Tell Me, You Whom My Soul Loves

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286) “Tell me, you whom my soul loves.” “If you know not, O fairest among women, go forth by the footsteps of the flock and feed your goats by the tents of the shepherds.”

287) The assembly of Israel, Malchut, said these verses to the holy King, ZA. “Tell me, you whom my soul loves.” “Whom my soul loves” does not mean that my soul loves, but the one who loves my soul, as it is written, “Have you seen him whom my soul loves?” And to the holy King, it was said, “You whom my soul loves … Where do you pasture your flock?”

288) As long as the assembly of Israel is with the Creator, the Creator is in wholeness and willingly pastures Himself and to others. To Himself means that He nurtures Himself by sucking the milk of upper Ima. He receives the abundance of Bina and from that nursing that He sucks, He waters all the others and nurtures them.

When the assembly of Israel is with the Creator, the Creator is in wholeness and joy, and there are blessings in Him, which come out from Him to all the others, to all the worlds. And any time when the assembly of Israel is not with the Creator, the blessings are devoid of Him and of all the others.

289) Any place where there are no male and female, there are no blessings on it. Hence, the Creator sobs and weeps, as it is written, “He will roar mightily against His fold.” He says, “Woe, for I have destroyed My house and burned My palace.”

290) When the assembly of Israel went into exile, she said before Him, “Tell me, you whom my soul loves, You, whom my soul loves, You, whom the whole of the love of my soul is in You, how will You nourish Yourself from the depth of the river whose flow never stops?” meaning from Bina, “How will you nourish Yourself with the illumination of the high Eden?” meaning Hochma, “Where do you make it lie down at noon? How will you nurture all the others that are always fed by You?”

291) “I was fed by You each day. I was watered, and I watered all the lower worlds, and Israel were fed by me. And now, why should I be like one who veils herself? How will I be covered without blessings? And when those blessings are needed, they will not find them in my possession. How will I stand beside the flock of your friends? How will I stand beside them and not pasture and nourish them?” “The flock of your friends” are Israel, the children of the patriarchs, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. They are the holy Merkava [chariot/assembly],” meaning HGT de ZA, “And for which You call them ‘Your friends’?”

292) The Creator said to the assembly of Israel, “Leave what is Mine,” meaning do not speak of what ZA misses, “For Mine is a secret thing, which is not known. But if you know not,” what concerns you, here is an advice for you, “O fairest among women,” as it is written, “You are fair, my love,” the name of the assembly of Israel. “Go forth by the footsteps of the flock,” the righteous who are trampled by the heels, for everyone tramples them with their feet. And because of them, you will be given the strength to persist. “And feed your goats by the tents of the shepherds,” which are the children who are learning, and for which the world exists. They are the ones who give the assembly of Israel strength in exile. “The tents of the shepherds” are the houses of their teacher, the Temple, where the Torah is always present.

293) Another interpretation to “If you know not, O fairest among women” is that when righteous are in the world and those children who are learning are present and engage in Torah, the assembly of Israel can exist with them in exile. If there are not enough of them, she and they cannot exist in the world. And if righteous are present, they are caught first, and die to atone for their contemporaries. If not, those kids [young goats] for which the world exists are caught first, and the Creator takes them from the world, even though there is no sin in them. Moreover, He removes the assembly of Israel from Himself and she goes out to exile.

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