For He Will Give His Angels Charge over You

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200) Before a person comes to this world and emerges from his mother’s womb, “And a man wrestled with him.” This is Gabriel. “Wrestled,” meaning in that same dust of ground, as it is written, “Then the Lord God formed man of dust from the ground.” It follows that man is dust, and the dust of the ground is the evil inclination.

Also, Gabriel is the good inclination, which wrestles with the evil inclination, called “dust.” It teaches him seventy languages, which is why it writes, “formed,” with two Yods [in Hebrew]. One Yod opposite the good inclination, Gabriel, who taught him seventy languages, and one Yod opposite the evil inclination, which wrestled him, as it is said, “For he touched the socket of Jacob’s thigh in the sinew of the hip,” and made him forget the seventy languages that the good inclination had taught him.

201) First, four angels descend. It is said about them, “For He will give his angels charge over you.” If he has ancestral merit, then one is Michael, by the merit of Abraham; the second is Gabriel, by the merit of Isaac; the third is Nuriel, by the merit of Jacob; and the fourth is Raphael, by the merit of Adam ha Rishon. And the good inclination is atop him.

202) If he has no merit, four harm-doers go with him: Crime, Destroyer, Anger, and Fury. And the evil inclination is atop them, to sentence him to the world that will come. For this reason they explained, “The wicked is judged by the evil inclination, the righteous is judged by the good inclination, and the intermediate is judged by both.” Hence, if he is intermediate, then Gabriel, which is the good inclination, and Sam’el, which is the evil inclination, both sentence him.

203) Every person with four foundations—fire, wind, water, and dust—has four angels descending with him on the right, and four on the left. The four on the right are Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, and Nuriel, and the four on the left are Crime, Destroyer, Anger, and Fury. And as for the body, Matatron descends upon him from the right, and Sam’el from the left.

204) There is not a person without the four foundations—fire, wind, water, and dust. But the order of these four follows the foundation that was first in him. If his sign is Lion, which is Hesed, then Michael comes first, followed by Gabriel, Nuriel, and Raphael. If his sign is Ox, which is Gevura, Gabriel comes first, followed by Michael, Nuriel, and finally Raphael. If his sign is Eagle, which is Tifferet, Nuriel comes first, followed by Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael. And if his sign is Adam (man), which is Malchut, Raphael comes first, followed by Michael, Gabriel, and Nuriel.

205) For those on the right, the side of Michael, all of its four faces—Lion, Ox, Eagle, Man—are Rachamim. He is benevolent and his face is white. If this man engages in the Torah, he is generous, pious, and wise. But if he does not engage in the Torah, he is the opposite—from the side of the evil inclination: a thief, foolish, and mean-spirited, since the ignorant is not pious.

206) From Gabriel’s side, which is Sam’el, his four faces are Ox, Lion, Eagle, and Man. They are judgment, the quality of judgment over the wicked, and provoke them, as we established, that it is permitted to provoke the wicked in this world. He is a hero over his inclination, fears sin, and he will be a judge if he engages in Torah and is strong in his studies.

And conversely, if he is from the side of the evil inclination, he provokes the righteous, to perform harsh judgment over them. He is strong in committing transgressions, does not fear sin, and his face is red, like the blood shedder Esau.

207) One whose sign is eagle, who is from the middle line, is not very merciful, and is not in a great measure of Din. Rather, he is intermediate in his good inclination, his good qualities, and intermediate in the evil inclination, bad qualities. And he has a white and red face.

208) One whose sign is man, which is Malchut, is included with all the good qualities from the good side: pious, wise, strong in Torah, fears sin, and filled with every good quality. The color of his face is black. And if he is from the evil inclination, his is filled with every bad quality.

209) And if one has many sins, all the camps of the evil inclination govern him, until all the camps of the good inclination depart him, and he will crown Sam’el and all his camps over his organs.

210) And if one has many merits, the camps of the good inclination govern him, until all the camps of the evil inclination depart him, and he crowns the camps of the good inclination over all his organs. At that time, the name HaVaYaH governs him.

211) And if he is intermediate, the hosts of heaven stand over him from his right and from his left. These pull right, toward merit, and those pull left, toward sin. And the stronger one prevails. For this reason, the authors of the Mishnah stated, “One should always consider oneself as though the whole world depends on him,” meaning he should consider himself and the whole world as intermediate. And if he keeps one commandment, he sentences himself and the whole world to a scale of merit. And if he commits one transgression, he sentences himself and the whole world to a scale of sin.

212) From Michael’s side, man is called Bechor [firstborn], and his degree is white silver, implying Hesed. For this reason, the redemption of the firstborn is silver, five rocks, equal to Abraham’s Hey [which equals 5 in Gematria]. If he grows wise in the Torah, the Yod—holiness, Hochma—will be added to him, and in it he will need to sanctify every firstborn of the cattle, “The holiness of Israel to the Lord.” And in it, he must give tithing of the young, for each young is from the side of the son of YodHey, which is VavTifferet.

213) All the holy animals were called by the letters of the Holy Name, as it is written, “Every one that is called by My name, and whom I have created for My glory.” Even all the creations were created in the letters of the Holy Name, and there is no creation that is not written in this name, to know the one who created it. Yod of the name HaVaYaH is the form of the head of each creation. The HeyHey of the name is the form of five fingers on the right hand, and the five of the left hand. Vav is the form of the body.

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