45 Kinds of Color of Light

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145) The world, Malchut, was divided into 45 kinds of color of light. This is because Bina, who is called MI, after the 50 gates in her [MI is 50 in Gematria], where in each of the five Sefirot KHB TM in her there are ten Sefirot, hence they are 50. And Malchut is called MA [45 in Gematria] because she lacks the five Sefirot of Partzuf Malchut in her. Thus, she has only four and a half Partzufim.

146) The seven Sefirot HGT NHYM de ZA divide into seven deeps, Malchuts, where each Sefira of HGT NHYM de ZA spreads into ten. There are seven MalchutsMalchut for each Sefira. Each of them strikes her deep, mating in a Zivug de Hakaa with the Masach in the Malchut in her, who is called “deep.” They raise the ten Sefirot of Ohr Hozer that clothe the ten Sefirot of Ohr Yashar, and those are called “ten Sefirot de Rosh.” The stones, meaning the Masachim [pl. of Masach], roll inside the deep, turning over to illuminate from the Masach de Malchut de Rosh and below, through Malchut de Malchut.

It follows that the light enters from the ten Sefirot de Rosh, in stones, in Masachim, and punctures those waters, the lights, which come out through the holes in the Masach until they all sink on the deep, Malchut de Malchut, the ten Sefirot de Guf through the Chazeh. The water covers the two Behinot [discernments/aspects] of the deep—Masach de Miftacha [key], and Masach de Man’ula [lock]. By that, the order of the emanation of Partzuf ZARosh and Guf, has been explained.

147) The order of the emanation of the Nukva was only on Masach de Miftacha, because of which she has only 45 kinds of color of light. Water comes out through the holes in the stones of ZA, and light comes in through them and strikes the four Behinot of the deep, emitting the four Partzufim of MalchutKHB and Tifferet. Thus, each light is included in the other, and they meet in the one, in her fifth PartzufMalchut de Malchut. The waters divide because they extend in it only through the Chazeh, only through Yesod de MalchutMasach de Miftacha that is on the Chazeh. There the light stops because from the Chazeh of Malchut de Malchut downward, it is expansion of the Masach de Man’ula, and she is devoid of it. This is why she has only four and a half Partzufim, which are 45 kinds of color of light.

148) The order of the Mochin that ZA gives to Malchut is the left first, as it is written, “His left is under my head,” and then by embrace of the right, as it is written, “And his right shall embrace me.” All seven Sefirot de ZA grip to the seven deeps, their seven Malchuts, which are regarded as the left line of ZA. They mine in the darkness of the deeps—the Malchuts of Malchut—meaning they extend in her the left line from Bina, which are darkness. By that, Malchut is carved in the darkness of Ima, and these darknesses mingled with the Sefirot of Malchut.

Water, Hassadim, rise from the right line of ZA, descend, and roll through those dark lights of the left line. They mingle—the lights of Hochma and darknesses that are attached to the lights of Hochma are from the left, and water, Hassadim, from the right. Invisible lights are made of them, dark ones, meaning the Mochin of Malchut, who is called “a mirror that does not illuminate.”

149) After he explained the giving of the left, he explains the Mochin of the right, which ZA gives to Malchut. Each Behina [singular of Behinot] in ZA beats and gives to its corresponding Behina in Malchut. The Behinot of ZA divide into 75 hoses of deeps, through which the water is extended. The seven Sefirot HGT NHYM de ZA, in each of which are ten, hence they are seventy, and half of Partzuf Malchut de Malchut that is missing in Malchut, which is the five Sefirot from her Chazeh down, were also added to the seven Sefirot de ZA, in which there are two Behinot of deep. Therefore, there are 75 Behinot in him, which are hoses of deeps that give water, light of Hassadim to Malchut.

150) Each and every hose in ZA rises in its voice, and the deeps—the Malchuts of Malchut, who receive from the hoses of ZA—are shaken. When the voice is heard, each deep calls on the other and says, “Divide your water that I may enter you, as it is written, ‘Deep calls to deep at the sound of Your hoses.’”

There are two Malchuts in ZA—of Miftacha and of Man’ula. For this reason, he is regarded as two voices, two kinds of giving of ZA, who is called “a voice.” The voice of Miftacha has a corresponding Behina in Malchut. The voice of Man’ula has no corresponding Behina in Malchut because there is no Man’ula in Malchut. This is why she is lacking the half Partzuf of Malchut de Malchut.

Each hose in ZA rises in its voice, and therefore the deeps of Malchut are shaken, for they have no receptacle for the bestowal of the voices of Man’ulaMidat ha Din [quality of judgment], and they are shaken by them. When the voice of Midat ha Din is heard from Man’ula, the Malchuts of ZA call upon the Malchuts of the Nukva, “Divide your waters,” meaning “Do not receive in your entire Partzuf, but only up to the Chazeh, and do not receive from the Chazeh and below, and then I will enter you, meaning bestow upon you. However, if you wish to receive for the entire Partzuf, from the Chazeh and below, as well, I will not enter you because you lack the correction of Malchut de Man’ula there, for she has only 45 kinds of color of light.”

