Each Sequence Is in Three

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131) “And the bronze of the wave offering was 70 talents.” All this came down in the upper form of faith, Malchut. Wicked Nebuchadnezzar did likewise with that image that he erected, for God has made them one opposite the other. However, Nebuchadnezzar did not do so, but in his dream, he saw an image whose head is of gold, then silver, and then bronze. Yet, why are the iron and clay that were in the image not in the tabernacle? It is because they are not so important as to be admitted into the holy place. Conversely, those gold, silver, and bronze, which are HGT, did enter.

132) The tabernacle is in three in these metals—gold, silver, and bronze. In the rest of the things it was four, corresponding to HG TM, such as azure—Malchut, purple—Tifferet, scarlet—Gevura, and linen—Hesed, and such as the four stone-columns, opposite HG TM.

133) Some of them are in three, some are in four, some are in two, and some are in one. However, each sequence is in three. There are three sequences, divided into every direction, the four directions of the world. Also, in each sequence in Ruach there are three other sequences.

The four directions of the world are HB TM, and in ZA and Malchut they are HG TM. Although they are included in one another, they are not four Partzufim of Dalet, but three Partzufim of Dalet, which are 12. It is so because these HG TM are three lines, HGT, and Malchut who receives the three lines, since for herself, Malchut is only the three lines that she receives from ZA, her husband. This is why there are only three lines in each Ruach, in which there are 12, and not 16.

Each sequence is in three—three lines. These are three sequences, divided into every direction, where in each of the four Ruchot [pl. of RuachHG TM there are three lines, and in each sequence in each Ruach, in each and every line, there are three other sequences because the three lines in each Ruach are included in one another, and there are three lines in everything. It follows that there are nine lines to each direction.

134) The first order on the east, which is Tifferet, is three orders, three lines, since they are included in one another. Thus, there are nine lines, and several thousands and tens of thousands of degrees below them. These nine orders are three lines, each of which consists of three. They are all conducted by inscribed letters, the 27 letters in the alphabet—22 letters and the final letters—which double.

Each order, each line, observes, to receive its abundance to those inscribed letters of the 27 letters ascribed to it. It is likewise for each order and for each and every line—they all journey in the inscribed letters, and those are above those, standing one atop the other.

The root of the three lines is the three actions taken in the three points HolamShurukHirik in Bina. The arrival of the letter Yod in the light of Bina, and becoming Avir—which divides the degree—is the point of Holam. The exit of the Yod from the Avir, which returns and complements the degree, but blocks the light, is the point of Shuruk. The ascent of ZA in MAN and in Masach de Hirik to unite those two points with one another and open their illumination is the point of Hirik.

Points are in Bina and letters are in ZON. The three operations from which the three lines extend are three letters that stand in the sequence of right, left, and middle, in a way that the roots of the nine lines in each of the three sides—south, north, and east—are 27 letters, nine letters to each side. And the west direction, Malchut, receives all of them into her.

135) Those letters fly in the air of the Ruach [spirit] that is appointed over everything, meaning the arrival of the Yod in the Ohr [light], making the Avir in the right letter and the exit of the Yod from the Avir, which was made light once more. In the left letter, this Avir is appointed over the entire order of elicitation of Mochin. They all come out by an order of three lines that extend from the changes made in this Avir. At that time, all the letters travel.

One letter beats from below, the middle letter from the point of HirikZA that rises to MAN, becoming a Zivug on his Masach de Hirik, educing the level of Hassadim, which unites the right and the left. That letter rises in Ohr Yashar [direct light] and descends in Ohr Hozer [reflected light], and two letters—right, from the point of Holam, and left, from the point of Shuruk—fly over the middle letter.

Also, a letter from below, the middle one, rises from below upward. This is ZA who rises to Bina and unites the two lines—right and left—in Bina. She unites in them and they become three letters, all according to the letters YodHeyVav, which are three within the illuminating mirror—ZA—where the right is Yod, the left is Hey, and the Vav is the middle one.

Three orders divide out of those, three lines. They are in two letters, which extend from Holam Shuruk, right and left of Bina. And one letter that rises, ZA, rising from below up to Bina, and connecting with them, hence they are three.

136) Those two upper letters that rise in the air—the right one and the left one—are included in one another, Hesed and Din. This is why they are two. Also, they are from the upper world—right and left in Bina—the male. They are regarded as males because Bina is a male. And the middle letter that rises and unites them with each other is a female, since being ZA that rises for MAN to Bina, it is regarded as a female compared to the two letters of Bina, and is included in both.

