He neither Ate Bread nor Drank Water

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251) Rabbi Shimon sat and Rabbi Elazar, his son, stood and interpreted the words of the secrets of the wisdom. His face was shining like the sun and the words were spreading and flying in the firmament. They sat for two days; they neither ate nor drank, and they did not know if it was day or night. When they came out, they knew that two days had passed without them eating a thing. Rabbi Shimon called out about it, “And he was there with the Lord forty days and forty nights; he neither ate bread.” And what if we, who were rewarded with adhesion with the Creator, were so for one hour, having been in the light of the Creator for two days, not knowing where we are? Moses, the text testifies that he was there with the Creator forty days.

252) When Rabbi Hiya told the story to his father, Rabbi Shimon Ben Gamliel, he was bewildered and said, “Rabbi Shimon Bar-Yochai is a lion, and Rabbi Elazar, his son, is a lion. And Rabbi Shimon is not like all other lions. It is written about him, ‘When a lion roars, who will not fear?’ And if the worlds above shiver from him, we do even more. He is a man who never declared a fast for what he asked and prayed. Rather, he decides and the Creator keeps. The Creator decides and he revokes, as it is written, ‘Ruler over men shall be the righteous, even he that rules in the fear of God,’ meaning the Creator rules over man, and the righteous rules over the Creator; He sentences a decree, and the righteous revokes it.”

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