And They Shall Take a Donation for Me

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34) “And they shall take a donation for Me.” One who wishes to exert in a Mitzva [singular of Mitzvot] and exert in the Creator must not exert in it futilely and for nothing. Rather, one should exert in it properly, according to one’s strength. It is good for a person to accept the Creator’s exertion, as it is written, “Every man shall give as he is able, according to the blessing of the Lord your God which He has given you.”

35) But it is written, “Buy and eat. Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost,” thus it is free, and it is the Creator’s exertion. Wine and milk mean the Torah, which is called so. But with exertion in the Torah, anyone who wishes is granted. The exertion of the Creator is to know Him, and anyone who wishes is rewarded with Him without any pay at all. But the exertion of the Creator that stands in an act must not be taken for nothing and futilely, for he will not be rewarded with that act at all, to extend on it the spirit of holiness, but only with the full pay.

36) It is written in magic books that Asmodeus, king of the demons, taught King Solomon, “Anyone who wishes to exert and to remove the spirit of Tuma’a [impurity] from himself, and subdue the spirit of the Sitra Achra, should buy that act in which he wishes to exert for the full price. He should give all that is asked of him, whether much or little.” This is so because the spirit of Tuma’a is always readily available for free and for naught, and is sold at no cost because it forces people, staying over them and deflecting them with several incitements to dwell with them, luring them in several ways into making their habitat with him.

37) It is not so with the spirit of Kedusha [holiness], but rather with the full price, with great and manifold exertions, with purifying himself and purifying his abode, and with the will of his heart and soul. And even then may he be able to earn him so he will make his dwelling place with him. And yet, he must go on the straight path and not stray to the right or to the left. And if not, he parts from him at once and moves away from him, and will no longer be able to earn him as before.

38) This is why it is written, “And they shall take a donation for Me from every man,” from anyone who is called “a man,” who has overcome his inclination, “Whose heart moves him,” meaning who is desired by the Creator. It is written, “My heart said to You”; “The rock of my heart”; “Glad of heart”; “His heart was merry.” These are all the Creator’s heart, His will. Here, too, “Whose heart moves him” is the heart of the Creator. From him “You shall take My donation,” for there is the Creator, staying in him, and not elsewhere.

39) And how do we know that the Creator desires him and places His abode within him? When we see that man’s will is to chase and to exert after the Creator with his heart, soul, and will, we know for certain that Divinity is present there. Then we need to buy that man for the full cost, bond with him and learn from him. We learn about that, “And buy yourself a friend.” He should be bought for the full price to be rewarded with the Divinity that is in him. This is how far we must chase a righteous man and buy him.

40) Similarly, that righteous must chase the wicked and buy him for the full cost, so he will remove that filth from him and subdue the Sitra Achra. He will make him because it is considered for him as though he has created him. This is a merit by which the glory of the Creator is elevated more than in other praises, and this elevation is more than anything because it caused the subjugation of the Sitra Achra, and the raising of the glory of the Creator. It is written about it in Aaron, “And he turned many back from iniquity,” and it is written, “My covenant was with him.”

41) Anyone who holds the hand of the wicked and exerts with him so he will leave the bad way rises in three ascensions, which no other man has risen. He causes the subjugation of the Sitra Achra, causes the Creator’s glory to rise, and causes the keeping of the entire world in its existence above and below. It is written of such a person, “My covenant was with him, the life and the peace.” He is rewarded with seeing sons to his sons, and he is rewarded in this world and rewarded with the next world. No litigator can sentence him in this world and in the next world, he enters through the twelve gates in the firmament, and there is none who can protest against him.

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