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467) There is a place in the world where that saboteur does not govern and where he is forbidden to enter. All who live there do not die until they exit the city. There is not a single person among all who live there who will not die, and they all die as do the rest of the people, but not in the city, for they cannot always remain in the city, but some go out and some come in, hence they all die.
468) What is the reason that the sabotaging angel does not govern there? Is it because it is not under his domain? But in the holy land, which does not stand under another authority, they die, so what is the reason that they do not die in that place? Is it because of the sanctity of the place? But no place in the entire world is in holiness like the land of Israel. Is it because of the merit of that man who built the city? But there were several people whose merit was more than his.
469) Of course the angel of death does not govern it, and the Creator does not wish for a person to ever die in that place. And it is not that previously, before it was built, people were dying in that place. Rather, since the day man was created, that place has been established to exist. The secret of secrets is here for those who observe the wisdom.
470) When the Creator created the world, He created it with letters. The letters incarnated and He created the world with engravings of the holy name, and the letters incarnated and circled the world with engravings. When the world expanded, became revealed, and was created, and the letters were causing to create, the Creator said that the world would end in Yod. The letter Tet remained in that place, hanging in the air.
Tet is the letter that illuminates life. Thus, one who has seen Tet in his dream, it is a good sign for him: life is established for him. And because the Tet is hanging in that place, death does not govern it.
Everything is emanated and created in three lines and Malchut who receives them. These are the four letters HaVaYaH, with the three lines Yod–Hey–Vav, and Malchut, the bottom Hey. First, the right line comes out from the point of Holam, where the letters ELEH fall outside the degree, for which reason it is lacking GAR. Then the left line extends from the point of Shuruk, when ELEH return to the degree, and the GAR of lights return with them. However, they are Achoraim, Hochma without Hassadim. Therefore, Dinim extend from her. Then the middle line comes and diminishes the left line with a Masach that extends from the point of Hirik, by which the left unites with the right, and the Hochma in the left dresses in the Hassadim on the right, and the degree is completed in GAR in the form of Panim [face]. This is the diminution that the middle line diminishes the left line in two actions—first diminishing it on the part of the Masach de Man’ula [lock], Malchut de Midat ha Din [quality of judgment], which is not mitigated in Bina, and then diminishes it in Miftacha [key], Malchut that is connected in Bina.
The letters are the Kelim of the Sefirot, Bina, ZA, and Malchut. Aleph through Yod are the nine Sefirot de Bina. Yod through Kof are the nine Sefirot de ZA, and Kof through Tav are the Sefirot de Malchut. It follows that Yod through Tav—ZA and Malchut of the letters—are the lights NR, which are VAK, and GAR of the letters are Aleph through Tet, in which the light of Neshama of the letters is clothed.
The Creator created the world in engravings of the holy name in three lines, Yod–Hey–Vav, and the Malchut that receives them, the bottom Hey. First, the letters incarnated and circled the world in engravings, indicating the Katnut, right line, which extends from the point of Holam, in which there is only NR, VAK, initially. Then, when the world appeared, expanded, and was created, which is the left line, where the GAR and the expansion appear, to shine from above down to this world, but they are in Din, as it is lacking Hassadim—the letters were circling to create, but they could not, for lack of Hassadim.
Then the Creator—who is the middle line—said that the world should end in Yod. That is, after they began to expand in advance in the order Tav–Shin–Reish–Kof, He said that the letters were to expand only from Tav to Yod, which are the Kelim de ZA and Malchut in lights Ruach Nefesh, which is VAK without GAR, for He diminished the left line with the Masach de Hirik in the Man’ula. This is the first action, and VAK became deficient of GAR. For this reason, the world ended in Yod and all nine letters of Bina vanished from the world.
In the world, too, in Malchut, there are those Kelim—Bina, ZA, and Malchut—and that place in which no one dies. This is Bina in the world. Because the diminution of the middle line was only in Man’ula—Malchut that is not connected in Bina—the diminution flawed only Malchut and ZA, to the extent that it is connected with Malchut. But in Bina, this diminution does not blemish whatsoever.
It follows that the letter Tet, Yesod of Bina, could remain in that place and receive the light of Bina from her, which is GAR. The letter Tet remained in that place, hanging in the air, since the diminution from Man’ula does not touch that place at all. However, the place cannot receive more than the letter Tet, Yesod de Bina, since in regard to Man’ula, this world is only Malchut, hence she can receive only from Yesod de Bina, which consists of Malchut, too, and not above Yesod de Bina.
471) When the Creator, the middle line, wished to sustain the world, to extend GAR in the world, which is called “existence,” He threw a stone into the water. That is, He threw Malchut, which is a stone, into Bina, which is water, connecting Malchut to Bina, which is a second diminution of the middle line from Miftacha. In this manner, He engraved 72 letters, extending the VAK from Bina to Malchut, on which the name AB should appear in Gadlut. The stone that is mitigated in Bina began to go from Bina, but found no place to exist other than the land of Israel. And water, VAK de Bina, was following the stone until the stone reached under the altar and sunk there. That is, the Dinim of Masach de Malchut, which is the stone, descended and sunk under the altar. At that time Malchut became Bina and the GAR appeared from Bina, from the Temple. From that, the whole world existed because they illuminated from there throughout the world.
