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519) When the Creator planted the world, He sank a bundle in the deep, a splinter of stone, engraved with the holy name. He sank it in the deep, and when the waters wish to rise to sink the world, they see the holy name engraved on that bundle and return, sink, and turn back. To this day, this name is found in the deep.
520) When people swear truthfully, in true keeping, the bundle rises, receives the oath, and returns and stays over the deep, and the world persists. Thus, true oaths sustain the world.
521) When people swear in vain, the bundle rises to receive the oath. When it sees it is a lie, the bundle that would rise retreats, the waters go and sail, and the letters of the bundle disperse within the deep and scatter. Then the waters wish to rise and cover the world, and bring it back to how it was when it was water.
522) Finally, the Creator summons Yazriel, the appointee over seventy keys in the holy name, who enters the bundle and engraves the letters in it as before. Then the world exists and the waters return to their place. It is written about it, “You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.”
523) The twelfth commandment is to swear in His name in truth. He who swears includes himself in these seven upper degrees in which the name of the Creator, Malchut, is included. Thus, there are six degrees HGT NHY in which a person who swears in truth by a court includes himself, and he himself is the seventh, corresponding to Malchut, to keep the holy name, Malchut, in its place. This is why it is written, “And swear by His name.” And one who swears in vain and falsely causes that place, Malchut, not to exist in its place.
524) An oath to keep the commandment of his Master is a true oath. When the evil inclination slanders a person and seduces him to break his Master’s commandment, it is an oath in which his Master is praised. A person should swear by his Master on it, and it is His praise and the Creator is praised in it. Such was Boaz, as it is written, “As the Lord lives. Lie down until morning,” since the evil inclination was slandering him and he swore on it.
525) A vow is above. It is the life of the King, the Mochin of Malchut, which are in Bina, 248 organs and 12 ties, four Sefirot HG TM, each of which comprises three lines, as the number [in Gematria] of Neder [vow], since 248 and 12 are NeDeR (254). This is why it is more serious than an oath. It is called “the life of the King” because it gives life to all 248 organs. These lives descend from above, from Ein Sof, down to that source of life, Bina, and from that source they come down to Malchut, to all those 248 organs.
526) The oath is to keep the degree below, the holy name, Malchut. This is called “the king himself,” when the upper spirit in his body comes to reside within him and to dwell in him as a spirit that dwells inside the body. That is, the Mochin have already clothed in the Kli of Malchut, the Guf [body], which is hidden above in Bina and appears only in Malchut.
For this reason, one who swears in truth keeps that place. And when that place is kept, he keeps the whole world. There is a vow over everything, over what is commanded and over what is permitted. But this is not so with an oath, which does not apply to a Mitzva [commandment].
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