I Seek My Brothers

(înapoi la pagina ZOHAR CUPRINS / VAYEŞEV – click)

106) “And he said: ‘I seek my brothers…They have moved from here.” The assembly of Israel, Nukva, said to the king that peace is his, meaning ZA, “Who will make you like a brother to me,” like Joseph to his brothers, who said, “And now, fear not…” and he gave them food and nourished them during the famine. This is why the assembly of Israel said to ZA, “Who will make you like a brother to me,” like Joseph to his brothers.

107) “Who will make you like a brother to me” is what Joseph, Yesod, said to Divinity when he united with her and clung to her. “…that sucks the breasts of my mother,” for then, when receiving Mochin de Ima, there is brotherhood and wholeness between them. “…if I find you outside,” within the exile, in another land. “…I will kiss you,” to attach her spirit to his spirit. “…and none will despise me,” although I am in another land.

108) Even though Joseph’s brothers were not as brothers once he fell into their hands, he was to them as a brother when they fell into his hands, as it is written, “And he comforted them, and spoke kindly to them,” until they believed him.

(înapoi la pagina ZOHAR CUPRINS / VAYEŞEV – click)

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