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207) The Sabbath prayer of the holy nation. There are three prayers on this day, corresponding to three Sabbaths—Bina, ZA, and Malchut—that govern together. They are all one. And when the holy people comes to the synagogue, it is forbidden to engage even in needs of the synagogue, but in words of praise, prayer, and Torah.
208) One who engages in other matters and in worldly affairs is one who desecrates the Sabbath. He has no part in the people of Israel. Two angels are appointed over it on the Sabbath day, and they place their hands on his head and say, “Woe unto so and so, for he has no part in the Creator.” For this reason, they must exert in prayers, songs, and praises to their Master, and engage in Torah.
209) That day is the day of the souls, when a bundle of the souls, Bina, is crowned. For this reason, they praise in praises the praising of the soul, “The soul of every living thing shall bless Your name, the Lord our God, and the spirit of every flesh shall glorify and exalt Your remembrance.” There is praising only on the part of the soul and the spirit, and that day stands in Ruach and Neshama [spirit and soul respectively] and is not of the Guf [body].
210) The praising of another high degree, which is a day, the holy sun, ZA—the light of day—is the blessing, “Maker of light,” a light that illuminates, and from which all the armies, Merkavot [pl. of Merkava], stars, and signs are fed and illuminate, as well as all those who rule over the world.
211) The praise of the next world, Bina, on that day, is “God, Lord over all the deeds.” The praise is in 22 high and holy letters that are crowned in the patriarchs, HGT, and in the upper holy Merkava, Bina.
212) The small letters are 22 letters of the lower world, Malchut. These are “The blessed God, great in knowledge.” There is no other space between each two words, but only one letter of the 22 letters is written in each word, “The blessed God, great in knowledge.” In the upper world, Bina, there is space and holy sides between each two letters because in Aleph, there are five words, “God, Lord over all the deeds.” There are also five words in Bet, “Blessed and is blessed by the whole of the soul.” There are four words in Gimel, “His greatness and goodness fill the world.” This is the praise over the praises, when the upper letters of the seventh day, Bina, praises and says to the upper King, maker of the beginning, Hochma.
213) When this praise rises up, 60 upper Merkavot in the Garden of Eden mate and take that praise from the holy nation, and raise it to be crowned in it in several upper Merkavot. The appointees and all the righteous in the Garden of Eden, all crown in that praise, and all those Merkavot and all those souls of the righteous rise in this praise up to the throne, Malchut.
214) When the praise reaches Malchut, that praise that all of Israel say stands there until the time when Israel say the upper Kedusha of the Addition [a supplement to the prayer], “They will offer a crown unto You.” Then there is an ascent to those below to rise up, meaning that Malchut rises to Ima, Bina, and ZA rises to Aba, the upper point, so that all will be united above in AVI, for all to be one. Then Bina says this praise, “God, Lord,” which has already risen with Malchut to Bina, to the upper King, Hochma. This is a praise that transcends all praises.
215) Henceforth it is an order of the prayer as on the rest of the days, until “Let Moses rejoice.” This is the joy of the upper degree, Tifferet, which is called Moses, and he is Jacob, the essence of the patriarchs, the line that decides and unites HG, Abraham and Isaac, who is content with his portion, Malchut. When the throne, Malchut, rises to him, takes her, and they unite, it is the joy of the Torah above, the written Torah, Tifferet, which delights in the Torah below, the oral Torah, Malchut, and they unite with one another.
216) When they have bonded together, a person needs to include the holy people in that joy and say, “Let those who keep the Sabbath rejoice in Your kingship.”
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