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541) All of Jacob’s sons were set up in a complete order, meaning became a Merkava [chariot/assembly] to arrange high Sefirot. Each was blessed to the extent that he was worthy. And what does it say in this verse? “Asher, his bread shall be fat.”
542) Asher dwelt by the seashore. One who lives by the sea, at Yesod de Malchut, uses the delicacies of the world, meaning Mochin that extend from Eden. Asher is the high opening of the righteous, Yesod, when he is blessed to pour out blessings to the world. This opening is always known for the blessings of the world, and it is called “Asher.” It is a pillar, one of those on which the world stands.
The four sons of the maidservants are the four Achoraim [posteriors] in the four Sefirot HG and NH. Asher is the Achoraim de Hod, where there are the Dinim of Masach de Hirik, on which the middle line comes out, which unites the two lines and brings the Achoraim back to being internality, as it is written, “All their rear parts turned inward.” Asher is the upper opening of the righteous, since righteous, Yesod or middle line, receives the power of the Masach de Hirik from Achoraim de Hod, which is Asher. This is why Asher is regarded as the high opening for the Yesod.
Had it not been for the Masach de Hirik that receives from Asher, he would not have blessings to impart upon the world. And even though he is Dinim, still, the world, Nukva, stands on him. Without him, the middle line would not be able to unite the two lines in one another and the world would be ruined and dry.
543) A place that is called “Bread of affliction” is the Nukva, who receives only from the left line. He is established from that place, from Asher, from whom the Masach was made for the middle line. It is written, “Asher, his bread shall be fat,” meaning that what was previously “Bread of affliction” has now become “a bread of delight” once more—once the two lines have united with one another. This is so because he emptied and placed blessings in it, and the end of the verse proves, as it is written, “And he will yield royal dainties.” “Royal” refers to the assembly of Israel, Malchut, from whom the world is nourished with the dainties of the world. And he, Asher, will give to this King, to Malchut, all the blessings, every joy and bounty. He gives to her, to Malchut, and from her it comes out to the lower ones.
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