472) Hence, there is life in that place. Why was the Temple not built there, to give life to those who dwell in it? Rather, it exists here in this place by the merit of a single letter that is on it, Tet. But in the Temple, all the letters are in it, and only in them was the Temple created, like the rest of the world. In other words, as the whole world was created in all the letters, with each letter having a special place, it is particularly so in the Temple—it was created with all the letters in itself.
473) Moreover, the holy land gives those who dwell in it life and atonement in that world, and that place is not so, giving life to that place only in this world and not in the next world. The Temple is the opposite of that: because Israel have a part in that world and not in this world, the Temple stands to atone for iniquities and reward Israel with the next world.
It is so because while that place is considered Bina, it is Bina of this world, Bina de Malchut, and life is poured only upon Malchut, which is this world. But the Temple is considered Malchut that is mitigated in Bina, who rose to the place of Bina, which is called “the next world.” It follows that the Mochin of the next world actually illuminate in the Temple, by which Israel are rewarded with the next world, and not with the lights of this world, which is Malchut, since Malchut received there the shape of the next world which is Bina, while her own essence, which is this world, disappeared.
474) The letter Tet is the illumination of life in every place. It is Yesod de Bina. This is why the text begins with, Ki Tov [“It was good” (with Tet in Hebrew)], as it is written, “And God saw the light that it was good.” The sabotaging angel flees from that letter, and The Zohar reiterates and says, “Do not say, ‘Flees,’ but that it was not given permission to enter there.”
475) This letter differs from the letter Kof. Kof does not settle anywhere in the world, as it is written, “A slanderer shall not be established in the earth.” The letter Tet settles everywhere, becoming fixed to settle properly, to impart GAR, as in the Temple. This is why wherever there is the letter Tet, there is no place for the letter Kof to settle. Therefore, the Sitra Achra, angel of death, does not govern at all in that place, and the Tet gives life of this world to those who sit under that letter and do not go outside. If they go outside, there is permission for the Sitra Achra to rule over them. As this letter governs in this place, giving life there, another letter governs in the place of Hell, and this is the letter Kof.
The four letters Kof–Reish–Shin–Tav are the four Sefirot of Malchut. They are KHB and Tifferet, where Tifferet includes HGT NHY. However, when the letter Kof is alone without the rest of the letters Reish–Shin–Tav, it indicates that she is spreading in BYA, and her Malchut de Malchut, the Man’ula, is illuminating in the Klipot, as it is written, “And her legs go down to death,” since from her the angel of death receives the strength to kill every living thing.
This is the shape of the letter Kof because when Malchut is corrected, she is in the form of the letter Hey. Now that she is not corrected, the Sium of the left leg of the Hey, Malchut de Malchut, exits the line and spreads below, down to a Klipa called “death.” This is the meaning of the leg of the Kof being stretched down.
When Malchut was established in the creation of the world, upon her ascent and connection with Bina, all the letters connected to her and she extends life from Bina. She ends in the Tav, whose shape of the left leg is thick and folds at the bottom. This indicates that that left leg of the Kof that was stretched out to illuminate down to the Klipa called “death” has now returned to Malchut and raised her leg, pulling it out of the Klipa of death, and returning it to the line. This is why the end of her leg grew thick, for she has two Malchuts there, doubled: the Miftacha, who was mitigated in Bina, and the Man’ula—which she pulled out of the Klipot—has clung to her, as well.
The Miftacha is used openly, and the Man’ula is in secret. If he is rewarded, it is good. If not, it is bad. Thus, after Malchut was established in Bina, she does not part again. She receives life from Bina and gives to the world, and the Klipa of death no longer has the strength to govern the world. Rather, wherever is needed to punish the wicked or put the living beings to death, the angel of death must receive permission for it, as it is written, “The end of all flesh has come before Me,” meaning to take permission. Without permission, the angel of death has no power whatsoever to disclose the Man’ula.
This is why it was said that the letter Kof does not settle anywhere in the world at all, for once Malchut was mitigated in Bina, death no longer has the strength to govern in the world, except when given permission. The reason is that the letter Tet settles everywhere, for she is Yesod de Bina that illuminates through the Miftacha and imparts the light of life from Bina everywhere. For this reason, wherever there is the letter Tet—the light of Bina, in correction of the Miftacha—there is no settlement for the letter Kof to settle in, since once she was established in the Miftacha to receive the lights of life from Bina, she never parts again, except by permission. Hence, the Klipa of death that is implied in the letter Kof has no strength to govern the world, and governs only Hell.
Thus, now there are three places: 1) The place where only Tet governs, where the Tet illuminates only the life of this world. In that place, there is no giving of permission at all. 2) The entire world after the mitigation of Malchut in Bina in the Miftacha, when the Tet illuminates everywhere. However, she gives permission to punish the wicked. If he is rewarded, it is good. If he is not rewarded, it is bad. 3) Hell, which is the place of punishments. There the letter Kof governs alone permanently, like the letter Tet in that place where there is life permanently.
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