling to the holy name. He is not admitted into the curtain of the Creator because he is flawed and incomplete.
The tree that was uprooted, meaning the man who died without a son, must be replanted. He must reincarnate in the world because the holy name is perfect on all sides. Hence the flawed one will not be able to cling to Him, since spiritual Dvekut [adhesion] means equivalence of form, and the flawed compared to the perfect is as the distance between the east and the west.
190) These creations, the spirits and the demons, are flawed from above and from below. Hence, they do not cling above and do not cling below—from above, from the side of Bina, and from below, from the side of Malchut. It is written about them, “Which God has created to do.” He created creations that must be made and complemented, for they were not complemented above and below, neither from the side of Bina nor from the side of Malchut.
But the spirits have no bodies, so why were they not completed from the side of Bina? It is so because the whole grip of the Sitra Achra is only in the bodies, the Kelim, and not in the spirits, in lights. But since they have nothing of Malchut, why are they not completed by Bina?
But because the spirits were not completed into having a body below, on earth, they are also incomplete above, in the lights, since they extend from Malchut and need bodies to clothe in. And since they have no bodies, it is a flaw in the spirits, too, and they cannot receive their correction from above, in Bina.
All come from the left side and disappear from the eyes of man, and stand opposite them to harm them. They have three things as for the ministering angels, and three as for people. They have wings, they fly from the end of the world to its end, and they know what is destined to be, like the ministering angels. And three are as for people, who eat, drink, multiply, and die.
191) Once the spirits were created, those spirits remained behind the millstone of the Nukva of the great abyss. The Klipa opposite Bina is called “the great abyss,” and the Klipa opposite Malchut is called “the small abyss.”
In each of them there are male and female. The male is called “bedstone,” and the female is called “millstone.” Once the spirits and demons were created, He promptly sanctified the day, for He did not have time to make bodies for them.
On Sabbath, all the Dinim come out from her, then Malchut ascends to Bina and becomes like her. This is why the power of governance extends from Bina, for He admitted all those flawed spirits to the place of Nukva de Bina of the Klipa after the millstone of the Nukva of the great abyss. That Klipa completely surrenders under the Malchut de Kedusha, for which the flaw in the spirits disappears entirely, as long as they are there.
Since the sanctity of the day departs, at the end of Sabbath, and the spirits were not completed, they go out to the world and roam in every direction. The people of the world should be wary of them because then the whole of the left side and Hell awakens, a blazing fire.
And all those from the left side walk and roam in the world, and wish to clothe in a body, but cannot. At that time they should be watched. The sages have established that we should say a poem of afflictions, “Sitting in Hiding,” each time the fear of them is in the world.
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