137) As the NukvaMalchut, is included in both sides of ZA—right and left—and bonds with them, as it is written, “His left is under my head, and his right shall embrace me,” the middle letter, the female, bonds with the two other letters in the two sides, right and left. Those two upper letters, from Bina, and those middle ones that unite all two upper letters, are lower ones, from ZA. It is all one, male and female, where all two upper letters are males, and each letter that unites them, rising from the lower one, is a female.

138) When the world was created, when Bina emanated ZA, who is called “a world,” those two letters— the right one and the left one—that extend from Holam Shuruk, which are from the upper world, Bina, begot all the things below in ZA in their very own form. However, the middle letter that extends from Hirik has no new form in it, except that it unites the right and the left. For this reason, one who knows them and is watchful with them, is loved above and loved below.

The creation of the world, ZA, was done by the ascent of ZA for MAN to Bina, where it became the middle line, uniting the two lines—right and left in Bina. By that, he received all the Mochin that are in the two lines in Bina. It follows that all the forms that exist in the two lines, right and left, of Bina, exist in ZA. However, there is no innovation of form from the middle line of Bina, which extends from ZA, since it is considered ZA himself, who rose up there. Conversely, the two letters, right and left, are regarded as males, as givers, while the middle letter is considered a female, receiving from the males, and all three are as one body.

139) All those letters, all 27 letters in the alphabet, are male and female. Some of them are males, and some are females, to be included in the upper water, the males, and in the lower water, the females, and it is all one. This is a complete unification. Therefore, one who knows them and is watchful with them is happy in this world and happy in the next world because it is the essence of the complete unification as it should be.

The letters divide into groups of three, three: two males above, and one female between them, below—three, three, from this side and from that side in one unification. The right side and the left side unite through the middle one in one unification, in completeness of everything. They are all the high order in Bina. It is as when the three original lines came out in Bina and were included in one another, and three groups of three lines were made in it. Likewise, the 27 letters in Malchut, who is the tabernacle, were divided after them into groups of three letters.

140) The second order is to the south, Hesed. There are three orders, three lines, in each order, each line. There are three, three, where each of the three lines consists of all three, thus they are nine, so the letters divide on each side into right, left, and middle, as was said earlier about the east side, uniting everything together. It is so because there are female letters, male letters, they all unite as one, and they are in the complete, holy name, YodVavHey.

There are appointed orders in them, groups of three, three, as on the east side. They all come out from the order of the patriarchs above, who are the three lines of Bina, as the order by which the letters YodHeyVav were set up in the holy name. Those nine orders are all guided by those specific letters: three groups of three letters—right, left, and middle—as in the east direction, and they journey in them. Also, several hosts and tens of thousands of angels are all below, journeying and guided in this order.

141) The third order to the north is Gevura. There are three orders to that direction, which are nine, since there are three, three, to each side in the three orders, three lines where each line consists of three, hence they are nine. Those orders are to three sides—right, left, and middle—all as in the east and south directions.

142) There are 27 orders in the letters. And although there are only 22 letters in the alphabet, the completion of the letters with the doubling final letters is 27. It follows that as the letters are 27, so is the order of orders 27—three, three orders to each of the three directions, east, south, and north. It follows that those three from the south direction are nine, for each of the three lines consists of three, hence they are nine. Likewise, the three of the north direction are nine, and the three of the east direction are nine. Altogether, they are 27.

143) Those 27 are nine letters in a female, uniting with the 18 other letters in the male. Each three letters are three lines that extend from Bina, where each two upper letters—right and left—are males, and each third one below them—uniting them—is a female. And the nine letters in each direction are three groups of three, three.

It follows that in each direction there are six male letters—three times two upper letters in each group—and three female letters—the three middle letters in each group. Thus, there are six males and three females in the east direction, and six males and three females in the south direction, as well as six males and three females in the north direction. Together, they are 18 males and nine females.

The three female letters are in each of the three directions, and three times three is nine. Six male letters are in each of the three directions, and three times six is 18. Thus, the 27 letters divide into nine females and 18 males.

144) Like those letters in the upper world, Bina, there are other letters below in Malchut. The upper letters in Bina are big, and the lower letters in Malchut are small. It is all one like the other: all that applies to the letters in Bina applies also to the letters in Malchut, as well as the conduct of male and female in the letters. For this reason, everything that is in Malchut is as in the upper one, in Bina.

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