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527) “Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.” This is the holy covenant, Yesod. And because all the origins of the organs of the body are in that covenant and it contains everything, similarly, the Sabbath is the whole of the Torah, and all the secrets of Torah depend on it. Thus, the keeping of the Sabbath is as the keeping of the whole of the Torah, and one who keeps the Sabbath, it is as though he kept the whole of the Torah.
528) Remembering the Sabbath is as written, “Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.” In all the places, the Sabbath is a day of remembering the everlasting rest. It is also the whole of the Torah, and one who keeps the Sabbath, it is as though he kept the whole of the Torah. The memory of the Sabbath is to sanctify it in all kinds of sanctities. He who remembers the King must bless Him. He who remembers the Sabbath must sanctify it.
529) Remember is for a male, ZA, and keep is for the Nukva, Malchut. The Sabbath day is the whole faith, which hangs down from the upper Rosh [head], Keter, through the end of all the degrees. The Sabbath is everything.
530) There are three degrees, and they are all called “Sabbath.” The upper Sabbath is Bina, the Sabbath of the day is ZA, and the Sabbath of the night is Malchut. But they are all one and everything is called “Sabbath.” When each rules, he takes his friends and invites them to govern with him in his governance. And when that comes to the world, they all come and consult with him.
531) When the Sabbath of the night arrives, it invites the Sabbath of the day with it, inviting it to its palace and hides with it. When that comes, the upper Sabbath is drawn on it, as well, and all are hidden in the palace of the Sabbath of the night. For this reason, the night meal is as important as during the day.
532) When the Sabbath of the day arrives, ZA, it invites the two others with it, the upper degree and the lower degree, the one that shines and the one that shines from him, Bina and Malchut. All as one are called “Sabbath,” and govern on the Sabbath day, and those three degrees are the whole of the Torah, the written Torah, Prophets, and Hagiographa. One who keeps the Sabbath keeps the entire Torah.
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