When a Ruler Sins

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389) “When a ruler sins.” What is the difference that in every place it is written, “If,” as in, “If the anointed priest should sin,” and as in, “And if the whole congregation of Israel shall err.” But here it writes, “When a ruler sins,” and not, “If a ruler sins”?

390) Those priests are not so much in sin, since the priest always guards himself, since his Master’s burden is upon him every day, as well as the load of the whole of Israel, and the load of every single one. Hence, it would be a wonder if he sinned. This is why it writes, “If.” Also, “And if the whole congregation of Israel shall err.” It would be a wonder if they all sinned the same sin, since if some sin, others do not sin. This is why it writes, “And if.” But here, “When a ruler sins,” he will certainly sin because his heart is proud within him, since the nation follows him and is appointed under him. This is why it says, “When a ruler sins,” meaning breaks one of the negative Mitzvot [commandments to avoid certain actions], and committed one of them. This is why it does not say, “If” about him, since there is no doubt about his sin.

391) “And the rulers brought the onyx stones, and the stones to be set, for the ephod, and for the breastplate.” Why the change, that the rulers offered these things and not another person? But it is written, “Whoever is of a willing heart, let him bring it as the Lord’s contribution,” and it is written, “The onyx stones, and the stones to be set, for the ephod, and for the breastplate,” thus it is a Mitzva [precept/commandment] for every person!

392) However, the Creator said, “Although this donation depends on everyone, let the rulers bring these stones because these stones are on the heart of the priest.” The Creator said, “Let the rulers, whose heart is proud within them, come and bring these stones that are on the heart of the priest, and they will be atoned for the pride of their hearts.” It is written, “And they shall be upon Aaron’s heart, when he goes in before the Lord.” This is why the rulers brought the onyx stones, to atone for them.

393) And this is why it is written, “When a ruler sins and unintentionally does any one of all the things which the Lord his God has commanded not to be done,” which is like breaking one of the negative Mitzvot. It is also written, “Or make his sin known to him,” since because his heart is proud within him, he does not notice his sins. Only afterwards does it become known to him and he repents.

(înapoi la pagina ZOHAR CUPRINS / VAYIKRA – click)

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