I Will Thank the Lord with All My Heart

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881) “Halleluiah, I will thank the Lord with all my heart.” This is a praise that is higher than all those songs and praises that David said in the ten kinds of praises that he said. It is so because it includes those named Koh [YodHey] and the praise together, and it is the whole of the upper, holy name HaVaYaH, since the name Koh is the inclusive of the name HaVaYaH.

882) “I will thank the Lord with all my heart.” Wherever King David said the matter of the alphabet, arranging the beginnings of the verses in an alphabetic order, it is the matter of carved letters that come out in engravings of the 32 paths, the 32 paths of wisdom. There are upper letters from the upper world, Bina, and there are other, small letters, from Malchut. Here it is the alphabet of the lower world, Malchut.

883) “I will thank the Lord with all my heart,” with the good inclination and with the evil inclination, which are in him, for one must thank the Creator for everything, with the good inclination and with the evil inclination. It is so because good comes to a person from the side of the good inclination, and one should bless the Creator with the blessing, “Who is good and does good.” And on the side of the evil inclination, slandering comes over a person, and one should thank the Creator for everything that comes over a person from this side and from that side.

884) “In the company of the upright and in the assembly.” “In the company of the upright” are those who know the meaning of the Creator, for they know all the secrets of the Creator, which are His secrets, in general. It is about that that he says, “In the company of the upright.” “The assembly” are Israel, when they gather in ten to thank the Creator. Hence, one should thank the Creator for the good and for the bad, and make known before everyone. But the Creator knows, why the need to make known? By making known, the Creator is glorified in the world, and this is why the miracle should be made known. This is why it is written about the Creator, “I will be magnified and sanctified.”

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