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253) There is nothing that the Creator loves more than the prayer of the righteous. Even though He desires it, at times He does what they ask and at times He does not.
254) Our sages said, once the world needed rain. Rabbi Elazar came and declared forty fasts, but rain did not come. He prayed a prayer but rain did not come. Rabbi Akiva came and prayed and said, “The blower of wind,” and a strong and harsh wind blew. He said, “He who brings down rain,” and a torrent came down. Rabbi Elazar’s mind was weak. Rabbi Akiva looked at his face and sensed the weakness of his mind.
255) Rabbi Akiva stood before the people and said, “I will give you an allegory. What is this like? Rabbi Elazar is like one who is loved by the king, whom the king loves more than anyone. When he comes before the king, he is welcome, so he does not wish to grant him his wish quickly, so he would not depart him, because he wishes for him to speak to him. I, however, am like the king’s servant, who makes a request before him and the king does not wish that he will come into the palace, much less speak to him. The king says, ‘Grant him his wish immediately lest he will enter.’
“Thus, Rabbi Elazar is the king’s beloved one and I am a servant. The king wishes to speak to him everyday and to not part from him. But as for me, the king does not wish for me to come into the palace so he grants my wish immediately.” Rabbi Elazar was appeased.
256) Rabbi Elazar told him, “Akiva, come and I will tell you something that I saw in a dream. This verse, where it is written, ‘And you, do not pray for this people,’ due to the iniquity of the generation, the prayer for them is not accepted. And yet, it is said, ‘And you, do not pray for them,’ which means that others can pray. This is why I was not granted but you were granted. Moreover, there are discernments for which no righteous in the world can pray.”
Come and see, the twelve mountains of persimmon, which are HGTM de Bina, called “Persimmon,” are included in one another so that each of them consists of HGT, and they are twelve. But Malchut does not shine, even in Malchut, before the end of correction. The one who wears a breastplate and an ephod [vest] entered, meaning raised MAN. This relates to ZA, whose Tifferet is called breastplate, and to Malchut, which is called “ephod.” The twelve stones in the breastplate receive from the twelve lights of Bina, and the twelve of the ephod receive from the twelve of the breastplate. Yet, in them, too, Malchut does not shine as in Bina.
He prayed to the Creator, meaning raised MAN to Bina, to have mercy on the world, to complete the correction in Malchut, herself, too, so she will shine like HGT. But thus far, his prayer was not accepted. Thus, there are discernments for which the prayer is not heard. Hence, why was Rabbi Elazar’s mind weak? Was it because he saw in his dream, “And you, do not pray,” which implies that another could pray? It was because people did not know it and thought that his merit was lesser than the merit of Rabbi Akiva’s.
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