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424) “And when all the people saw the pillar of cloud standing at the door of the Tent, all the people rose up and worshipped, every man at his tent door.” This is appropriate for Moses, who is the most faithful prophet of all the prophets in the world. That generation, which received the Torah on Mount Sinai, saw several miracles and several mighty deeds in Egypt and by the sea. This is why it is appropriate for them to see the pillar of cloud. But in this generation, it is the sublime merit of Rabbi Shimon that did it—that miracles appeared by him.

425) Azure is from that fish in the Sea of Ginosar, Yam Kinneret [Sea of Galilee], in the part of Zebulun. This color was needed for the work of the tabernacle to show that color.

426) “And God said, ‘Let there be a firmament inside the waters, and let it separate between water and water.’” This firmament was created on the second day, the left line, since the work of the firmament is from the left side. On the second day, which is the left side, Hell was created in it, coming out of the fusion of the fire of the left. In it, the sea was dyed azure, which is a throne of judgment, meaning Malchut when she is Din [judgment].

427) This day, which is the left, took water, which is from the right side, since water is Hassadim, and these waters—which are from the right side—appeared only on the second day, which is left. On the day of the right, the first day, no water appears, but rather interchanges, having light appear in it from the side of fire, which belongs to the left because one was incorporated in the other and they were perfumed in one another. The light of the first day was initially the six lights of the six days of creation. This light was on the side of fire, as it is written, “And the light of Israel will become a fire.” In and of itself, that light is right, and is included in the fire, which is left.

428) The first of those six days is water, Hassadim. It did not perform the doing of the water but the doing of the light, from the side of fire, the second day. This is to show that the Creator created the world only with peace, through inclusion of the right and left lines in one another through the middle line, which makes peace between them. Thus, everything was by way of peace. For this reason, all that he did on the first day, he did on the part of his friend, the second day.

The second day on the part of the first day made a craftsman and used it, since each used the work of his friend, to show that they were included in one another. The third day, the middle line, was on the part of the two of them, including the two lines. It is purple in it, whose color is a mixture of red and white, right and left. This is why it is written twice, “And it was good,” on the third day, corresponding to the two lines included in it.

The three days of creation were the three lines. They extend from three points: HolamShuruk, and Hirik. The Holam is the first day of the work of creation, made by Malchut’s ascent to Bina, who lowered her Bina and TM to the degree below her, leaving only the light of KH in her. The ascent of the Masach of Malchut to Bina begot fire in it, Dinim. Thus, the light that uses the point of Holam, which is the first day, uses on the part of fire, which belongs to the left line, to Dinim, and not to the right line, Hesed.

The light itself is right, and is included in Malchut that has risen, which is Dinim and fire. It follows that on the first day, he used the work of the second day, the fire. Also, the second day used the work of the first day, the water, Hassadim, since what was said was after those three days were included in one another, and hence each used the work of his friend.

429) Azure is Malchut on the part of Din, the second day. It is dyed with two colors: red and black. Azure takes its red from the actual second day, where the red is as the color of fire, and this is ElokimBinaGevura de ZA in Gadlut of the point of Shuruk, when the letters ELEH that fell reunite with MI, combining to form the name Elokim. Then the color gold inherits, and everything is one color because the color gold is similar to fire, except that the fire is in Katnut and the gold is in Gadlut.

Azure comes out from the red color. When it descends, the color red is distanced and enters the place of the sea, Malchut, where the color azure is colored, meaning mingles with the color black, and makes the color azure. The red enters the sea and its color fades and returns to the color azure. This is Elokim in Malchut, whose Din is not as strong as the first, such as the name Elokim in the left of ZA.

Gadlut of the left is uniting of MI and ELEH into the name Elokim. This was done first in the left line of ZA, and then the Dinim govern the point of Shuruk, harsh Dinim. However, below Malchut, when MI ELEH connect in the left line, the Din is not as harsh as in the Elokim of the left line of ZA because Malchut illuminates only from below upwards and then the Din is not harsh. But before the left line of ZA is included in the right, it was shining from above downward, hence the Din was harsh.

430) The color black emerges out of the fusion of the red when it is melted and weakens below in the melting of the filth, the filth of the serpent, and descends below. First, the color red exits the filth, the harsh filth, the Dinim from the Malchut that is mitigated in Bina, whose Dinim were doubled by her connecting to the harsh filth of the serpent—the Dinim from the unmitigated Malchut of Midat ha Din [quality of judgment].

Out of the harsh filth, it returned to the color black, which is the unmitigated Midat ha Din. It follows that everything extends from the first red in the left line, for it was flawed in its Dinim being doubled by the filth of the serpent, from which the color black emerges. All this was created on the second day, and the filth is called “other gods.”

431) Black is very dark. Its color is not seen out of the darkness. Where was this color black, and darkness dyed? When this red melted into the azure and the colors red and azure mingled, the fusion of filth from Midat ha Din melted into the deeps, Malchut de Malchut, and mire and sludge were made from there, as it is written, “And its waters toss up mire and sludge.”

Out of this sludge of the deep came forth this darkness, which is black. But it is not that it is black; it is rather very dark, as it is written, “And darkness over the face of the deep.” It is called “darkness” because its color is darkness and darkens the faces of people, for it is the filth of the serpent who caused people death. This is the azure that is red and black, and this is why it is not written, “It was good,” on the second day.

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