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276) “Lord, in Your strength the king will be glad, and in Your salvation how greatly he will rejoice! …He asked life of You; You gave him length of days forever and ever.” David said this psalm in praise of the Assembly of Israel, Malchut, whom the Creator delights with the joy of Torah, who is called “strength,” as it is written, “The Lord will give strength to His people.” This is also the meaning of “Lord, in Your strength.” as “The king will be glad” is the Creator, who is called a King, as it is written, “And there was a king in Jeshurun.”
277) “And in Your salvation how greatly he will rejoice.” This is the salvation of the right, Hassadim, as it is written, “Save with Your right hand, and answer me.” And His right shall save him. “In Your salvation, how greatly he will rejoice.” It should have said “rejoice” [without a Yod in Hebrew], and not “rejoice” [with a Yod].” The added Yod is a token of the holy covenant, the joy of all, Yesod. Everything was said about the King, ZA.
278) “He asked life of You.” King David had no life at all except what Adam HaRishon gave him of his own. King David lived 70 years, and the Creator gave him those 70 years from the years of Adam HaRishon, who was to live 1,000 years, as it is written, “On the day that you eat of it,” which is the day of the Creator, 1,000 years. And he lived only 930 years, meaning 70 short, which he gave to King David. David lived in them and was given length of days in this world and in the next world. He says about it, “He asked life of You; You gave him length of days.”
279) It is written, “His glory is great through Your salvation,” for He is great, as it is written, “Great is our Lord and abundant in strength.” ZA is called “great.” It is written, “And God made the two great lights,” so even Malchut, the moon, was as big as ZA, the sun. This is why ZA is called “great,” as it is written, “Great is our Lord and abundant in strength,” but Malchut is not called “great,” since she was diminished again. The Creator is not called “great,” except in what is written, “Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised in the city of our God, His holy mountain.” In what is ZA great? Only “In the city of our God, His holy mountain,” Malchut.
ZA himself is always in Hassadim that are covered from Hochma. Only during the Zivug with Malchut does the Hochma appear in him, to bestow upon Malchut, and only one with light of Hochma is great. It follows that ZA is regarded as great only in the city of our God, during the Zivug with Malchut.
280) “For You make him most blessed forever.” “For You make him most blessed” because Malchut is the blessing of the entire world, and all the blessings in the world come from here. This is a blessing, as it is written, “And I shall make you a great nation, and shall bless you, and make your name great, and you will be a blessing.” It is so because in Malchut are all the blessings above, and from here they come out to the whole world. This is why she is called “a blessing.”
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