And Jacob Had Cooked Stew

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77) Why did Jacob not wish to give Esau the lintel stew until he sold him his seniority? How is it possible that Jacob would deceive Esau?

78) The writing testifies that Jacob was Ish [person] Tam [naïve, but also whole], who did not know how to deceive, as it is written, “You will give truth to Jacob.” But even before that, Esau hated the seniority and would ask Jacob to take it even if not for money, as it is written, “And he ate and drank, and rose and went on his way. Thus, Esau despised his birthright.”

The birthright is the Mochin of light of Hochma that extend from the illumination of the left. And when the light of Hochma is without clothing of Hassadim, the lower ones cannot receive it and it causes them harsh Dinim.

“And Esau came in from the field and he was weary.” “Behold, I am about to die; so of what use then is the birthright to me?” The field is the place of illumination of the left, where he extended the Mochin of the birthright. Because of them, he became weary to death, since it is without Hassadim.

The lentil stew is the Mochin that extend from the middle line, called Jacob, light of Hochma that is clothed in Hassadim and that shines in all the perfection. However, they lack the GAR de GAR, which are the seniority. This is so because due to the extension of the middle line over the Masach de Hirik, to clothe the Hochma in Hassadim, the GAR de GAR from the Mochin diminish.

“And Esau came in from the field and he was weary” because he extended the Mochin of seniority there, which lack the clothing of Hassadim. And he became weary to death because this was before he came to Jacob to ask him for the lentil stew, due to the harsh Dinim that extended to him through them. It turns out that he did not hand over the seniority to him for the lentil stew, but for the fear of death. And after he had already despised the seniority and wished for him to take it even without money, Jacob revived him with the lentil stew and wanted him to swear to him on the selling of the seniority, to subdue the left once and for all under the right.

79) “And Jacob had cooked stew,” for Abraham’s mourning, for Abraham died on that day. And Jacob cooked stew, which are round and have no mouth. This implies to the mourners, who have no mouth. But it should have said, “And Isaac had cooked stew,” for he was the one in mourning, and not Jacob. Because Jacob knew that Esau’s root was on that side that clung to him, he made red stews, since this stew breaks the force of the red blood and can break the authority and force of Esau, who is the red blood, as it is written, “And the first came forth ruddy.”

The mouth is GAR, as it is written, “For he had a taste for game.” But the lentil stew does not have a mouth because they lack the GAR. And yet, they were red because the red color indicates Bina, the left line that extends from her, from which Esau nourished the Mochin of the seniority.

Had they not been red, Esau would not have received them, since he can only receive from the illumination of the left, which is the red color, and he would not be able to subdue him. But because they were red, discerned as Hochma from the illumination of the left, Esau received them, although they were only VAK de GAR. And through his reception, he despised the seniority and surrendered under Jacob.

80) And for that stew, Esau sold himself to slavery and sold his seniority to Jacob. At that time, Jacob knew that for one goat that Israel would sacrifice to his degree on the Day of Atonement, meaning to Azazel of the wilderness, who is Sam, Esau’s minister, he would become a slave to his sons, meaning become their defender and will not slander them. Thus, for that degree of Esau’s Hochma, Jacob went with Esau in wisdom in every place, hence Esau could not govern and surrendered, and Jacob was not defiled in him, and he will protect him.

82) So it should have been with Laban, as well, since he was a charmer. Hence, Jacob treated him deceitfully, as well. And even though Jacob was Ish Tam, since he was complete and whole, he dealt mercifully with whom he was supposed to deal mercifully, and dealt with harsh Din and deceit with whom he should have. This is so because there were two parts in him, Hesed and Din, since Jacob is the middle pillar, containing the two lines, Hesed and Gevura. It is written about him, “Be pious with a pious one, and cunning with harsh Din with a stubborn one.”

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