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166) The soul does not rise to appear before the holy King until she is rewarded with clothing in a garment of above, to appear there. Similarly, she does not come down until she dresses in a garment of this world.
167) Similarly, the holy angels of above, of whom it is written, “He makes the winds His angels, flaming fire His ministers.” When they perform a mission in this world, they do not come down before they clothe in a garment of this world. It is all according to the place to which they go. And the soul does not rise, unless in an illuminating garment.
168) When Adam ha Rishon was in the Garden of Eden, he was clothed in a garment such as above, a garment of upper light. When he was expelled from the Garden of Eden and needed the colors of this world, it is written, “And the Lord God made for Adam and for his wife garments of skins, and clothed them.” First, they were garments of light, the upper light, which he used in the Garden of Eden.
169) Because the illuminating upper light was operating in the Garden of Eden, when Adam HaRishon entered the Garden of Eden, the Creator clothed him in a garment of that light and admitted him there. Had he not worn that light first, he would not have entered there. Once he was expelled from there, he needed a different garment. And then, “And the Lord God made for the man and for his wife garments of skin.” It is likewise here: they made official dress to serve in the holy place, to bring him to the holy place.
170) The good deeds that one does in this world draw light of the upper splendor to set up for him a garment for that world, to be seen before the Creator. In that garment that he wears, he enjoys and sees the illuminating mirror, as it is written, “To behold the pleasantness of the Lord and to visit in His palace.”
171) Therefore, the soul dresses in special garments in two worlds, so she will have wholeness in all—in this world, below, and in the world above. This is why it is written, “Only the righteous will give thanks to Your name, the upright will dwell in Your presence.” “Only the righteous will give thanks to Your name” is in this world; “The upright will dwell in Your presence” is in that world.
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