151) Explains the correction of Yesod de Malchut, which was done by the effect of ZA. There are 365 white, black, and red tendons under the influence of the hoses, included in one another, and they have become one color. These tendons are reticulated in seventeen nets, and each net is called “tendons.” They are reticulated in one another and descend to the end of the deep, in the Yesod in Malchut, called “deep.” Under those, two nets stand in a vision of iron and two other nets in a vision of bronze.

The 365 tendons are illumination of Hochma in the left of Bina, which extends to Malchut. They are called tendons because they are from Bina, since KHB is called MochaAtzamotGidin. Also, they are 365 because every left line is from Bina and TM, which that fell from the degree at the point of Holam and returned to her at the point of Shuruk, these Bina and TM became the left line of the degree. And with respect to the Partzuf, the Kelim from the Chazeh down are considered Bina and TM, since Tifferet is Bina and NH are TM.

It turns out that the left line of Bina is half of Tifferet and her NHY from the Chazeh down, which make up three and a half Sefirot. The Sefirot de Bina are hundreds, hence they are 350, and the illumination YodHey from Bina rides atop them, hence they are 365. Also, they are 365 tendons, in which there are three colors white, red, and black, which are HG and Malchut. The color green is not mentioned because it is the one that dispenses the colors.

These tendons were reticulated in 17 nets, for before the left was mitigated with Hassadim from ZA, when Malchut was in the left without the right and became darkness and frost, the illumination of the left was regarded as a net for her. And now, by ZA illuminating Hassadim, they were mitigated into nets and became 17 nets, which is illumination of Yesod de Malchut in the form of Joseph, as it is written, “Joseph was seventeen years old.” Also, four nets were reticulated in the form of Benjamin—two in the interior, which appear as bronze, and two in the exterior, which appear as iron.

152) Two chairs stand on them, on all the Behinot, from the right and from the left. All those nets join together, and the waters, the lights, come down from the hoses and enter those nets. When those two chairs rise—the chair of the black firmament and the chair of the firmament that is like a porpoise—they rise in the chair of the black firmament. When they come down, they come down in the chair of the firmament that is like a porpoise.

The issue of the unification of the four directions above and below. The four directions above and below, HG TM, are NH. The illumination of Netzah illuminates all four directions HG TM from below upward, and the illumination of Hod illuminates all four directions from above downward. This applies to every degree. It is two chairs: the chair of the right is illumination of the Netzah that illuminates from below upward, and the chair of the left is illumination of Hod, illuminating from above downward.

When ascending, the ascent is in the chair of the black firmament. And when descending, the descent is in the chair of the firmament that is like a porpoise. The black firmament, Masach de Man’ula, is the essence of Malchut, who is the color black. The firmament that is like a porpoise is the Masach of Miftacha, which is mitigated in Bina. The chair of illumination of Netzah, illuminating from below upward, stands over the black firmament, of Man’ula. The chair of illumination of Hod stands on the firmament that is like a porpoise, of Miftacha.

153) Those two chairs are one from the right and one from the left. The chair of the black firmament, Netzah, is from the right. The chair of the firmament that is like a porpoise, Hod, is from the left. When the lights rise in the chair of the black firmament, the chair of the left firmament descends, and the lights descend in it from above downward.

154) The chairs are included in one another, gripping within them all those nets and ushering them at the end of the bottom deep, since the left chair obtains a great illumination from the Hitkalelut [mingling] of the chairs and its illumination descends and complements through the end of the degree, the bottom deep.

155) One chair stands and rises above all those deeps, and one chair stands below all the deeps, and all those deeps roll between those two chairs. Also, all the hoses are pinned between those two chairs. The illumination of the chair of Netzah, from below upward, reaches GAR and illuminates from there. It follows that the chair of Netzah stands above all the deeps, the Malchuts in the Guf of the Partzuf, and the illumination of the chair of Hod, from above downward, descends through the end of the degree and illuminates there. Thus, the chair of Hod stands below all the deeps, and all those Behinot—the deeps and the hoses—are completed between them.

156) There are 75 hoses. Seven are superior to all the others, and all the others are included in them. The primary ones in them are the seven Sefirot HGT NHYM, and all the rest are from Hitkalelut, for each was included in ten, hence they are 70. The five are from the additional half Partzuf that is missing in Malchut de Malchut, and all are pinned to the wheels of the chair on that side. They are pinned to the wheels of the chair on that side, receiving the illumination of the two chairs.

157) The waters rise and fall in the chairs, illuminating from below upward and from above downward. Those who descended mine the deeps and break them. Those who rise enter through those holes in the stones, in the Masach de Peh de Rosh ZA, rising and filling for seven days, which are the seven Malchuts from Chazeh and above. Thus far are the seven colors of light in the upper one, HGT NHY from Chazeh and above.

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