You Shall Not Make for Yourself

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427) “You shall not make for yourself an idol or any likeness.” Any form of a face is permitted to make, except for the face of a man because the face of a man governs everything.

428) Another interpretation: “You shall not make for yourself an idol or any likeness” is as is written, “Do not let your speech cause you to sin.” One should be so careful with words of Torah, and one should be so careful not to err in them and utter a word of Torah that he does not know, and which he did not receive from his teacher. Anyone who says words of Torah that he does not know or did not receive from his teacher, it is written about him, “You shall not make for yourself an idol or any likeness.” The Creator will avenge him in the next world. When his soul wishes to come into her place, she will be rejected outside and will be abolished from that place, which is bundled in the bundle of life of the rest of the souls.

429) It is written, “Why should God be angry with your voice?” “Your voice” is man’s soul. It is written about it, “For the Lord your God is a jealous God,” since He is jealous for His name in everything, whether He is jealous for His name because of the form of the face or because he lies in His name, or because of the Torah that he says, which he does not know or did not receive from his teacher.

430) The whole Torah is a holy name, for there is nothing in the Torah that is not included in the holy name. Hence, we must be careful not to err in His holy name and not lie with it. One who lies with the upper King is not admitted into the King’s palace and will be abolished from the next world.

431) It is written, “You shall not make for yourself an idol or any likeness.” It is also written, “Cut out for yourself two stone tablets like the first ones,” meaning do not make an image, that is, do not make for yourself another law, which you did not know and which your teacher did not tell you, “For I the Lord your God am a jealous God.” I am the one who will avenge you in the next world. When the soul wishes to come before Me, she will be so lied to, and she will be admitted into Hell.

432) “You shall not make for yourself an idol.” One must not lie in the name of the Creator, since the first knot by which Israel tied to the Creator was when they were circumcised. This is the first law, before all the others, for entering Abraham’s covenant. It is the connection of Divinity. One must not lie in this covenant, for one who lies in this covenant lies to the Creator. And what is a lie? It is that he will not let that covenant into other domains, as it is written, “And has married the daughter of a foreign God.”

433) From here is the verse, “They have betrayed the Lord, for they have borne foreign children,” for one who lies in this covenant lies to the Creator, since this covenant is gripped to the Creator, and it is written, “You shall not make for yourself an idol.”

(înapoi la pagina ZOHAR CUPRINS / YITRO – click)

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