Praise, You Servants of the Lord

(înapoi la pagina ZOHAR CUPRINS / VAYECHI – click)

478) “Hallelujah. Praise, you servants of the Lord, praise the name of the Lord.” Since he said, “Hallelujah” [praise the Lord], why does he also say, “Praise, you servants of the Lord,” and afterwards, “Praise the name of the Lord”? One who praises another should praise him according to his honor. And one who praises another with a praise that is not in him causes his indecency to appear. Hence, one who mourns for a person should do it according to his honor and not more.

479) “Hallelujah” is the high praise of the Master of every place, which the eye does not govern, to know and to behold, who is more hidden than all that is hidden. It is the name, HaVaYaH, the most superior to all. The name YaH [YodHey, pronounced Koh] is GAR. This is because the tip of the Yod is KeterYod is Hochma, and Hey is Bina, and there is no attainment in GAR.

480) Hence, Hallelujah is the praise and the name together, included as one. And here he makes the matter unclear, since he says, “Hallelujah,” but he is not saying who is saying, “Hallelujah,” and to whom they are said. Rather, as the name Koh is unclear, the praise that is praised is unclear, and he does not know who are the ones who are praising.

So should everything be, unclear. And after he revealed and said, “Praise, you servants of the Lord, praise the name of the Lord,” he disclosed who were the ones who were praising and whom they were praising, since this is not as unclear as that hidden upper one, Koh, since He is called “name,” Nukva. It is written about it, “Which is called by a name, the name of the Lord,” Nukva, which is called “name.”

481) The first one, Koh, is hidden and not revealed. The second, “The name of the Lord,” is hidden and revealed, and is in disclosure, hence they are praising the name of the Creator. And who are the ones who are praising? They are the servants of the Creator.

482) “Let the name of the Lord be blessed.” What is the difference for which he says, “Let”? “Let” is an extension of that high and hidden place, Koh, to the covenant, which is the bottom Yod, like the upper Yod; the beginning is as the end.

ZA is called HaVaYaH, and Nukva is called ADNI. This is why it is written, “Be the name of the Lord,” since name is the Nukva, the Hey of ZA. When they unite, the two names conjoin and become Yahdonhy. There are two letters Yod here. The first Yod is HochmaYod de HaVaYaH, and the last Yod is Yod of ADNI, bottom Hochma.

From the first Yod of Yahdonhy, abundance of Hochma extends through the covenant, which is the Nukva, the bottom Yod, the last Yod of Yahdonhy. As the upper Yod of Yahdonhy is Hochma, the bottom Yod of Yahdonhy receives from her and becomes the bottom Hochma. The first Yod and the last Yod become equal and both are Hochma.

483) For this reason, Yehi [“Let,” consisting of Yod-Hey-Yod] is an extension from the most hidden of all that is hidden, the first Yod of Yahdonhy, through the bottom degree, the last Yod of Yahdonhy, and they are the two letters Yod of Yehi. By that, the whole act of creation unfolded, as it is written, Yehi Rakia [Let there be a firmament], Yehi Meorot [Let there be lights], Yehi Ohr [Let there be light].

484) In all the actions above, the firmament, the light, and the lights, it is written, Yehi. In all the acts below, the earth and the waters and all that is in them, it does not write, Yehi. This is so because it is an extension from the most hidden of all that is hidden, the first Yod of Yahdonhy, and persists only in high things of above, and not in those things of below.

485) By that, the holy name is blessed with everything. This is why it is written, “Let the name of the Lord be blessed from the rising of the sun unto its setting.” This is a high place, from which the sun, ZA, shines, the place of the upper, hidden Rosh [head], the Rosh of AA.

486) “Unto its setting” is the place of connection to which faith connected, meaning Nukva, as it should. There is the unification of ZA and Nukva, and from there the blessings come out to all, and the world, Nukva, is nourished from here. For this reason, this place, the Nukva, is set up to be nourished from above and to be blessed from there. But it all depends on the awakening below, when these servants of the Creator awaken when they bless the holy name, the Nukva, since she is revealed, as it is written, “Praise, you servants of the Lord, praise the name of the Lord.”

(înapoi la pagina ZOHAR CUPRINS / VAYECHI – click)

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