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668) The love of the Creator, when a person loves Him, awakens only from the heart, since the heart is the place of the awakening, to evoke love toward Him. Therefore, why is it written, “With all your heart,” and then “With all your soul”? It means that they are two manners in love, one in the heart and one in the soul? And if the heart is the important one, what is the need for a soul? But the heart and the soul are two that unite into one, for heart, soul, and silver all unite in one another, and the heart is the primary and the foundation of everything.
669) “With all your heart [with a double Bet in “heart” in Hebrew],” that is, with two hearts, which are two inclinations—the good inclination and the evil inclination. Each is called “a heart”—one is called “a good heart” and the other is called “a bad heart.” This is why it was written, “With all your heart,” and does not write, “With all your heart [with a single Bet],” for it implies two, which are the good inclination and the evil inclination.
670) “And with all your soul.” “With all” comes to include NRN, all that this soul holds. “And with all your might.” “And with all,” since there are also several kinds of silver here, which are different from one another: silver, gems, etc.. This is why it is written, “And with all your might,” meaning all his possessions, since the love of the Creator is to give all that to Him, and to love Him in each and everyone.
671) How can one love the Creator with the evil inclination? After all, the evil inclination slanders so one will not approach the work of the Creator, so how can one love the Creator with it? But the work of the Creator is more important when this evil inclination surrenders to Him and the person breaks it. This is the love of the Creator, for one knows how to bring the evil inclination into the work of the Creator.
672) This is the secret for those who know the judgment: Anything that the Creator does above and below is only to show His glory, and everything is for His work. Who has seen a slave slandering his master, that in all that his master wishes, he becomes a slanderer so they will not do his master’s will? The Creator’s will is for people to always be in His work and to walk by the path of truth to reward them with much good. And since this is the Creator’s will, how can a bad servant come and slander his master’s will, deflecting people toward the bad way and deviating them from the good way, making them not do their master’s will and deflecting people to the bad way?
673) Indeed, he certainly does his master’s will. It is like a king who had an only son, whom he loved dearly. For his love, he commanded him to stay away from an evil woman because anyone who approaches her is unworthy of entering the king’s palace. That son promised to do his father’s will with love.
674) Outside the king’s house there was a harlot of beautiful appearance and beautiful form. One day, the king said, “I wish to see my son’s desire toward me.” He summoned that harlot and told her, “Go and seduce my son, to see my son’s desire toward me.” The harlot followed the king’s son and began to embrace him and kiss him and seduce him with all sorts of seductions. If that son is decent and keeps his father’s commandment, he rebukes her, does not listen to her, and repels her from him. Then his father is happy with his son and brings him into his palace, giving gifts and presents and great honor. And who caused all that good to that son? It is that harlot.
675) Does that harlot get any praise for all that or not? Of course she is praised in every way: 1) For having done as the king commanded; 2) for having caused all that good to that son, all that love of the king toward him. This is why it is written, “And behold, it was very good.” “It was good” is the angel of life. “Very” is the angel of death, who is the evil inclination, who is certainly very good for one who keeps his master’s commandment. Were it not for that slanderer, the righteous would not have inherited those high treasures that they are destined to inherit in the next world.
676) Happy are they who meet this slanderer, and happy are all those who did not meet this slanderer. Happy are those who met him and were saved from him, for thanks to him they inherit all of that good and all those refinements, and all those adorable things of the next world, of which it is written, “Neither has the eye seen a God besides You.”
677) Happy are those who did not meet him, who did not fail in him, for because of him they would inherit Hell and would be expelled from the land of the living. This is because those wicked ones who had met him would listen to him and follow him. Hence, the righteous should be grateful to him for thanks to him they inherit all the good, the refinements and those adorable things for the next world.
678) What is the point of the slanderer when the wicked ones listen to him? 1) Even though he is useless, he is still performing his master’s commandment. 2) When he intensifies because of it, for because he is evil, he becomes stronger when evil is done, the evil does not intensify until he kills a man. Once he has killed people, he becomes stronger, increases in his power, and has contentment. In this way, that slanderer, the evil inclination, the angel of death, does not strengthen until he incites people and slanders them and kills them. Then he has contentment and he strengthens and increases his power.
679) As the side of life strengthens when people are good and walk by the straight path, this slanderer strengthens and intensifies when the wicked listen to him and he governs them. Happy are those who are rewarded with defeating and subduing him, to be rewarded with the next world thanks to him. And the man always strengthens in the holy King, as it is written, “Happy is the man whose strength is in You; in whose heart are the highways,” happy are they in this world and in the next world.
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