And … Placed Them in the Firmament of the Heavens

(înapoi la pagina ZOHAR CUPRINS / VAYEŢE – click)

331) “And God placed them in the firmament of the heavens” is righteous, Yesod. Although it was said, “The firmament of the heavens,” and the heaves are ZA and not Yesod, “The firmament of the heavens” is still the conclusion of the Guf [body]. The heavens, ZA, which is Tifferet, is the Guf of the Sefirot HGTNHY, and Yesod is the last Sefira in it. It is regarded as standing at the Sium of the Guf. This is the reason why the text calls it “The firmament of the heavens,” the Yesod that stands at the end of the heavens, the end of ZA.

(înapoi la pagina ZOHAR CUPRINS / VAYEŢE – click)

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